So I go deep into trance with Barbaric ( origin unknown ) words, Ancient greek vowel mantras etc… during sorcery and then after god-heading with the chosen epithet ( merging with that power in a space above and connected to my crown-chakra ), it comes time to read my desired spell ( with fresh blood spilled on it usually ), but then I run into a slight conundrum. Here I am good ol’ Johnny Monroe american reading my english ( non-trance-inducing ) spell so that my sorcered energies have a physical medium on which to manifest and connect with my blood which can then be burned. The main problem here is that I don’t know Ancient Greek well enough to write and read the spells in. Modern Greek I’m not as much of a fan of as well, it just seems to have lost a lot of it’s old feel and feels assimilitated now with some other European sounds. I read this and that on the magical nature of Hebrew ( which I don’t doubt ) yet I simply cannot stand to make these sounds of this language myself. Hebrew would be easier to learn than Ancient Greek. So after some time of getting tired of being Yanked out of my nice trance where I’m channeling sounds I’ve known in the past by reading my english language spells I remembered something. In music, when we’d get to a part in a song ( it’s actually quite rare in popular music ) where there is the *backwards masking technique is employed on the vocals, it always gave that part of the song a more magical feel to me. So now I don’t speak the English spells anymore and instead whisper them. As I whisper them I apply a backwards masking effect in my mind’s-ear and I also bounce the words around psychedelic style as I whisper them. For me this is like force-imposing some magical quality on an inherently non-magical language. The end result is usually that I don’t get pulled as far out of the trance by the familiar language and have fun with the spell reading instead of feeling like derpy ol’ Johnny American with his Empire-Imposed non-magical native language.
I don’t understand why the English can’t induce trance for you or why you think any language can’t be magickal? I don’t have this issue myself. Trance is induced with rhythmic repetition, it doesn’t really matter what the noise is ime - but are you saying that because it’s your native language so it’s distracting you?
For me it’s the opposite: the better you understand what you are saying, the better your attention can direct your intent, so it’s ideal to use your native language, whatever that is, for workings for this reason.
The one that makes these things magick is you, you do whatever you have to do to get your juices flowing, which you have done with the whispering, so, cool.
Another thing you could try is making it into song or chant. I have had some of my best successes using actual music tracks (in English which is also my native language) on repeat. After a while the words blend and you’re in trance anyway.
And of course plenty of magick techniques don’t require trance anyway but that’s a different thing.
But I would say that any language including your native tongue is very magical, the word is inherently magickal, and there’s nothing special about English that breaks that unless you as the practitioner makes it so.
This is a most interesting reply, thank you. Maybe it’s something internal that makes the everyday language somehow inferior, and not the language in and of itself.
Humans are wired to value scarcity and devalue the common, so maybe it’s something to do with that?
For me, the key to magick is not trance as much as controlling the energy so it shapes your world the way you want.
Trance can be a tool to do that, but energy goes where the mind is, and language is another tool to focus the mind. It’s so powerful it can be too restricting too, it’s often said that language shapes our thoughts and if you can’t frame an idea in language you can’t understand it. Visualization can help here but not all people can visualise. Feelings are another. And then there are other senses. Combining as many as you can into manifesting the outcome helps ground it into your reality.
This makes a lot of sense too.
I’m pretty sure that’s the first sound magickal advice anyone has ever given me in my entire life, without just getting trolled or belittled. Thanks, and respect.