Core Shamanism Tutorial

I must say I am struggling greatly with this. It’s indicated that even people with no experience pick this up fast.
But I’ve made many attempts for quite some weeks and haven’t got anywhere with it. Haven’t found an animal, or anyhing. Just blackness.
Any thoughts on where I might be going wrong?

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Maybe try a guided meditation that leads you through visualising where to go.

So I’m the black, you notice tie in a forest, and as you walk forward there’s a huge tree… you look at the trunk and see a door in it. Open the door, and there are stairs. You descend the stairs, which level out into a cave lit by crystals.

You realize there are many tables with people fearing and laughing, and at the head table are the king and queen of the fae. You can approach them and ask for an audience: what you say from here is your s to know :slight_smile:


Many thanks, but my concern would be if the specific imagery is provided by going down hole, would that not obstruct the actual experience? ie, id just be visualising suggested imagery?


Any experience you will have would be a mix of your imagination and real contact.

At the beginning it’s hard to see what comes from us and what comes from the outside world.

But guess what, as within, so without.

Your subconscious will always feed the blank with what it knows and the pictures you will have comes from your own dictionary.

Spirits don’t have a defined form, just interpretations given during history.

Angels looked like geometric or light shapes before the Victorian era. Same faeries who jumped from tall being to small ones.

Live the experience, take note, ask for signs…


Yep, that’s kind of the point I was driving at, but you articulated it far better.
What I was trying to express (but did not express well): In terms of the idea of a guided meditation that extends beyond entering the tree hole, my concern is that it would be much more of the former (imagination, specifically suggestion directed imagination) rather than the latter (real contact).

Apologies for the clumsiness and grammatical failures of the above paragraph.

Yes, I know this well my friend, and I am well acquainted with its complexities and how they create ambiguity between themselves and outside contact :slight_smile:

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No, it’s just a jumping off point. It’s like when someone tells you to picture a door, but they don’t tell what kind of door, so your mind fills in the details. In my experience, the specifics provided in a guided meditation tend to be just general enough that your mind will be able to expand upon them and bring forth your own unique experience.

I use journeying and pathworking a lot so I know it can sometimes feel like it’s “just imagination” but eventually there is no denying you’ve done something when you get actual results in the material world.


Not so much: you’re not going to stop after this first few seconds, you take it from there.

What instructs experience the most, is doubt, and lack of lived experience. You can’t experience what you can’t imagine: it will be invisible to you.

But you’re not at the place where you can dive in alone anyway, seeing as that’s question here right? So, what this will do it train your subconscious and conscious minds to communicate better and get you started. Give you a pathworking if you will to get to new places… these places are talk and shamans have used the exact visualusation successfully for who knows how long. Try it!

As you go on you will find your way, the scene will unfold if you let it, this is only a way to get moving.

Same as what @Auberon said basically :slight_smile: Gotta start somewhere. You made it to what I call “the dark place”, you can go anywhere from there. Walk around in it and look for a light to follow, see a ladder and climb out and see there you end up.

I like the tree because that’s the world tree, ygdrassil, you can go both up and down to any level from there too.

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Ah, many thanks. So if I’m understand correctly, I’m needing to actively apply imagination, rather than just seeing what comes up in the darkness?


Yes, give it a kick start and it’ll take over as you get into it.


No necessarily. I couldn’t do this tutorial because aphantasia…

So Eva walked me through how to use the after image of an upside down triangle… which I still couldn’t see, but I could feel and shape energy and make it a triangle (in feeling) in front of my eyes…

I was doing healing journeys for my cat, basically I was using the triangle shape to enter the astral through the root of creation (Eva’s description of the place). So basically the intent was to go someplace change could be made rather than just meandering. (I should do this more often, it’s been months since I’ve had an intent with projection or taken a journey)

My very first journey I thought was strange as shit, but I managed it and saw the bright blue blips of light against my eyelids…. Then suddenly there was a faint image… like a photo. Then another…

After a few attempts and some practice I realized very quickly that journeys took place all the while I could feel my body and my cat, and interact with the world but all from a stationary place almost like VR. Like visions would be a good description kinda, except there’s still control. Idk it’s less physical in sensation for me.

It ends as suddenly as it starts for me also, all of a sudden I’ll be staring at the wall, or the back of my eyelids again.

I never have the return or wake up sensation with journeys.

How’s your intent doing when you do this? To practice Eva had my write my intent down on paper and say it three times directly after closing my eyelids to make sure my subconscious knew what we were doing.

Like for example:

I am going through the shakti triangle to find Atropos (my cat) and bring back the lost fragments of her soul so she can begin to heal.

I don’t even know that a reason is important to it, but she had me give it, probably to to strengthen the intentions I suppose and make sure I landed where I meant to?

I never really analyzed it before sorry! I just know I don’t use any imagination of any sense with journeys so I don’t think you have to, there probably is better ways around it than this, but I don’t think you have to imagine first.

But it might kick start it I guess? :face_with_monocle: seems like the imagination works with structuring and evoking too right? People use their imagination until their senses get better, so that should work here also.


Many thanks for the detailed information! Hugely appreciated.
So far each time my intent has been to meet this mysterious animal (as per part 1 of Eva’s instructions) but I just haven’t had any come up.

Come to think of it, I have been pretty unclear about what the purpose of these journeys are, other than potentially gathering information or advise later up the tree (but im still looking for the dang animal in the lower).

Ah, this struck a cord with me. Once I get the gist of this better (and find that dang elusive animal) and I can see myself utilising this.

This all sounds like a very fascinating process, but I seem to be a slow learner on this one

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I thought that too, like I didn’t believe it would work and almost didn’t try it her way. Then I Figured if I didn’t try it, I couldn’t be sure. I’m glad I tried it!

Idk if it was a black triangle on white or a white triangle on black that she sent me to try to stimulate an after image.

I only ever once saw an animal when trying to do it the original way, and it was just a flash of a mean looking cat that I never saw again!

I’ve since encountered a place I’d call an island sized pet shop, but not even close to what your supposed to imagine for this and it’s got life sized my little pet shop features so I think it has to be something from childhood despite my lack of visual imagination…

So idk. I wouldn’t be discouraged or surprised if it’s not an animal you meet. I think the animal thing is to make them friendly on the eyes and safe, but honestly I read once in a Tibetan book that most older traditions of shamanism do not use or hardly ever use animals like this method. (They mentioned the Harner method by name)

I haven’t studied enough traditions to know, but what I’ve seen so far does seem to heavily revolve trend towards ancestors and higher powers.

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Interesting, so maybe I’m too hung on following the tutorial precisely, and the animal thing is holding me back. Perhaps I should just go in with the intention of exploring and not worry about the animal bit?

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Well, idk but optionally if the animal thing isn’t working you could use the intent of meeting a guide instead of a power animal.

I’d assume if for some reason you don’t have an animal guide, you’d basically create one over time or attract one, but I guess I don’t know that you could assume everyone would have at least one true guide in the form of an animal.

But I don’t know, I’m just throwing it out there that this particular method didn’t really work for me but others from Eva did! :rofl:

The concept of a power animal is kinda similar to me as a totem animal, so I’m not sure if it wouldn’t start out rather generic for some people?

At any rate, there may be a better method for you, even if we don’t know what it is off hand lol! I know there’s quite a few methods of getting into the right state and taking the journey.


Yep, all for all I know I may have one, just I’m not perceiving it through this process

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A post was split to a new topic: Shamanic journeying vision of cow upper worlds

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to Mulberry. Their willingness to share these knowledge and resources about Shamanism has been truly invaluable to me. From the very first time I heard about the practice, I knew it was something that resonated with me on a deep level.

I am truly grateful for Mulberry’s generosity and willingness to share these links. It has been a transformative experience for me, and I am excited to continue learning more about Shamanism. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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I walked towards the world tree and immediately found a hole in the root, it was rather large and immediately visible at the front. Did not take long to find. I went in legs first and found myself going deep.

The hole was dirty and I slid until eventually I found myself falling out of a log and into a large lake. I didn’t see much and felt a sense of drowning so I called out for help and was helped out of the lake by what looked like a lotr elf. He greeted me and welcomed me to the lower world. I told him I was looking for my power animal and left me to my business.

I called out and met a small fox, I asked him to show me himself three times. I saw eyes, perked ears and a wagging tail.I asked if he had a name and I saw what looked like some kind of arcane text.

We went back to the lake and the world tree and I gave him the nickname Poranthor Dartist after a servitor from Brand’s book.

Successful Journey!

So yesterday I did the tutorial for the first trip into the lower plane and Found my power animal whose some kind of bird (I think falcon but can’t really tell since I don’t know birds well) and after completing it and going to bed I had a dream. In said dream I transformed into my power animal and flew around. So 1. thanks for the tutorial and 2. Does the have any special meaning?

Sounds like the journey was successful and you have verification via dream that you made contact. Nice! :slight_smile: