My first “undeniable” demon communication
Heyyyy, welcome to my yearly blog post
Kidding aside its been an interesting and a rough year…something I might write about in the future but for now I wanna log and tell the story of my first undeniable communication with a demon.
First of, some explanations. For one, Im certain that Ive had communications with demons many times before, this one just stands out as being undeniable. Second, by undeniable I mean that obviously it can be denied by anyone but me, but for me its left such a strong impact (even though nothing THAT extraordinary happened) that my inner sceptic finally relents and accepts that “yea, there might be something to that demon stuff”. Now, Ive had many experiences lately that have showed me the reality of the other world and its interwovenness with our world and after years of walking this path this feels very affirming. But now without further ado I want to describe the encounter as close as possible as to how it happened.
Exactly 2 days ago on the evening of the 22nd I was exceedingly tired early on. I went on a long hike that day so the physical exhaustion most likely played a part in this. I didnt want to go to bed right after the hike so I waited until we had dinner and then went to bed at around 9 pm. I know that Ive had some sexy thoughts (just mentioning this because the arousal mightve helped too) but was too tired to execute on them too much.
Drifting away into a sleepy state Ive reached a point where my thoughts and the images I see with closed eyes merge for the most part, as in; a thought that I have now is an image or a sort of mini movie that plays on or in the blackness that Im seeing. Thoughts give rise to images and images give rise to thoughts. I feel like they intertwine to a point where theyre basically identical. This might be the case at all times but in this sleepy state I was so aware of it that only that became my reality. Basically, I lived it.
At one point I spotted a male humanoid that kinda reminds me of a goblin, but less so in appearance (maybe a bit in appearance) and moreso in behaviour. He almost ducked away when I spotted him as if to retreat.
Now at this point I was almost asleep but also quite lucid at the same time. Its this kind of state where if you realize that youre almost asleep you likely jolt awake, so I tried my best (and succeeded) at staying in this state. Kind of…howering in between the warm embrace of sleep and the cold hard grips of awake consciousness. In this state I kept seeing the images vividly and I was also able to interact with them.
The humanoid male kind of froze in place…he had at once already vanished but I had also told him “stop” and that made him freeze. Its kinda like 2 scenarios played out at once but me telling him to stop made this scenario the “real” one and he stayed put and looked at me. I pondered for a second what to ask or say and I felt like he had something of an envoy about him. I asked “who are you?”. Iirc at that point he conveyed nonverbally that he was indeed an envoy and so he spoke of who it was that send him in one word “Agares”. The name sounded veeeeeery distantly familiar and I thought to myself that it is possible that its the name of a demon or that a demon has a very similar name.
The figure now also held an envelope which at once had been there all the time but also had just appeared (I think technically it might not have been one or the other but both combined or…idk…earthly logic really breaks down at this point ). I asked what message he brings (maybe the envelope appeared only at this time? I really dont know, its ultra taxing to recall this encounter and put it into words, even if the whole interaction only lasted for probably less than 10 seconds) and he handed me the envelope. I opened it and in the letter it simply said “Hello”. I took this to mean that Agares had initiated contact and quite possibly wants to work with me. I thanked the man and he finally vanished. I lingered in this space for a moment but then brought myself to full awakeness because I feared that if I slipped into sleep I might forget the encounter.
When I was fully awake I immediately googled the name Agares and yes indeed that demon exists and the name is typed exactly as it was conveyed to me (even though it seems like theres other valid spellings of his name aswell). While researching him I also found that DePlancys drawing arguably makes his face look a little goblin-y. Anyway…
Writing this post has been incredibly taxing. I attribute this to the nature of such encounters and how its irreconcilable with the logic of our material existence. In our material existence a person either stays put in his place or he walks away, he does not do both at the same time. Time also doesnt rewind when one scenario is ‘chosen’ over the other. Gosh I feel my brain explode…
Anyway. I think its very important to have written it out like this. As a beginner I was a bit sceptical when people just claimed that they talk to demons and its usually portrayed like a normal everday communication. Something like:
Chris: Who are you?
Enovy: I am an envoy of Agares.
Chris: What is your intention.
Envoy hands Chris an envelope
It always seemed to be a bit too simple and maybe if my senses develop more over time it will be that simple for me too, but either way I now understand why people shorten the experience in such a way as it seems almost impossible to account for all the little things that are constantly happening. Writing a whole book chapter about this 5-10 second conversation is definitely a possibility but just insanely impractical, lol.
Anyway, I hope this has put communication into perspective for newer people just starting out. Also I hope that documenting my progress from hopeful sceptic to someone who has actual results and experiences helps those who are as sceptical as I was when I just started out. I damn well know the dichotomy of feeling an interest in the occult and at the same time having this gnawing doubt torment your brain over the impossibility of this stuff actually existing.
As a kind of final advice for the interested yet sceptical person reading my blog: the occult does exist. Its not as over the top as some people make it out to be (still no fireballs coming out of my palms sadly ) but there are genuinely magical experiences and revelations to be had and even if it is insanely hard in the beginning, it will be worth your time.
Take care, thank you for reading and much success on your journey!
Also happy holidays to you all