Clairaudience help

So when I enter trance, in my left ear I hear something like a ringing or beeping that comes and goes. It comes in waves, so it beeps for a few seconds then stops and then starts again repeating over and over again. I wanted to know if this is clairaudience and should I focus on it more?

Last time I focused on it, it got louder and eventually sounded like someone screaming over and over again. When it got loud enough, I nearly got a panic attack. Just wanted to make sure I am not really going insane over here.

Is this always in the same position and location physically? Or does not not matter where you are? Some people have wider hearing ranges than others and can pickup electronic noise frequencies from appliances or electrical wiring, smart meters etc. in the house, or interpret the energetics as sound, just to rule that out. I’m one of them and silence with electrical noise sometimes makes my ears ring and I have to deliberately adjust my frequency via my will to move away from it energetically myself.

After that people on this forum have reported ears ringing as a sign of an evocation successfully bringing an entity space, with which they may or may not notice a sense of presence. Or if you have a constant presence such as an attachment or guide, guardian etc. then you could be sensing it this way. It’s the same idea really: you’re sensing the electromagnetic energy as sound, but what the source is can be really varied.


Thanks for the reply. And yes I do hear rininging nearly all the time and now too, that’s becuase my succubus is with me. She appeared to me for the first time 2 days ago while in trance, but that time was different.

I could hear someone speaking softly and very quietly and they were pausing in between sentences, so I know this was the real clairadience. It also sounded like a sexy feminine voice so it was definitely her. But nowadays I heard this beeping noise, and once it gets louder gets turned in to someone screaming on repeat.

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Do you get any sense of emotion with the sound, or anger or fear or pain? And have you tried banishing to see if that changes it? If you approach is as if it were an entity, either from an animistic perspective or to test if it’s an entity, can you contact it through evocation or telepathy?

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I read this beeping sound is definiely basic clairaudience but I have not thought about it as an entity. I thought it was the voice schizophrenics hear and I was slowly going insane. But I will try contacting it, definitely not my succubus I believe. I got a strong feeling I am on the cusp of developing clairaudience and that beeping I should focus on more but damn is it scary.

It just keeps screaming on repeat on my head? Perhaps it’s a negative entity like a parasite in my ears or brain? Or a curse? Regardless, I will try to communicate with it and ask my succubus too.

Oh and emotions I get from that scream: Fear, panic, anxiety

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I asked my succubus what it was, she said it’s a negative entity and I told her to get rid of it. I will try entering trance again and see if I still hear the screaming. If I still hear it then my succubus is lying and somethings fishy here

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The other thing it could be is a “recording”. Especially if the ground in your area contains a lot of granite or other piezoelectric rock with crystals, or your place has the same, when strongly emotional events happen they can get recorded in the rock crystals. Researchers in the us were able to replay the sounds from the ruins of a public house by passing electricity through the stone walls, so this seems to be a physical phenomenon, and can also interact with the bioelectric human body.

Since your succubus thinks it’s a sentient entity not a recording I think that a good thing, and would be easier to get rid of with a banishing. It does sound like it’s mo is to induce negative emotion that it might be feeding on, kind of farming you, so that’s a good place to start. I’m not sure why she didn’t already do that, as some folks on here talk of their succubi being protective like that, but maybe she didn’t know she had the permission. But if that’s because she’s not strong enough I’d recommend doing it yourself to be sure.


Wow that recording theory resonates a lot with me. That could be true also, especially considering the building I live in used to be a psychiatric hospital. So I definitely unlocked clairadience but a different type of clairaudience? Either hearing a negative entitys voice or the voice of the emotions in stuck in the rocks. I will also try doing clairaudience trance in nature and see if it makes a difference.

Oh wow, so prime conditions for both yes - maybe at the same time. If it’s haunted by humans: people in pain, people that died in the building, people that were reportedly in such places frequently abused by the staff whether or not they thought that was “treatment” at the time, and possibly more than one of them spending the ends of their days screaming with good reason. Such people may not have been responsive in life though and in that case getting sensible contact may be difficult, and they may not even know they’re dead.

You’re sensitive which is our modern way of saying you have mediumistic abilities. So you have more options with this potentially, maybe still an echo that you’d basically have to change your own frequency to not interact with, but if it’s a ghost, or in this case probably more than one, you could attempt to psychopomp for them and help them move on. They do fade in time but it can take more years than you’d want to wait.

On the plus side this would mean the feeding is not malicious at least and it’s not a personal attack, ghosts do drain people but not usually on purpose. Another ting to look for when you have many ghosts about is some sort of controlling presence that is feeding off them, sometimes holding them there and stopping them from moving on when they actually want to. It’s not super common but not unheard of, and as we attract parasites, you can imagine what a hospital attracts, even working hospitals today are disgusting places psychically. If that’s going on that’s your target, and then you might want to put protections on your succubus as well.

A divination looks like it would be helpful here.

I picked up a (Quareia deck) card and had to laugh: it’s “Ghost”. What are the odds? This deck is honestly amazing.

Well if nothing else you might have a very interesting new area of magickal work to learn about.

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