Has anyone who has worked with Clauneck, he is supposed to be very fruitful for those who invoke the spirit, However… Clauneck wants to reign (not rain) over and cause quite a bit of chaos before the spirit actually grants your petitions.
Interestingly enough already, also that the person who invokes Clauneck, at least in my limited experience, is that it is not a number of how many times, nor how long the spirit will mess with the person invoking the spirit. Its up to the spirit then how long one would have to endure…
Don’t worry! It WILL come to pass in the spirit’s own time. It’s been a crazy ride so far, but now understanding the invocation and what comes with it, I am highly confident that in a few days or weeks, however long it takes to manifest within me the spiritual nature of Clauneck.
I only put this out to see what kind of responses this post had generating people who have , will or are interested in this magick, and them I’ll post the results of the informal poll. (BTW- if you have any type of interest or have had use of Clauneck, please send me questions and answer sheets and we can drive the next poll based on the emerging thoughts of so many of BALG people post in this forum. I can’t wait to hear about these unique interesting and explanation!! It will help to have a mentor as well. Someone who’s been there… until next time, Peace and Serenity to all of you, and here in the USA, it’s Memorial Day festivities across the country to honor those who have served. And, yes, I served in the US Navy.
I had a strange experience with clauneck! I was job searching so I called him to ask to bring to me another source of income til I get the job of my choice , the ritual went great his energy was amazing didn’t feel like letting him go next day I got a shift somewhere , I worked one day and had a bad feeling about the place that it’s dodgy ( as usual my intuition was right) it’s been over a month and those people havnt paid me for that one day yet demons are funny sometimes
I would like to take a moment to publicly give a heart felt thank you . Last week I asked that once I start my current path to provide protection for my income and to keep this part of my life stable while I work with forces in s way I never have before …I started my new direction three days ago and this morning threw what seemed like I problematic event that actually resulted in NO negative results it did however uncover a paper work issue that although very easy to correct …and it is corrected…held the potential to cause great problems even cause a totall loss of income if left undetected…
I give full credit to King Clauneck . And look fwd to getting the opportunity to seek deep guildance on growing my income
Thank you King Clauneck
I’ve worked with Clauneck and I can say that there certainly was a list of challenges that came about - not for the faint of heart.
It has lead to many new business opportunities and a lot of restructuring which definitely has taken its toll with a lot of energy and stress but coming out in a much improved position with more sources of revenue.
Whatever divination system works best for you, make use of - he does tend to provide active responses fairly readily, opposed to Bune/Bime who seemes to err more on the side of being quiet from my experiences.
My room was filled with smoke from a 7 day candle. It was roaring it bursted open and cracked my alarm kept going off but I didn’t burn it out I just blew the smoke alarm. It was a red candle to and it started bleeding out through the cracks of the candle.