Care Bear Lwa

So…Eva recently had a theory that proposed the Loa were in fact Atlantean Kings/Gods, and a friend of mine dug up this ridiculous conspiracy theory. While this theory does not hold any water, I’ve been thinking about it. If we can use the saints as masks for the Loa, who’s to say we can’t use the Care Bears? Like, if I ever have an actual full altar room I’m going to have idols that are plush toys of care bears, into which I would invoke the Lwa. How do you guys feel about this?

And yes, this is meant to be silly. Legba and the Baron find it funny, Mademoiselle Charlotte does not approve.

well it is up to the spirit, if spirit make a link,portal or posses tedy bear than it is fine :smiley:

it depends on situation…

^ I agree, if the spirits are okay with it… the images of saints were items of reverence and respect, so not sure how well that will translate.

I have an old Care Bears t-shirt I wear as a nightie & round the house, some spirits don’t mind me working in it, others prefer more formality, they’re not a generic group. :slight_smile:

Yes, but…Care Bears, hahaha!

OK, I’m kidding. I still think that someone HAS to try this.

The saints had color, office, and image related correspondences that were utilized in an emergency situation.

I get the whole ridiculous hilarity of the gag…But it is ridiculous.

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[quote=“Arcane, post:1, topic:8283”]

So…Eva recently had a theory that proposed the Loa were in fact Atlantean Kings/Gods, and a friend of mine dug up this ridiculous conspiracy theory. While this theory does not hold any water, I’ve been thinking about it. If we can use the saints as masks for the Loa, who’s to say we can’t use the Care Bears? Like, if I ever have an actual full altar room I’m going to have idols that are plush toys of care bears, into which I would invoke the Lwa. How do you guys feel about this?

And yes, this is meant to be silly. Legba and the Baron find it funny, Mademoiselle Charlotte does not approve.[/quote]
On a joking note: I enjoyed this and it made my day a lil

On a serious note: it could work, but there’s what they all said, if the spirit agrees to it

[quote=“Arcane, post:1, topic:8283”]

So…Eva recently had a theory that proposed the Loa were in fact Atlantean Kings/Gods, and a friend of mine dug up this ridiculous conspiracy theory. While this theory does not hold any water, I’ve been thinking about it. If we can use the saints as masks for the Loa, who’s to say we can’t use the Care Bears? Like, if I ever have an actual full altar room I’m going to have idols that are plush toys of care bears, into which I would invoke the Lwa. How do you guys feel about this?

And yes, this is meant to be silly. Legba and the Baron find it funny, Mademoiselle Charlotte does not approve.[/quote]

Well, I think in the Voudon Gnostic workbook, Michael Bertiaux claims many of the spirits in the book are Atlantian as well :slight_smile:

Loa are atlantean kings/gods. Wow. Just wow. LMFAO

I remember as a youngster trying to call upon (evoke) the Care Bears for help. Nothing happened. But I like the idea of using Care bears as spiritual containers. We’ve all heard about possessed dolls, so there is precedence here.

You sick bastards scare the hell out of me somedays. And yes, that was said with respect and love. lol

If you actually do this, you’d better have that thing buried with you. I DO NOT want some parent getting a hold of me one day telling me about how they bought this Care Bear for their kid in an estate sale from some dead guy who lived in a weird old house …


Baron Samedi is known as a patron and protector of children, and most of the Loa are more than happy to help them.

If anything, I can see this as a very fruitful product on the market…

But…But think of all the episodes of paranormal tv shows that might never get made if we did that.:sob:

I know everytime i bind a spirit to an object and randomly leave it somewhere in hopes that the right kind of person will find it, i’m doing my small part to potentially help that industry…Because i’m an American Damn it!.:us::us::us::grin: