Confusion about shades

So I hear from people who do necromancy on here that it’s not actually them but a reflection of them? This confuses me. So when we contact said dead person are we just basing it off memories of the person? Or are you actually talking to said person’s consciousness/soul. My issue is If it’s not the real person and I’m just talking to my own subconscious basing it off memories of the person, then what is the point of contacting the dead even💀.

I mean ok one time I evoked my friend that passed away in high school 6 years ago and I saw her face in the scrying mirror, was that technically her I was actually talking to, like a part at least. Thanks! I’m asking cause I want to talk to her again 4 years later and I just want to know more about what I’m doing I’m curious :slightly_smiling_face:

There’s two kinds of things you can contact.

  1. The actual ghost as long as they have not died the second death which is the spirit itself still incarnate in the energy body.

  2. after they have moved on you can still talk to a copy of that person, that is practically indistingushable from the original. In the works of Edgar Cayce and Blavatsky they call this the version from the “akashic records”. Necromancy calls it a shade and in my estimation there the same thing. They called it “spiritualism”. You can get a lot of books on mediumship and spiritualism that are rather good as it was very popular at the time.

You get the same concept in Controlled Remote Viewing where you are viewing a copy of the person, activity or location, which is considered safer and less detectable than viewing the original.

Yes you can treat the copy as if it was the person, they will respond exactly as the original would in every way. The info is coming through your subconscious but originates in the copy aka shade.

After 6 years spirit has most likely moved on though and is likely unaware of the contract.

Traditions that handle the dead recommend you don’t try to contact the departed for a year, this is to help them have time to move on (finish drying) so they are not held back in ghost form unessesarily. They go so far as to set a tabboo on saying the persons name even.


Great and interesting question, since what happens to you after death is an ongoing worldwide debate.

I’ve never seen much use in connecting specific deceased humans. I’m on de reincarnation bandwagon, meaning I think it’s spiritually speaking the most logical that if someone’s on the regular wheel of life and death and doesn’t stick around (for whatever reason). You move on after death to a plane/ level in the (astral) realm of the dead that corresponds with your previous life in order to have have your experience connected to your being, have the slate wiped clean and get ready for your next life and set of experiences.

In that light I think that there is a bigger chance that you either connect to a memory image, a thoughtform or an imposter (that doesn’t necessarily have to be malevolent) . Either of the former can be a 1 on 1 copy of the deceased as you have known them. That is just my personal opinion/ UPG, though.

I have used some form of necromancy to summon dead ascended beings/ magicians or at least the essence of them to trap in ritual tools in order to empower them.