Connection between humans Magick and science

I’ve read Lucifer and the hidden demons not completed, but I saw that part of Carl Jung and my mind started racing ideas theories connection coralations, and I started wondering is Magick and spirituality not more connected to Science and humans as a whole, is it maybe the center of the web of science, because Carl Jung found images that were spiritual and universal in nature in the collective unconscious, and in biology there is reason to believe humans have some sort of telepathy, I don’t know the precise details but humans having or the brain developing a sort of telepathy, leads credence to the collective unconscious, but if those images that are rituals in and of itself, why is Magick a process if it’s so ingrained in us, is it to strengthen our connection with our innate Magick, or did we lose the connection with Magick, was Magick earlier more prevalent, sorry if my ramblings are chaotic in my brain it has order, once I pull it outside my it has a tendency to become chaotic,

Maybe there are more connections between Magick and science, because if I could time travel to 15th century, with my mobile phone and I ask as the near by castle, what’s the wifi password I would be murdered for witchcraft,

I my opinion, yes they are both describing models that let you work with reality, just in different ways.

Science is specifically restricted, by design, to observations of physical phenomena. The Chinese have studies on qi, but there’s very little acceptance of studying “fringe” subjects in western science, which ironically makes it more like a religion, but there’s a lot of money invested in the current status quo and that’s why. :smiley:

We were talking about this here - the video linked is scientific, but also clearly magick. The “placebo effect” is magickal healing, everything is energy waveforms interacting.

I certainly think that Magick is much more of a mental process and all the ritual and everything else are tools to just tap into what we are doing. I made a reply here to another thread awhile back where a member was asking about easy Magick. I suggested this book called Mind Magic for Beginners (the author escapes me at the moment) where all it comes down to is visualization, feeling the image, letting it become real in your mind, and letting the desire go. I’ve had some great success with this very simple method so it’s lead me to believe that there is something where the mind can’t tell the difference between what we call reality and the mix of feeling and visualization. Now, how you go from the image and then it comes about physically, that’s where I’m not too sure.

To share some ideas, I think magick is the science of the unseen world (a more chaotic and unbound world) where the science study the material world (a more limited and orderly world). There’s also the thing that each world affects the other in its own way, the spiritual world influences the material world if the energies condense into something, while the material world influences the spiritual world when matter loses its “condensation” and becomes more fluid and moldable (gaining meanings and correspondences beyond the purely material), such as an athame or a wand.

All things are interconnected if you ask me. Science and Magick are sides of the same coin. Some people choose to look at one side of the coin, or the other. Personally I try to look at the coin as a whole.

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There has always been a connection between magick and science. They both come from the same root, which is mankind’s curiosity about the world. In fact, several scientific disciplines can be traced directly from metaphysical practices. Chemistry comes from alchemy, for example, and astronomy comes from attempts to divine the best time for the harvest. Medicine comes from the study of plants, etc. The Western world owes a lot of its scientific knowledge that is often credited to the Greeks to Persia, which brought its advanced knowledge of astronmy and mathematics to Greece when they invaded (conquest was the most common way knowledge was disseminated in the ancient world, even more than trade). In Persia, there was no conflict between religion and science. Their god-emperor had court astrologers along with mathematicians and doctors.

I guess with western science you mean america Europe is also not that open minded but I know why china and Asian countries are more open minded to it their culture screams furthering the future and honoring the past with religion’s and all I actually have much respect for that culture looking forward but also respecting the past

I don’t know if it’s the reason for thing happening after thinking or feeling but the concept is similar ever heard about law of attraction and manifesting I’m not saying that’s the reason I’m only citing the connection

I personally have the same with positive and negative good and bad I googled the worst parts of humanity to understand what’s the worst of Humanity to better understand and cherish the good of humanity also two halves of the same coin there is not one without the other I started watching that because in my school years I was naive

Em i mean Euorpe, Americas and western countries, culturally. As opposed to the East or Middle East or Africa.

But this also includes Scandinavia and Australia, NZ generally speaking, which also have rich native folk lore around the fae.

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