It’s always good to become more healthy but the issue with this virus is that our bodies have no existing immunity from having handled something similar in the past, that’s why its original name was “novel coronavirus.”
In addition to that, there are reports of reinfection, and also that a slight mutation will lead to rapid reinfection with what’s technically a new strain, with all the same risks hitting an already weakekend body. So the virus can create its own “pre-existing health condition,” then come back for another ride.
The epidemiologist thinks lockdowns are essential, global govts who usually hammer the unemployed and the disabled on welfare all think so…
If I was personally worried about income (which I am a bit, who isn’t) I’d be working on a wealth altar and courting the Muses, for inspiration, and for that lucky brerak.
Remember that while we care about our communities, personal wealth comes first (same as in a plane, you put your own oxygen on before helping others) so now’s the time to start building relationships and forging pacts.
Jason Miller has good advice on this in his books and blog, and there are some ideas in this topic as well: