Closing this account quiting the occult

I’ll be closing this account soon and quiting the occult all together as I am being more RHP and in need of light and peace I am joining the Catholic Church and only working with angelic forces there is no talking out of it I’ve heard all the stories about having bad experiences with this faith and ppl on the LHP saying Lucifer is a light bringer but all I feel from him and the demons is darkness and it’s tearing my spirit apart so I have to quit and leave all together…


Good luck on your journey… I totally understand what you mean.

Learn and grow. :wave: :heart:

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Best of luck to you! Congratulations on getting one step closer to finding your truth. Do what you feel is right for you and don’t let the judgement of others stand in your way.
We’ve never really interacted, but I’ll miss seeing your name around!


What do you understand light and peace to be?

Good, but don’t be enslaved by it. There is nothing wrong, really, but don’t forget you once tread this path so when you meet those who still does, don’t see them to be inferior. Or religiously, as devil or candidates of hell.

Ok, I’m no LHP, but I tell ya Lucifer indeed is a Light Bringer but you won’t see his light via evocation.

Hold on! You ain’t putting off occult totally, right? It will really help you in this new path. Yes, you may not fancy the demons anymore, but don’t bury your occult knowledge.


I am still going to use white magick and invoke saints and angels the way I did demons also going to be absorbing light energy via chakras like I did dark energy so no not 100* done just using it in a Christian format might become an excorcist if I’m ever up to it…

Also I just woke up with two demonic claw marks on my leg one of which is really long these demons better not fuck with me now out of jealousy or anger I just did a cleansing of my home and threw out all my LHP occult materials and broke my Ouija board in half… I now just have quartz crystals candles and incense along with a few rosaries and a Bible… war is coming and I am ready for the fight…


Yes judgment from others including the demonic is going to be tough everyone on the other side is afraid for me or angry with me…but I gotta do whats right in my eyes…

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I have to find the right path and calling in life before I die…

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Why didn’t you just donate it…?


@Sheogorath - If i had to guess I’d say that since @LucifugeAzazel wants to stay far away from it, she doesn’t want to “enable” or “entrap” others by handing the objects down.

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@LucifugeAzazel… You have so much drama. Hahahahahaha, it’s kinda funny anyway. You always want to do this and that everyday. I sense you lack persistence, patience and avoid pain. You are running away from your true self. You want easy. But my dear friend there is no easy.

LHP OR RHP, doesn’t matter, what matters is you. Who are you? Don’t run away from yourself. Face yourself and you will find your truth. You want to only feel light without darkness. Darkness is in light, it comes before light. Wherever you go, you won’t feel peace until you make peace with yourself. I wish all the best. Get stronger to survive. You Can. You are way more powerful than you can imagine.


The important thing is to keep yourself open to growth and learning as you enter the church. I’m not trying to dissuade you from it but let me tell you of one of my priests. He was such a nice and perfect priest when he first got there. My favorite all the way. He was gentle and soft spoken. He brought a feeling of light and safety into the church. But suddenly out of nowhere he began growing a beard randomly. Wearing more strict attire. His attitude changed and he was much more brainwashed feeling (apologies I dont know a better explaination) he no longer felt like a kind soul and I felt fear towards him. I was 16-18 during his change. As an 18 year old I feared our priest. He was the one I was willing to give Catholism a chance for. And when I saw that it scared me. I was confirmed. And then I never returned or set foot in a church since. I’m 25 now.

So just dont lose yourself in the process please. We are all beautiful beings and if God is real he would want us to blossom and grow. Not continually be pruned until we die.


Good luck take care friend

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Seriously? Lol ah I can’t believe this is coming from you, man. So, no more blasphemy ritual?

Well, it’s good as you have set your mind on a new path. And as you said: war is coming…indeed it will come, challenges will arise. But you said you are ready to face it? That’s good too. I just hope things won’t get too tough for you.

When it seems hardest to move on, you should move hardest.

Don’t pack all your fruits in one basket: do not leave everything to prayer, labour over it too. Then you will in the end sing an halel psalm.

Bless be.



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Good luck in the Catholic light!


Dear Magician…

It seems that a bit more information-upgrade is at hand…;

Ultimately, you are all that is, no more, no less.

If you are looking to liberate yourself and your own divinity from it’s limitations, then I would like to share this with you.

You are both polarities at all times, angels and demons are archetypes of yourself as the One God-Mind you are in oneness and equality with all life- and they both ultimately serve the purpose of you finding yourself.

None of it needs to be dark and dreadful by default, you have a choice, let me show you how.

separate from names- you are them, because you are the God-Mind as a whole and are here to learn to master yourself. Let me tell you an insight - God, nor the Angels approve of the Catholic Church at all, because God is much more than a religion, God is what is and favors gnosis (knowledge based on experience, the knowledge of what is) above organized segmented religion that is not about gnosis and is about pre-suposed belief that is about 'I hope that I am right but I don’t know because I’ve never really talked to God- Those people…avoid them because they are leading you into the same imprisonment they are in, and their path leads to death.

Your alchemical work lies in balancing out the forces of light and dark through the christ within. Example: you call upon the Almighty I AM-presence, the Source of all, through it you ask to bring forth any demon, or angel, greet and bless them with the fullness of the christ, and they will all be harmonized with you in a self-empowering way. demons do have a light side too, Satan= Pan in his light aspect for example.
You can use the solomonic circle for that if you wish -) inbox me if you want more info on that.

But if you choose to make lucifer and satan your enemy, you are becoming an enemy to your own self and that will be reflected into your experience field. That is exactly how catholics and other people manage to create the most detrimental life for themselves because Satan and Lucifer are as much mirrors than anything else in existence. A lot of people experience the destructive part of Lucifer and Satan where they are in a constant fight with them. Satan in reality represents Your relation to your hurt inner child and holds a relation to your attachment, which you are to heal in Love, not through enmity, hence the suggestion to bless this aspect and Lucifer with the Christ, because that’s where Satan, turns into Pan, and leads you to your own alchemical salvation - including the unlocking of the functional working of your 3 lower chakras at the very least- Lucifer represents your relation to the All and reveals the Cosmic Father himself, once transended - the Alpha of the Alpha and Omega

The ritual above changes that - the idea of it is to come first with the qualities of the christ
love-respect-oneness-equality-sovereignty-peace. and they will empower you (demons too) in these qualities. You cannot function properly and have perfect peace when you have not made peace with yourself on all levels, ultimately and this is a lovely example on how you can potentially do that - other paths ultimately lead to yourself in different ways, but this is an example of how you can cut straight to the core of creating self-harmony- through balancing out both polarities.

Running away from Lucifer and Satan is a detrimental thing in the sense that one believes they can just be ignored because they literally are part of what you are made of as a multidimensional being, it’s running away from your own wholeness, your own healing, your own peace… - These beings are about You .

You can walk this earth as a living God or as one that runs away from oneself - but you always are the creator of your experience.

P.S. doing your rituals in such way you can encounter any demon with peace,
I have called forth even the Great old ones in such fashion and it was truly a great SELF-liberating experience. You then learn to peacefully embrace and transcend all of your fears and limitations with each being you encounter- AND your relationship to the Cosmic Mother, with all these demons and other left hand beings gets refreshed and opened - which makes you feel supported by life on all levels, rather than having this endless subconscious dreadful fear.


Not all tasted from the fruit of the tree of knowledge.


If you dig into others experiences you’ll see this is kinda the norm for the rebuilding process. The old you falls apart which will feel like your dying and the you that you desired to be will reborn. Not everyone has the courage to finish the process to its completion.


Ok see ya in a few weeks


Have fun