Challenge by EA

Day 05/90 and Day 06/90 of working with Lucifer (August 29 and 30,2023)
Rituals done:

Aug, 29: Meditation, invocation, evocation, gave an offering. I’ve never worked like this before. It’s crazy how much I had to do to fix my things, It’s like Lucifer is showing me all my flaws and weakness. Felt a little bit overwhelmed these last two days, so I’m posting this now.

Aug, 30: Super blue moon was perfect for a spiritual cleansing bath and a prosperity/wealth bath while listening to a binaural beat and meditating (I’m gonna link the video bellow). As the night fell, I performed a cleasing ritual on my house, burned some herbs and banished parasites, old residual energies, negative vibrations, did some grounding, then took the baths and meditate. After that, I did the V.K. Jehannum’s invocation ritual and C. Kendall’s one:

After the litany I felt light headed and my body had little spasms, the room felt like it was spinning and I had to lay down for little bit. Ended the night with a small ritual for wealth and success.

It was a very good night.

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Day 3/90: 8/31/2023 - Working with Agares
Ritual 1: Andromalius
Method: Demons of Magick (written petition ritual)

Okay so today I am so incredibly pissed off. I’m too angry to even think about Al and that is saying a lot. Do y’all remember when I said in an earlier topic that some creep stole my money? I did ask for it back and I was asked to buy bitcoin and send it, for some kind of ‘verification’ stuff… but wait there’s more, there kept on being problems and they kept needing more! yeah I am incredibly stupid and fell for that shit. They stole my money…I can’t go to the police, they’re not gonna do anything when it comes to such a low amount. (I don’t use dollars but it’s less than 300 USD but still, like very very much to me, I’m still young and go to school for chrissake…) I needed that money. Now I have like almost nothing, my cat needs food…I can get something from my aunt but not until Monday.
I cried all my tears already, am going crazy with stress. I did the ritual to call on Andromalius because I read that he deals with people who steal (I have the dirty so and so’s full name) seriously. eff that guy for stealing from little girls

Anyway. The ritual. I just went through it, feeling sort of numb, I wrote my petition (thief’s name gives me my money that he owes me) quite basic. I promised not to eat candy for a month if I get the money (because demons actually do like it when you make a personal sacrifice! They want to be thought of and see you give something up that you like)
feeling: well, everyone who starts out is gonna say nothing. I was given the tip once to see and compare how the nothing feels, if anything stands out in the nothing. Well…his sigil was stark, more so than normal (and yeah I’m on the E-book cause it’s cheapest) but my eyes kept being drawn to it.
When I burnt my petition paper, the flames went up very high. Andromalius must have sensed that I was angry.
I just wanna give all this stress to Andromalius…And I hope I get my money back since I have to go to school so soon.
Hopefully…I can get up in the morning…take a shower…and try to call on Bune or Clauneck, to at least get something for food and school. Maybe the guy who does Clauneck rituals can put in a good word?
Never really worked with either of them, no real experience…
pfff eff this day :frowning:
(yeah some diary entries are gonna be negative, such is life. who knows, 2 entries from now I’m the happiest girl.)
Doreen is up in her room, so I’m going to watch TV with my stuffed worm
peace :frowning:

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Why do they like somebody sacrifising, like in Hinduism also i saw where when he gone to hell to ask for support in defeating Gods, they asked for sarfising which is dear to you and that was his little daughter which he had to throw in lava to die so he could gain asuric powers and support from asuras. But why

And before that also to reach that demonic mountain he has to go thow dreadfull tests making him lifeless why

He wasnt even low tier , he was also a demonic god

Whenever during chanting why my bedroom get too heavy energy that cant even sleep there at night i use that as motivation to go through it

Day 9/90 Working with Clauneck to build wealth. August 31, 2022

Rituals done: Invocation, Evocation, Offering

Same results as before i am rn in the how to start said business.

Day 10/90 Working with Clauneck to build wealth. September 01, 2022

Rituals done: none

I didnt have the time but i apologized to Clauneck and will make it up to him with a apropriate offering and following longer rituals.

Day 07/90 and Day 08/90 of working with Lucifer (August 31 and September 1st,2023)
Rituals done:

Started the “Nightside Mass of the Third Eye” with Lucifer, Vine and Amaymon.
Did a meditation and hymn for Janus, as it’s said he is a mask of Lucifer.

