Are there any consequences of stopping working with entities? Forgeting or trying to forget about LHP?
it all depends on if you bound yourself to an entity or not.
If you break vows or oaths you have sworn, it can lead to severe consequences.
I guess it depends on your agreed “contract” with the entity, and whether the fact of stopping is a period of inactivity or an actual definite stop (at least in this current life encarnation). Also you will havr to think about what kind of entity or “face” of it you are dealing with.
I mean just a litttle contact with King Paimon and my succubi, I am thinking about it because my bioenergytherapist is very scepthial about daemons and dead people ententies. And she is really expirienced with energy but not with daemons and when I asked for some help for balancing my energy (after forced opening hearth chakra by King Paimon) she told me that I took it on my self so I gotta deal with it.
Maybe I just gotta take some free time from working with beings, and thing about it.
It is gonna sound very stupid…but have you actually asked Kind Paimon about it? About getting help, I mean. I don’t know, I haven’t got experience with him. But hey, you could try, with all the respect to his entity. If it works, then, fixed.
No I got many signs from nature or world behind us but I got some fear not specially for those beings but working with them may break up my balance or something? I love bulding up my energy but maybe working with them wasn’t good idea? Or it’s natural people scare for them? I know anything we do in our world isn’t safe but isn’t it playing with fire? Many meditating people are scared of them too
You may be right. Unfortunately I am not in your shoes so I am not really able to understand fully your situation. The only thing I can do is recommend you to work with your chakras, even with Reiki (if you know it or know someone who could do it to you). Also get in touch with nature, stroll, go to parks, to rivers if you can, or to the beach. Heal yourself, get some time for selfwork, dedicated only to you, and not to any other entity, at least for a while.
What do you think of the plan?
Great, I gotta think about it and what do you think about working with demons?
I haven’t worked with King Paimon but unless you are blatantly disrespectful he seems understanding and reasonable about things. Word of warning if you decide to push your succubus away though, they are highly emotional and will be very hurt by rejection after you asked for her. If you led her or Lilith to believe you wanted a relationship with her during the petition then I could see a potential shit storm opening up from that honestly.
I don’t have problem with her, I love her but she is demon isn’t she ?
I will just ask my succubi for some time to relax and think about everything.
It is good, they teach you what other entities won’t, but they can also get attached to you, as a form of cohabitation or osmosis, that can maybe not be what you expected (that can include harm).
On the other hand, I could quickly scan you to see where does the energy problem comes from, if you allow me.
But I think you have the key to all the doors that will help you improve the situation.
I would be very grateful. I really feel anxiety and some hapiness in same time …
I know 1 thing I really need some time to forget about it and decide what to do
I guess the worst thing is that when I tell about it someone (christians) they are like: Are you gonna be dead?
Who the fuck knows I was using brain to everything I have spiritual done.
I haven’t scanned much, but you seem to have an entity parasiting your energy. I think it may be the succubus.
Unfortunately I haven’t got the solution to that. I haven’t worked with previous agreements with succubus/inccubus before. It is not as simple as kicking’em out. I think that what it has been previously said will help. And maybe, rest a bit from the succubus? At least temporarily.
Anyway, it is only a suggestion.
I did not gave you any info about me how lol?
Nevermind, I sumonned her before and I did not feel like that, but I started to feel like that after pleasing King Paimon for spiritual help and I guess he touched my hearth chakra and that’s where problem comes from too much energy for me when I am not ready. I guess
You don’t need to neither! I am just trying to help. I am glad if I could at least ease your anxiety.
If you know where the problem comes from, then you are fortunate. You know how to fix it
If I sounded rude sorry I just don’t know how you know it :?
I am most worried by my family bioenergytherapist I mean what she have said sounds not good specially for her but she know ghosts and demons from hostile side
Don’t worry. I just quickly scanned you after you gave me permission for it.
It is normal that some people approach the “unknown” with fear, and that includes the lower Entities from the Underworld (if you want to call them that).
You can maybe tell her/him that you have been dealing with some cooperative entities/spirits that may have drained you out. If you don’t use the keyword “demon” it should be alright.
I think I gotta found my spirit guide and ask him for help is it good idea?