Christians Might Be Deceived

[quote=“Orismen, post:10, topic:1864”]“Christians Might Be Deceived…”

Kinda preaching to the choir here.

So what should we do about it? Killing a person is one thing but killing an idea (such as a church) is a whole new ball game.[/quote]

It throws an interesting light on our own dealings with demons - very few of them would have the cheek to offer the same shitty deal the Jews’ god did, whereby pretty much anything from masturbation to menstrual blood can mess you up, and then the even shittier deal Jesus offered where you have to follow him or go to hell (maybe the historical man didn’t offer it, maybe the messages got garbled, either way it’s an atrocious deal to put forward).

I think the force (godform, demon, any kind of entity) that gets enough people putting aside their own natural attainment of the divine becomes a KIND OF universal god because enough people look up to it for instructions and place their entire lives and moralities in its hands, dashing the heads of babies against rocks for example in its name (an act most normal people wouldn’t choose to do) and living in fear of it, so, as with money, or drugs, or anything else, that which we GIVE power to becomes our god, and each of us who assumes his and her own godhood, however we understand it and however we do it, whatever our aims, we are turning our backs on that nutty bacon-dodging desert thing and therefore the very act of wanting to become a living god wounds it, in the only way that matters (which is why it threw such a strop about “having other Gods before me” and so on).

I see the period of human history beginning with Akhnaten (the first recorded monotheist) as an attempt by a rather spiteful desert entity to gain control of mankind by marketing itself as the “only” god, and inspiring its slaves to go and mutilate, kill, burn and discredit anyone who says otherwise.

I’m not really a gnostic, those are just my conclusions based on observation etc.

I have an intense dislike of these weird desert cults that are getting all the press and do my best to ignore them and their followers.

[quote=“the1gza, post:36, topic:1864”]Folks have found reasons to be violent, reckless beasts since they could think of a reason to fight, and human ignorance as narrowness has existed way before anybody could organize it into a religion. …

I personally don;t think any of it is wrong; some people like what’s going on and some people don’t. The person who wins the day, is the person who put forth their will to get their desires realized, and those who don’t… they get used. It’s easy enough to gain control over your situation, so I really don’t see the point in highlighting deceptions or “world issues” when you have the ability to change this stuff.[/quote]

Exactly, in the UK we have this problem with football violence, anything where people can polarise into “us and them” (a useful thing in terms of community building) can become toxic if there’s enough support and a justification for violence, it just so happens that the middle-eastern cults are based on teachings that really give that permission loud and clear, “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” and all this genital cutting and hatred of gays, female sexuality, etc.

But all widespread religions are responsible for mass acts of violence, oppression, and outright idiocy. I will always say this, but the so-called enlightened Eastern traditions had religious ideals that were so oppressive, that simply looking at a nobleman got you killed instantly (i.e. the Hindu caste)? So what's the point? We're magicians, and while these are social issues, we got enough power and insight to change the situation. So is it really worth our time to beat this extremely dead, worn-out, and 95% decomposed horse anymore.

Agreed 100%. Especially about the eastern stuff, which here in the Uk has this kind of halo as the “good” religion, like they’re all kind and wise and stuff, thankfully that’s been challenged by widespread reporting here of the recent atrocities against women in India… I could go on, but won’t.

All religions when practiced as a follower, not interacting with gods as a qualitative (if not quantitive) equal are just an invitation to slavery and to become a mindless drudge who accepts as law whatever the slightly-senior mindless drudge says, no matter what actual practices they generously permit their followers to do.

I am not gay. I am not a lot of things. If people live their lives as they want and not impose it on me, then it is none of my business. They can do what they want with themselves.
David Icke says Jesus is a remake of Vishnu, another god that hung on a tree to save the world. And a guy named Balder from ancient times.
The Joy of Satan site says that a man named Odin hung on a tree to save the world, as well as some 18 other ‘sons of God’, all long before Jesus supposedly came to the earth.
Religion imposing ‘their’ views on how people should live is a complete disrespect to personal freedom. If a person’s life choices are not effecting others, then no one should care. It is that person’s own business.
As David Icke says, "You want to be mind controlled, join the military. Join religion. The ‘’‘creators’’’ of those religions don’t care which one you choose, so long as you choose one."
And many people are willing to give away their power. The problem is that “misery loves company”. They will try to drag you and I to Hell (Christian hell) along with them. That part I don’t like. And most people don’t like this.
That Baneful Magic section and the Vampirism section in the Become a Living God are perfect for me, along with the Joy of Satan’s Power meditation section and their Satanic Witchcraft section. And I keep looking for other sources. I use it, at this point to drain any troublesome people’s energy directed at me into the ground. Send them some grey (death) energy, at least enough to disrupt and eliminate their influence on me. I am not really into leeching ‘other’ people’s energy. I don’t want to turn into the problem (Them?)
And a lot of religious people are sincere spiritual people simply living their lives in peace. I am not talking about them (the problem people).
The one’s that proseletyze others and try to mold others into ‘their’ way of thinking or else. They are the problem.
I have said that I personally would not sell my soul to the devil (or anyone else.) But, I will sell these troublesome ‘Theocratic’ totalitarianist people to the devil in an instant. I assure I will.
As Ms. Lucifer said at the psychic in Santa Rosa, “I know what he knows. I can’t control him. (holy word, cross, church.)
She was in trance. Don’t know if she was speaking for herself or if something else in her was speaking. Was not going to ask at the time. (Get gang raped by the entities in her?) Naaaah.
Anyway, finished classes a few months later and went away.
Don’t know if she was an illuminati mind controlled slave. But the leaders agenda is quite clear in this place. Controlling others.
And I wondered why they teach you to have personal power like running your energy techniques. Well David Icke says that sex inspired by love has a high vibration and the lower astral entities cannot ‘eat’ it. They need low vibrations like hate, pain, anger, etc. So it is apparently science. They are hungry, want food. My hunch is that they )psychic school) teach you to get real high energy accumulated and then come in with a trap like violence, resentment, hatred, etc. Get you to act, think, and feel from a more base negative level. Then they can eat you and control you. Get you to do things out of integrity. Then they own you.
Back in my ignorant years in religion I heard a religious prophet say, “When you see leaders of my people falling dead, you won’t rejoice, and you won’t stop my hand.” Facing me when she said it.
Some preachers kept telling me to “get off that religion”. So I did. I left
"And you came out alone”, a psychic tells me. Don’t know what is so important about coming out alone. Just left. A lot of people are. THANK GOD. Some may be meant to preach this sermon so the rest of us can DO it. Works for me.
All of the ‘crooked’ televangelists saying, “God loves you. And we do too. Send us your money and God will bless you. I offered them a win/win. They refused.
May Satan devour their finances (the crooked preachers). May they be brought down to my money level. That is where I am at. So may they be cursed with the same curse. Satan take them. Prey on their weakness so they fall. May they have to actually WORK for their money.
May they struggle just to survive and may the world and universe see them for what they really are.
David R. Hawkins says to “no longer believe someone once they don a suit and tie.’ Apparently ‘‘expediency’’ takes the place of truth. (Non linear energetic, mental pattern, or intention in consciousness.) He says it is about ''whatever gets the job done”. That is what is important the the suits and ties. Not the truth. I have heard lots of suits and ties. Might be true.
So back on topic. If someone is not interfering with others, then whatever that someone does with their life and lifestyle is their own business. We don’t need the ‘crusaders’, ‘conquistadors’, murderers, pedaphiles, baby killers, etc. invading us with their ''repent and believe in our God, the only way”, bullshit, as a means to rape, pillage, and plunder every man, woman, and child, (and animal?), on the face of the earth. They swallow a camel and strain a gnat.
Do as you like if it does no harm to others. Then do as you like.

well Religion, whatever it i, is just another way to put the responsbility of yourself into other person, and better if the person has some kind of title and wears funny cloth.

if people want to keep being sheeps, is up to them I don’t give a fuck, if they fuck with me, I’ll fuck them over, that is one of the reasons I’m learning magick (to fuck people… in more than a way), that and that I have nothing left but the constant reminder of my own personal responsility here in this odd-absurd-eternal existence that is actually great, magickal and funny once you have realized the shitty lie is the world around us… seriously is like is been made that way so you could realized and focus on something else like the ascent, I should give thanks to the world for being fucked up, other way I may have stayed there… lingering like a persons with not enough riches to control the world and not enough poverty to be really suffering or really angry.

if christians are being decived, is not because of the church, is because they preffer that, lets say you destroy the church, the whole idea of Cheesus and the bible… then what? the sheeps will look for another thing, is just like when you’re an alcoholic, you don’t like rum, even if you say you like it, because when there is no rum you go for vodka, pisco or whatever can make you drunk… so let them stay drunk, everyone knows is fun in the beigning and then you end fucked up

if we don’t have nightmares then we don’t want to wake up

but hey! the truth is that you can do whatever you want… IF you have the power to do it!

This world is ruthless, and also merciful, kind of depends on what you feel at the moment and what you observ, both are real

church is just another brand… just like backstreet boys… does somebody remember them? That will happend to the church one day… but hey! now there are those without erection dudes and the brothas joners

these range from hilarious to Just plan sad.

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See… Even this follower of Yahweh/Jesus who is against religion & Christianity admits most Christians will be deceived…

Demonized People Know More Than Pagan Christians It’s N Your Bibles So Sad,

God Never Told Us To Be Christians Man Did So Who Will U Listen To, Jesus Said Make Disciples

Watch this:
Satanic Illuminati Dance Exposed!

According to these commentators, practically everybody is damned… lol

I full heartily agree with the original post. One of the reason that I those religious beliefs never stuck with me and while I don’t do drugs or some other things any more. So many people are blind and think they’ll be saved when there damning themselves.

I do side with demons my brothers, while I don’t follow any know religion. I’ve laid my bed and accept that I’m damned. People should just accept what will happen to them and the only thing that will change anything is that if you become enlightened and gain ascendance.

wow, that’s crazy, just got done watching the video

Whoever that guy is, seems like he has a good head on his shoulders even though he follows Yahweh/jesus.

I’d like to share something. I left Christianity at age 15, and the strange part is. When I left that is when a new world opened up to me. I at first, explored Wicca because I was still hung up on “betraying God” aka Church. And then because I was intrigued by Satanic Bible when I first encountered it in the bookstore. And I thought to myself “I would never.” What prompt me to get involved in the LHP? My desire for a girlfriend at the time but, I learned a lot in my years. Yes I had a few gfs but I grew and evolved. I am 36 years old. And I am fucking grateful that I aint anything like that a person following blindly a religion.

I want to point out though the guy who said Christians will be deceived. There is other “religions” like Atheistic Satanism, Atheism itself, and among others who have people who are truly “pagan” , like the Church of Satan, and now the Joy of Satan.

So yes it runs in a lot of places and not just Christianity, and I truly feel, someone like myself who hates anyone who tries to speak with an authority to me personally, I honestly feel closer to Satan (as the fifth element since I am a demonolater). I guess I am just personally thankful to be here and where I am at.

You is saying that your reality is the reality of ALL the world. I know many fanatic puritanic Christians that dont smoke, dont drink, dont commit adultery, dont even use make up because it’s a Vanity etc. What about these Christians? I think they Will Go to Jehovah realm when they die

I don’t know if someone has adressed anything that I’m about to state already in the thread, but I thought I’d share some of my beliefs on Christianity and its deceptions.

  1. a lot of the beliefs that they constantly drill into people are based on half-truths. For example, the teaching that Satan and Lucifer are one and the same. No disrespect to either one of them is meant by this, but I do not believe they are one and the same.
  2. many things are hidden in the Bible. This includes King Solomon and his control of the Goetia demons as well as Lilith supposedly being Adam’s first wife. This is partially due to scrolls being lost but still
  3. What proof do we have that Jesus actually resurrected? (the crucifixion has been proven historically as well as its existence)
  4. The Bible contradicts itself. In the Old Testament, (as well as in the teachings of Jesus) God is said to be highly vengeful. But when you get to the part of the NT with Paul’s teachings and stuff it talks about salvation and stuff and makes God seem merciful which the rest of the Bible proves otherwise
  5. Lies about Satan’s appearance to scare believers (started in Medieval times)

I’m sure there are others, but that’s all I could list, besides of course, how hypocritical some Christians are. I do however believe that living to the standard Christianity expects you to is impossible. I’m not saying that there aren’t good people that are Christians, but even the ones that are have sinned in some shape or form and will continue to. This is a huge part of why I left the religion.

Although i have to add, the very basis of this religion is the belief that all humans are sinners. They say, nobody stops being a sinner, so only the sacrifice of Jesus can bring them salvation, not their own actions. Thy know that christians don’t stop sinning.
They do not expect people to be perfect and not sin. (Some groups definitely do, but they shouldn’t.)


To point 4: The god in the Old Testament is Saturn and the god in the nt is the sun… Do some researchers on astrological correspondences it will pay off :slight_smile:

There’s also the idea that as long as you accept Jesus into your heart as your lord and savior before death you are welcomed into the arms of God.


If god is all then seems like we’re in its “arms” already.

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If being the operative word but given he’s not :man_shrugging:

that’s actually really interesting and something I’ve never heard of before. I will definitely look into it! :smile:

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