Channeled messages / King Paimon

There is a very good reason why He insists on being addressed as King. It’s not because He is a ”pompous prick“ (His words! He said ”If people want to see me as a pompous prick because of my insistence on my title, then let them. They could simply ask me about it, though, instead of making assumptions, but that is their choice.“) It has to do with where His ”manifestation“ as King Paimon has originated from, and, as mentioned, the title is there for good reason.




( in regards to people’s / beings behaviours whether it be positive or negative )

King Paimon :crown:: It is a common habit to be self absorbed into thinking that a person’s behaviour be it positive or negative is personally about them.

The reality is “people” take the positive attitude and kindness as something personally reserved for them when in reality almost anyone else in the same spot would be treated with the same kindness.


( in regards to comparing your spiritual progress with others )

King Paimon :crown:: It is a slow and arduous process. People don’t have growth as quickly as they state that they do.

( heartignited ) - Basically just try to be gentle on yourself and your own personal progress. Many only show their results / successes not the long journey to get to that final stage. Good luck and much love to everyone :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:


( his personal view of the symbolism of the eye )

King Paimon :crown:: To me the eye has always represented insight and knowledge of all things. Knowledge is a brilliant and powerful thing, and I feel the eye is very representative of this.


Ave Rex Paimon :crown::camel::fire:

I love you :heart_eyes:

What an absolute cutie! Today playing with my daemon tarot deck my question was “Is there any Goetia spirit that wishes to communicate and / or work with me?”

This one came out :smile:


I need to do this more. I’m always sharing and doing good deeds and they do this idiom . " bite the hands that feed you." Makes me waste my time on fake people. Need to remind self that they have to earn before i share my resources. Or atleast little crumbs instead of full out share.


It’s beautiful advice, albeit hard to put into practice if you’re a bit of a giver :confused: good luck with your endeavours xox


It’s not hard. It’s just that if you don’t share your knowledge and love. You think to yourself… Such a waste. All this knowledge i’ve journeyed to gain and the hard work /time spent to learn and no one to share it or past it along to help others… Such would be waste. However, it’s a waste if they take advantage of you as you wasted time on them and it could be toward someone more worthy. Catch 22 stuff.


Do you know of his Origins, I dont remember reading that on here

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@MagickVigilante I came across something interesting that kinda had been under my nose all the time, which King Paimon has gradually led me to. However, I think it’s only one strand of the whole fabric, if that makes sense, and I would never claim to definitively know anything with absolute and immutable certainty. Research plus gnosis plus a lot of communication with Him plus more research plus constantly questioning my own understanding and possible bias has brought me to an insight, but it’s like He told me: He has many names and many faces. I am not trying to be secretive or draw attention to myself by playing the mystery card, it’s just that He has repeatedly told me that it’s best if everyone who is inclined to do so finds answers on their own. I hinted at a deeper level because it can be relevant to some to dig deeper. But every answer only opens the door to more questions, as far as I’m concerned.

In short: I think I might ”know“ something about His origins, yes.


Ahhhh…perfect answer, thank you. :slight_smile:

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I’ve been trying to tap into King Paimon’s energy to help with my science homework. I’m finding it much easier to complete now and I’m more calm doing so.


Going to not be on here anymore, for more channeled messages you can find me on my Instagram which is on my BALG profile :slight_smile:


My new Instagram details are now on my profile. You can message me via that.