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I don’t have to burn the letter again right?

No need for multiple letters. You already asked, so there is no need to be redundant. Trust me, you’ve been heard.


good i heard they can spoil you with gifts don’t want to ask too much. But a video games here or there. But nothing too much

see sounds fun. and i must move out of the area i living hope they are bound to the place. I live in a very bad spot of town. People here are always getting into trouble with police and blaming others for their own faults So you can guess what type of town in city and state i live.

To move away from all these issues will be a life changer for me
I will be very happy to move away from my area.


I have PC/PS4/PS3/Vita/wii/3ds

Are u going to be online in an hr?

You don’t have an xbox?

Your town does not sound like a good place for you. Ask the entities you’re working with to open the way for you to move so that you can advance in your magick studies. Better yet, get a like minded friend to agree with you on your desire and utilize the power of two. It’s worked wonders for me before. Two heads are much better than one.

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No because most xbox games are going on PC

can a succubus wake you up at anytime or do it have to be 3;00am

Is pc fun? I might get one.

They’ll wake u up at anytime Lilith anywhere between 2-5am.

the other reason i want to is my family are very strong SJWs types they get outrage by anything and everything. Video games you name it. And they are always right when they always wrong. My life has been shutter.

Can’t say or do this can’t eat this
can’t speak to this person that person can’t eat food from this person because the owner id racist you get the deal. I want to see new things meet new people sick of being with overprotective parents.

they can really
bring you down even when you just want to make new friends
that’s my goal of summoning a succubus is get away from it all.

Please forgive my ignorance. What are SJWs?

social justice warriors the types that makes issues out of everything.
then often show their hypocrisy when one of their own does things they hate or call out other people. Let’s you say a word they don’t like they bring a witch mob of people after you for set word or misunderstanding.

But when they say the same word it means different when they say it.
Its means you a bad person when you say set word.

is it true that Succubus shapeshifts. Then why cheat on them when you can have them shapeshifts into human women you desire.

I heard stories of men cheating on them
and i am thinking why on earth will you cheat on Succubus for it don’t make sense.

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I love learning new stuff about this topic i’m trying to make books on this topic

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Awesome! I look forward to reading them! I like books way too much. I used to teach English in the public school system and abroad. Perhaps that’s why.

does it take a long time for the succubus to appear. i keep waking up but see no succubus i heard whispers. But cannot Understand them. When it says my name i can understand that. But its Keeps calling Vahn Instead of my real name some odd reason. It calls calls me by Vahn. Vahn is the main character of a book i am making.

Don’t know why
its calling me Vahn or how its knows of my character but its strange.
Most of my story is dreams that i have i sleep during the day i am a bit

of a night owl always been. the night is the most beautiful more beautiful than daylight.

But most of the characters came from dreams somewhere added in i do add some storylines but most of it is during dreams mixed with my

creation i use my dreams in a way to speak out on my expression things i can’t normally say giving the type of world we live will think i’m a crazy man or with the outrage people that will make a target.

I take what my dreams
are trying to tell me. Not everything that seem evil is evil but misunderstood. Not everything that is good is good but mass lies played my Media Cut off media then you cut the head of the snake.

Cut off the support then you get rid of the tail.
I know most people will not get theses meanings But it was said to me
in a dream once by a man with snow white long hair very old to be 10000 years old.

that spoke to me just because the bible
says its evil don’t make it evil or good? Like Humans Succubus and other such beings has their wants in don’t most are misunderstood.

And if you asks me humans are the most evil
when they act out of fear. This was the end of my dream I understand most of it but that last part i understand half of it.

Human beings act on different emotions Not just fear it can be also tied to pride too much pride is a bad thing for human beings.