Conjuration Of Moses Law: Talisman

My astral projection sigil is from the Greater Key of Solomon. The spirits in Chesed answer to the Godname El, and the planetary spirits in Jupiter answer to El Ab or Iao. All of this is explained in the Greater Key.

The spirits in the 6th & 7th Books of Moses answer to the Godnames in the Semiphoras of Adam or Moses. I substituted the Godname ANABONA for the Conjuration of the Laws of Moses based on the description of its use in the Greater Key because its Godname wasn’t apparent to me from the grammar.

What’s the sigil for astral projection can you send it to me in pm if you don’t mind?

I already answered that question for you but you keep asking it. Why?

This seems to have completed and is drifting off topic.

@Mrmagic0 Please do not offer to share copyright material on this forum. It’s against the rules not least because this is a privately owned forum and we don’t want the owners to get into legal trouble.

Small clean up made and post closed.