Contacting Lucifer on a ouija board?

Okay so before I start I am 99% sure that whoever this is isn’t the actual Lucifer but it is strange. Basically twice now when I’ve used the Ouija board and asked for a name they have said their name is Lucifer but honestly I don’t really believe it. I asked if there was a way they could confirm that they were really Lucifer and it went to yes but nothing really happened (unless I did not see it)

But I wanted to ask if a spirit is saying that they are so and so is there a way to actually confirm it.

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Ouija boards are awesome but they are really an invocation medium. So if you’re not experienced, invoking the entity is a more fail safe way to connect with them through a ouija boards.

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Oh interesting. I heard putting a sigil under a Ouija board can also help contact that deity is that true?

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It’s dodgy. Same as checking for impostors, ask it to show you its sigil in your minds eye. Do not bring the sigil to mind yourself to help it.

Ouija boards are notorious for being attached to and attracting impostors, tricksters, and ghosts and are associated with Pazuzu. I would not use one for working with entities that have sigils as there are better ways to contact them.

If I were to try using one I’d banish and cleanse it first. Did you cleanse it by any chance before you started?

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oh I didn’t whoops that’s something I should do before and after I use it