Closing this account quiting the occult

Holy shit…!:exploding_head:
Meme, Nemesis. Coincidence I think not!


The one and only of course!!
Peter Cushing, a master but also known as Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars


So, like coyotes?


Don’t get a big head. most of us are simply indifferent regarding your life choices. And you aren’t important enough to warrant attack.


My mum was strick baptist and hated that I was very interested in the occult and when I brought home a book called the great beast by Colin Wilson which for anyone who doesn’t know is about Aleister Crowley.She went out and brought me a book called “from witchcraft to christ” and she got me to promise to read it thinking it would stop me from reading occult I sat down and read every last word.
I then went to mum and thanked her for getting me the book at which she sounded relieved…until I then said if I had any doubts before that this stuff really works they are now dispelled because one of your so called christians has written a book to say it works. Thanks Mum. (SHE WAS GUTTED)
The point of this missive …If you are attached in any way to that spiritually deluded mob of liberal nazis who like to call themselves christians make sure you keep your intuition as to what is truth and lies and fact from fiction, they are exellent at disguising anything they don’t like, and fake news was started by the christians it’s called the bible. Keep your intuition and you will stay sane, GOOD LUCK FOR THE FUTURE

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I agree. So I will also close my account, too, I will change my sex and become a catholic nun… just for fun :smiling_imp:


O.K. If you can stomach a god who sent himself, to sacrifice himself to himself, in order to save humanity from himself then I say enjoy the bells and smells. Although why god didn’t do that on the dark side of the Moon and secretly just save us all is beyond me. Also, father, son and male holy ghost (impregnated Mary) is a bit like Batman, Robin and Alfred - creepy. Join Opus Dei and flog the living shit out of yourself until your mind turns nasty and vomits on itself.

But that said, the rhp is a very powerful one, just not mine.

I met jesus at the crossroads. Where the two ways meet. Satan too was standing there and He said, ‘Come my way! Lots and lots of pleasures I will give to you today’. But I said, ‘No! There’s numb-nuts here. Let’s see what he offers me.’ ‘Down there your sins forgiven. Up there a home in heaven!’ ‘Praise god - Satan’s way for me!’

P.s. When I was forced as a kid to go to Sunday School my group of six kids had a woman teacher with coprolalia, except when she sang. Her sessions where both entertaining and educational.


This was just plain old beautiful to read! Thank you for the great gnosis.

Well to be quite honest I think he is just screwing around with us but if he is for real,I wish LucifugeAzazel good luck and I hope he finds his path,just please don’t get raped by a Catholic priest it won’t be nice lol


Gay as a giraffe’s spine

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It may not be what most here agree with but please don’t make comments like this, it is against the rules.


Good opportunity to continue your practice in a different medium. Pity you chucked the old instead of just locking it away. Been there and regretted the destroyed items, works, etc. Then again, one can rework the old. Pain is part of growth. This sounds cruel but may there be pain and growth in whichever path you take.

Ever-Bliss leads to stagnation and utter boredom. The journey, the pain, the everwar.

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I think its pretty obvious he was joking lol

While that’s true, it is still making fun of the poster and the religion he is going to.

I find Churches to be full of gay assholes myself but :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :woman_shrugging:


lol yeah churches are full of closeted gays lmao

Pls dont say gey its against the rules


Its gey get over yourself this is a black magician forum


So edgy!!
Being derogative to other members is against the forum rules, get over it.

FYI there is a White Magick section here.


Funny - I know someone close to home who was asked to join…

Seriously WHY is this thread still going?

@Lady_Eva I don’t know how you feel but it seems to be degenerating into who knows what.


Agreed. The edge lords will turn this into a hate fest if it stays around.
That quote is amazing :rofl: