
Yes there are consequences for Leaving the LHP or even thinking about leaving it.

You will be cast into the void where you will meet a group of monsters who will devour you and spit you back out repeatedly.

Then after they are done…you will return to your body a shell of what you once were. You will wake up to find that your taxes have been raised and you can No longer get free college from Bernie sanders.

You will start wanting to make America great again and will descend down the path of.the libertard.

You will start eating Only Vegetables and stop eating raw meat in an attempt to become more “spiritual” than others. You will also stop cracking open cold ones with the boys.

You will view memes as blasphemy and delete your whole catalog cause now you feel it too worldy.

Your right arm will decrease in muscle mass because you stopped fapping because somewhere you heard it’s “disrespectful to wamen” to fantasize about them.

Then you find yourself on your knees in a group of (most of the time) black people shaking and asking some white bastard to abide in your heart eternally.

Yeah hombre. ThERe aRE So MANy CONseQUenCes TO leAVing the LHP.
Don’t even think about it :ok_hand::smirk: