Christianity and magick

Hello guys :smiling_face:

Does any of you have any experience with practicing magick while being Christian? Is it even possible in your opinion?

I’m new to practicing. I grew up Christian and even though I’m not really religious, as in I don’t follow the Church, I follow the teachings of the great master Jesus. Not Yahweh, though.

I want to work with deities/entities at some point. Is it possible for me to ask archangels and angels for help only, or even talk to Jesus himself? I don’t want to reach out to demons and/or spirits. I don’t feel good even thinking of that - it makes me feel weak, weird and tired.

What is your experience?

I would say prayer IS magick and Christians do magick ALL the time. They just don’t call it that.

What’s the difference between petitioning a Goetic entity and doing the same thing if the the entity in question is “god”… There isn’t one.

“God give me strength” is seen in old Norse prayers, you can see the exact phrasing in preserved prayers to Freyia with the same wording, (gef mir megin means give me strength) and it was adopted by the invaders. Most of Christianity is not original, it’s an evangelic, conquering religion, and it absorbed lots of stuff from older pagan religions as part of getting those conquered people’s to accept Christianity. Including magick, which slowly later was discourage or outlawed by various sects.

Also don’t forget Christianity is not a monolith. some sects do observe overtly magickal rituals and consider it still Christian. E.g. Appalachain Pow Pow magick.