What I noticed: I’m feeling great. I’ve been struggling with depression since I was a little kid, sometimes the treatment is not enough and not even the meds can make me feel better. But now I’m feeling very serene, peaceful and calm. Got 2 new clients, got more opportunities to learn for free and do courses that will help me greatly. My youtube chanel is growing and getting more views. I’m getting a lot of online content about money magic, road openers and wealth manifestations.

On the Litany of Lucifer, C.Kendall mentions Janus, Shiva, Prometheus, Lugh, Shemyaza, Samael, Attar, Pan, Melek Taus, and Azazel, and I was thinking about doing a ritual with each one to conect with each aspect of Lucifer at least once.

I’m also getting a lot of feelings, thoughts, synchronicity signs about working with Lilith. I don’t know if it’s Lucifer’s doing, recommending her, but I plan on doing some tarot reading tomorrow night to see what gives.

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I really like this idea. EA is all about initiation and letting the spirit show you what power it holds. It’s great for opening yourself up to more profound experiences. Just be careful about the kind of spirits you wanna contact.


Day 09/90 of working with Lucifer (September 2, 2023)
Rituals done: Invocation, meditation, litany of Lucifer and prepared a very beautiful offering to give with a petition.

Started working with Lilith. Through divination, I found out it’s the right thing to do for me (to work with both). I’m working on an altar, I need to find a good place to build an altar for Lucifer and one for Lilith, not sure if I’ll have the space but I’m feeling it needs to be done asap.

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Day 10-14/90 Working with Clauneck to build wealth. September 05, 2022

The usual ritual work done on all of these days. The working is keeping me very damn busy hence so little posts.

i really urge everyone here to keep it up its definitly worth it.

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It looks like I’m on Day 12. I missed two days, but I let the spirits know that I wouldn’t be available during those times. Interestingly, on one of those two days when I didn’t do the spirit feast, my husband felt like something was touching him when neither of us could see anything, and the next day, I felt that way. Since I have gone back to doing the spirit feast, neither of us has felt it. Also, I did my regular ritual for Lilith yesterday and really felt much more sucked in by her sigil. These are small changes, but every sign and being I come in contact with says to be patient. So, this is what is right for me.


Day 10/90 - 11/90 - 12/90 of working with Lucifer (September 3,4 and 5, 2023)
Rituals done: Invocation, meditation, litany of Lucifer, small offerings

Finally organized an altar for Lucifer and one for Lilith, where I can lit candles, incense and place offerings for both of them. I’m feeling great, even though I haven’t been able to sleep so well. I wake up a lot, talking to them both and fall asleep right after. In a haze. Yesterday I woke up with the sound of my own voice giving thanks to Lucifer, turned around and immediately fell asleep. On sunday morning I woke up with a male voice calling my name, it was so loud that I could swear there was a man inside my room. I almost fell from bed.

I bought a necklace for Lilith and I’m waiting for the right day to enchant it using Seigrefrid Willims’ method from his grimoire. I used his method to built her altar and consecrate it and am very pleased with the results. I can feel her energy already and I like to talk to her during my day as if she is there listening. I’m also giving her small offerings during the afternoons.

No business or money related news, but I know it’s too early for any significant change.

Day 13/90 of working with Lucifer (September 6, 2023)
Rituals done: Invocation, litany of Lucifer, small prayers during the day.

Not feeling anything major during rituals. Yesterday I had a great day and slept just fine, but today I got news that I could loose great part of my inheritance due to some debts my father had. I would be loosing 320k. Since my father’s death, I’ve been having problems to receive the money, and turns out it’s a possibility that I will never receive it.

Tonight’s ritual will be some divination session with Lucifer so I can get some guidance, maybe I will write a petition. Idk, altough I’m doing the Third Eye ritual and meditation, I’m not able to talk to spirits like most people here, my senses are not that developed yet. So I will use my tarot deck, my Lenormand and that app device I’ve consecrated some time ago to try and talk to Lucifer about this matter.

Tonight will be day 14.

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Day 14/90 to 20/90 of working with Lucifer (September 7 to 13, 2023)
Rituals done: Invocation, litany of Lucifer, small prayers during the day, divination, offerings

I’ve been really busy, but kept my rituals every day. So much is happening, a lot of good things for my work but a lot of bad things in my personal life. I got new clients, I made more money than last month already, old clients are praising me online, and I’m getting opportunities to learn and develop my craft. My home life though is getting worse by the day. Everything is falling apart and is getting so hard for me to stay here. I feel like it’s Lucifer pushing me to leave, but I’m still afraid to take such a big step without having a secure plan.

