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does it take a long time for the succubus to appear. i keep waking up but see no succubus i heard whispers. But cannot Understand them. When it says my name i can understand that. But its Keeps calling Vahn Instead of my real name some odd reason. It calls calls me by Vahn. Vahn is the main character of a book i am making.

Don’t know why
its calling me Vahn or how its knows of my character but its strange.
Most of my story is dreams that i have i sleep during the day i am a bit

of a night owl always been. the night is the most beautiful more beautiful than daylight.

But most of the characters came from dreams somewhere added in i do add some storylines but most of it is during dreams mixed with my

creation i use my dreams in a way to speak out on my expression things i can’t normally say giving the type of world we live will think i’m a crazy man or with the outrage people that will make a target.

I take what my dreams
are trying to tell me. Not everything that seem evil is evil but misunderstood. Not everything that is good is good but mass lies played my Media Cut off media then you cut the head of the snake.

Cut off the support then you get rid of the tail.
I know most people will not get theses meanings But it was said to me
in a dream once by a man with snow white long hair very old to be 10000 years old.

that spoke to me just because the bible
says its evil don’t make it evil or good? Like Humans Succubus and other such beings has their wants in don’t most are misunderstood.

And if you asks me humans are the most evil
when they act out of fear. This was the end of my dream I understand most of it but that last part i understand half of it.

Human beings act on different emotions Not just fear it can be also tied to pride too much pride is a bad thing for human beings.

I can always sense energy too. This lets me know what type of energy i’m sensing. But there was a energy type

this was not a energy of a spirit
it felt like something that came from space in wanted to communicate with me but i did not want to communicate this thing did not have any type of emotion unlike human and demons or ghosts you can sense the emotions coming from the energy types that let you know.

What type of energy you sensing every living being has energy you can sense both living and dead the energy of the bein still exist but and another level of exists. What this thing was not of the earth of never been on earth at any short.

the energy was clear like it was standing next to me at times but was so far up in space. I could not sleep the entire night i know this was not demon energy but something unknown and wanted no communication with it.

Hey friend how is your night

Good till someone in my hse said they can’t sleep cuz they are having nightmares just after I had communicated with the demons I work with plus others that came along with them.

you Aliens has energy too. When you communicate with spirts aliens finds ways to communicate too that’s one of the many plus and downsides with communicating once one group knows you can communicate with them then other beings will want to communicate too.

i learn this the hard way when i had encounters with these beings late at night when my room was pitch black. I seen a head of a grey it was very scary. I think it came during the time i started having the ability to sense energy.

I was trying to make contract with a dead friend that past away and ended contracting the grey instead.

hey everyone what’s going on

It means you having some interversions with your ability to sense.
You may have a family member or person down playing your abilities.

I have this problem
with my family you have to learn to block them.

and keep learning how to develop your strength like keep looking up this topic. Find ways and read books online with this topic. Block out anyone that can do harm to your beliefs of this subject. Family can get in your head.

might be the reason the reason why your Succubi or incubi leaves it might have issues with your family and only come to you when you’re alone.

Try asking it what its thinks of your family.
or it might be doing other work for Lilith that my needs it to leave amount of time then show up when that task is done witch Lilith asks him or her.

You might can ask can you come along if its possible next time you see it.

@vahndragon, “I am Lilith. I don’t give a fuck what your family does. My interaction is between u and I, not U, I and your family. " dude stop spreading false ideas on Lilith. She deems u as, " desparate.” Word of caution, u don’t want to come off as a desparate character.


Oh no didn’t mean it like that. I was just thinking maybe the reason why the is leaving might be a task or something else keeping them from opening up to their lovers. or maybe you are sending them on a important tasks that needs their attention did not mean to make you upset. your maybe this person needs training on their ability.

I still need training myself maybe you and me can talk tonight i myself still need training on communicating… But i wonder did you get the letters i burn

Been having dreams about this women name Christy so i made a last name valentine. I been writing this character and the Vahn and Urbane character. I don’t what these names mean to me or why i keep making stories about them…

In my dreams Christy often become Lilith by forming with her twin sister Veronica or by choice who ever she chosen to use as a possession. Lilith prefer Christy over Veronica Because Christy

Become stronger then the four characters at a very fast rate she become so strong that her powers reset causing her unable to use them at a period of until her rages grows deep and deep into anger and the stronger her powers become witch reason why She unlocks the Lilith transformation faster the Veronica does.

This happens because Lilith was broke into souls the Ice soul veronica the flames soul Christy if the two souls combined they can form their true form or by one of the twins going berserk with enough power and rage to be possess by lilith. Letter on and other books Lilith and Christy

become use of being in the same body. When Lilith and Christy become allies in books due to them needing each other to survive. Christy is so strong that she cannot be killed once her in Lilith become allies.

Do have a daughter with the name Christy or prefer to be called Christy? Name has been stuck with me for a long time. Its my dreams are telling me something about these names. But Christy is the most one i choice makes me believe.

That the Succubus assigned to me
name could be Christy.

I don’t know those just yet. Like I mentioned, when I went down to hell n back with Lilith, that’s what I found out. I know her forms, but not names of her daughters

I have to find out what these dreams are. I never have dreams about myself its always of the three characters. Most of my goes by really fast or super anime. its never about myslef

I do have respect and hope to encounter one night. I really love reading lore and writing about her it will be a honor to meet her in person.

Maybe i am a lost Incubus
dreaming of a past or many pasts.

I don’t feel like i’m part of my family it’s i am lost.

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If u allow me, I’ll come to u when u sleep. You can ask @Justin about that if u doubt it.

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Do it have to be at 3:00am or anytime

Idk. It just happens when I soul travel. In this case, I ended up @Justin’s. His was around that time though.

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You are always welcome too come anytime you want I want to learn about Succubus and Incubus and to welcome too a home

if there someone i want to be with when i die is lilith

You won’t be alone. She has many husbands to hang out with :slight_smile: