Convo with Lilith

Same experience, thers no such thing ad coincidence

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Well…that was a weird one :laughing:

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It sure is weird XD


These are great experiences. I can’t wait to have spiritual experiences like these ones. Please continue these posts as much as possible

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September 19, 2021

I slept all morning til afternoon (because I feel sick) and surprisingly I remembered my dream. I’m with a girl in a library. As I walked inside, I can feel her cold gaze at me. She has pale skin, has a calm demeanor and holding a book.

Girl: I was waiting for you
Me: Why are you waiting? Do I know you?
Girl: No, but I do know you
Me: You didn’t answer my first question.
Girl: Isn’t it obvious, I’m waiting because I always wanted to talk with you
Me: Then, let’s talk
Girl: First, how are you feeling right now?
Me: Terrible, I feel sick.
Girl: Emotionally and mentally?
Me: …
Girl: Describe each in one word
Me: Craving
Girl: Interesting
Me: Seeking
Girl: I see, it’s in progress
Me: Look, wwhy are you asking me these things?
Girl: I want you to take a closer look with yourself. What can you see?
Me: Sigh I already know myself, can we just talk about something else?
Girl: Oh? Then I suppose you can already fix your “Internal conflict” by then. I must be mistaken.
Me: I don’t have “Internal conflict” at all, I’m just talking with myself!

She looks at me then writes something down in her book.

Me: What are you writing?
Girl: Subject still in denial…
Me: Wha—
Girl: Moving on, how do you plan to fix it?
Me: Why does it even matter to you!?
Girl: Calm down, I’m doing this for your sake
Me: Just leave me alone

After I said that, for a second I thought I saw her cold eyes changed. And that was enough to change my mind.

Me: Fine, do your thing

She looks away and clears her throat.

Girl: Don’t worry… I’m not permanent like those demons you have been interacting with.
Me: How do you…
Girl: Know? Of course, I know who you are after all.
Me: That’s creepy
Girl: Is it? It’s natural for me since I only exist in your mind.
Me: A dream? Or like ‘her’?
Girl: Similar to a dream. My existence solely depends on you, if you wanted me to disappear then I will be.
Me: My mind sure is a mess.
Girl: That’s what every mind is
Me: So you mean that I created you?
Girl: That sure is a complicated question. But the answer is yes and no
Me: Why?
Girl: Yes, because your mind unconsciously created a ‘core’ and that ‘core’ is the reason why I exist. No, because I’m someone you already forgotten
Me: …
Girl: Time’s up. It’s time for you to go.
Me: Wait—

I woke up after that dream, it’s weird because it felt like I really know her.

At night, I decided to ask Lilith about it.

Me: What is that about
Lilith: It is what it is. A dream, a fragment, a part of something.
Me: So, she is like a spirit or something?
Lilith: No, how do I explain this one…
Me: And how do you even know what’s in my mind?

I eyed her suspiciously.

Lilith: You really are… We are connected in a way and that’s simply the reason.
Me: Wait, I thought connections are similar to relationships!
Lilith: It is, but i’m not a human and you are one.
Me: This is confusing
Lilith: Look, that girl is something always a part of you. Let me show you something.

I followed her into her temple and we entered a basement. She handed me clear crystal.

Me: What is…
Lilith: Put her into that crystal
Me: Why would I do that?
Lilith: Trust me
Me: …Fine…
Lilith: Visualize
Me: Thanks

I did what she told me and I noticed the crystal glowing. I can see a tiny version of that girl in the crystal but her eyes are both closed, she’s sleeping.

Lilith: You can throw it away and it will never comeback. You will forget about it
Me: No!
Lilith: Figures. Keep it maybe you can remember something.
Me: Can’t you just tell me?
Lilith: This is a part of your journey. I am merely a guide.
Me: sigh I guess this works. Thank you.

She smiles at me and I decided to wake up. Looks like I need to figure the answers myself.


I’m sorry but I cannot remember some of the conversations and some of them are really long, so I simply wrote what I think is notable.


This is getting interesting, perhaps maybe the girl is someone from your past and you may have forgotten about her but your subconsious remembers her hence why she exists in your mind.

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That’s also a possibility too, although i don’t remember getting in a accident

Didn’t read all the conversations, but know one thing: beggining to work with Lilith might implicate an ‘accidental’ qliphotic initiation. Of course I don’t want to scare you, bud, but that happened to me :stuck_out_tongue:


Welp, that actually happened to me XD


So there you go. Expect trials. She will push your buttons harder and harder until you get what you need to get. But it is worth it, so be brave


Yeah, I hope I can get through this. Thanks!

September 20, 2021

I can’t remember why I was crying when I met with Lilith tonight, I can’t remember much but everything went to dark when I shout out something. Lilith comforted me until I fell asleep, so nothing happened much tonight.


Nice journal😀

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September 21, 2002

I did an invocation before it turned midnight and met up with Lilith.

I was in the coast of the sea, it has a beautiful view. I can hear the waves and see the moon in it’s peak. But when I closed my eyes I felt a sudden change in the air, I can hear the waves getting violent. When I opened my eyes, my surroundings turned red and I saw the moon turned into red. Perhaps is this what they call a blood moon? I heard a voice speaking to me and telling me to go into the water. At first, I hesitated since I thought that the voice was trying to kill me but my curiosity overcame my hesitation and walked into the water. I was surprised to see that the water turned red and it became blood. I heard a whisper again to soak my body in the blood and this time I didn’t hesitated. I soaked my body in blood and went to the land again but the blood didn’t stick to me which I found weird. When I get back I saw Lilith standing with her wings open and as she turns around, she hands me a cup with something in it. I drank it and she offered her hand.

Lilith: Our journey has already started.

When I accepted it, everything ended. I didn’t get a chance to ask her anything but I think this meant something.


That could have possibly been the Unholy Grail of Immortality. Her sister or other aspect of herself, Eisheth Zenuien offers it to those who seek her out in Gamalial which is the first sphere in the Qliphoth after passing through Naamah’s gate.


Yeah that might be it, although I don’t know how did I get at this point XD

September 22, 2021

I didn’t get to meet with Lilith tonight, I found myself in a garden(again). I can’t remember what happened but I can remember that there was something flying around the garden. I roamed around and all I can find is trees and plants until the flying thing landed in front of me. I really can’t remember who that is but I know that we talked about something.


I forgot to write down september 23 XD

September 23, 2021

Tonight i saw Lilith in her temple but not in her throne room.

Me: Hey, it’s been a while
Lilith: Is it? It’s only been a day or two
Me: Eh?
Lilith: Nevermind, what brings you here?
Me: Well, I actually came for Naamah. She’ll teach me how to sing?
Lilith: I see, you’re not sure whether she will teach you or not
Me: Yeah
Lilith: Then let’s find her

Lilith and I exits the temple and finds Naamah in front of the gate as usual.

Me: Lady Naamah! Can you teach me how to sing?
Naamah: You really think it’s teaching?
Me: Errr, I don’t know

She laughs then left and comes back with a small cup.

Me: This is?
Naamah: I will “teach” you
Me: Oh?

She hands me the cup. The liquid is red but i can smell liquor and not blood, drapite it’s color.

Naamah: Come back here on another day and drink this again. You can find this on my altar not too far from the waterfalls.
Me: Thank you!
Lilith: Well, is that all?
Me: Yeah, for tonight, I suppose
Lilith: Goodbye then
Me: Thanks a lot Lilith!


September 24, 2021

I didn’t get to meet with Lilith tonight, many things happened and maybe tomorrow will be a good time to meet with her.

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