On Lilith’s side, I was able to conclude the necklace ritual and wow! what a thing to wear! People really changed around me. Men are treating me differently, eager to please, some call me sweet names while doing me favours and giving me things I didn’t ask for. Women ask me about my clothes and gives me compliments. It’s like having a strong case of Pretty Privilege.

I feel like, no matter what happens from now on, I’m keeping their altars. The day will come when I’ll have to move out and find me an apartment on another country, and the first thing I will do is build Lilith and Lucifer new altars on the new home. I don’t think 90 days are enough to work with both.

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Looks like I’m on day 21 now. I’m really enjoying the process. The spirits I’m talking to are focusing a lot on patience, and I can see that I really need to work on my ability to sense them in general. So, yep, I’m continuing to move alone with this.

Day 21/90 to 24/90 of working with Lucifer (September 14 to 17, 2023)
Rituals done: Invocation, litany of Lucifer, small prayers during the day

I’m feeling so overwhelmed. It seems like I have so much to do and so many things to learn but not enough hours in a day. I’m thinking about writing a schedule so I can follow through with some rituals and occult lessons without getting this lost, because that’s how I feel: very very lost.
Sometimes I get this feeling that I’m lazy and that I’m not doing enough. Other times it’s like I’m losing focus thinking about a million things and not doing any of it.
On a more positive note, I’m sleeping better, eating healthier and tomorrow I’ll start working out.

Day 25/90 to 29/90 of working with Lucifer (September 18 to 22, 2023)
Rituals done: Invocation, litany of Lucifer, small prayers during the day, petition, meditations, offerings

I’m feeling better and was able to organize a schedule for rituals and occult learning. Thinking about giving a try to the Quareia course. At the moment I’m refining my divination skills with a tarot course and a rune reading one, meditating every day and doing invocations (Lucifer and Lilith). I’m also taking care of their altars and keeping them clean and with offerings. I’m also offering activities, like my workout sessions or book readings. Talked to my lawyer and it seems I won’t be losing my inheritance, so that’s a huge win for me.

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Day 30/90 to 48/90 of working with Lucifer (September 23 to Oct 10, 2023)
Rituals done: Invocation, litany of Lucifer, small prayers during the day, petitions, meditations, offerings

Crazy, crazy days. A lot is happening, I don’t even know what to say.

I was adopted as a baby, always knew about my adoption and never wanted to know a thing about my biological family. To be honest, it had zero impact on my life. Now, a biological aunt reached out, told me I have a sister just a little bit younger than me and asked me permission to tell the girl. According to her, my biological mother kept me a secret, her family had suspicions but could never get an answer from her. My grandparents even tried to find me through legal matters at the time, to no avail.

The thing is, this aunt believes that my adoptive father (now dead) was actually my biological father. She thinks that me and my sister are both his daughters, my biological mother was his lover and thats why she kept me as a secret, because of shame and fear. He adopted me with his wife, but when my biological mother turned out pregnant again he couldn’t keep another baby, so she found a guy to register the second child (my sister).

Funny thing is, before all this, I had a lot of oracular guidance telling me I should focus more on ancestral work and magick. I guess this is Lucifer’s way of telling me to stop procrastinating and do the work.

I made an account just for this thread.

I’m going to be doing this with Lady Lilith. 90 days of following her and letting her make whatever changes that need to be made

Day 1/90 of working with Lilith
Rituals done: Contemplation + Ritual Music
What i noticed: Currently a massive clearing out of energy

“Child what is it that you really want from me?”
“The stars aligned and it’s time to get what is yours. Pain is the gate and pain you have given and pain you will always give. Share your gifts and help them find their way as we have helped you”

Chants for dual possession.

Sha-naamaah-ten x50
Gjze’glen mock ten


Ambition and personal dominion. I want what is me and mine. I would prefer not to share my goings on with anyone either

“Blood of my Blood, Thought of my Thought, Likeness of my Likeness.”

“Say these words with me and start your journey with me.”

“Ama Lilith” Ama Lilith

“Possess my mind body and spirit”
Possess my mind body and spirit

“Clear me of all that isn’t and all that was for im with you now”
Clear me of all that isn’t and all that was for I’m with you now

“Shgjzē’nahnahmah x50”
Shegzjē’nahnahmah x50

“As I have spoken so let it be done”
As I have spoken so let it be done


I’m on day 54. I’ve found that my little requests are handled quickly, and I am getting a lot of support. I’ve added new elements to the ritual over time and have found that to be really helpful too.

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