Candle Magick Possibilities

Hahah, nice sublte way to tell me that I am dumb.

Oh God no man I’m sorry if that came off as a dickish thing to say that was not the intention.

What is was trying to say is that some knowledge could lead in insanity, not trying to say you were dumb. :frowning: again sorry for not making my statement clear.

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Nope. I think 90% is accurate. You would fall in the remaining 10%.

Again, no. I wholeheartedly disagree. You are not taking from anyone else, any more than you would be if you accomplished your goal in a mundane way. The universe just doesn’t work like that, unless you are throwing a curse to specifically take something from someone. If you are afraid of taking opportunities through magick, then I would assume you don’t apply for jobs in the mundane world, because that would be taking something from someone else too. That is just silly logic.

Again, this is wrong. You can specifically state how you would like something to come your way. However, doing so greatly limits the magick, and may increase the length of time it takes to manifest. A simple statement of "May my will be fulfilled in a way that brings no harm to me or mine, " or something similar, would stop the result from coming in a negative way.

This is the standard white light/RHP path example, and as I said above, a simple statement that you want the result in a way that causes no harm to you and yours is sufficient to prevent such things.

This is just standard Right Hand Path nonsense about karma, which doesn’t exist. No one will “pay” or suffer for you any more than they would if you got the job through mundane means, or you worked your ass off for 40 years for the money. It’s fear mongering, plain and simple. If this was really the case, then no one would ever do anything for fear of “harming” someone else except the psychopaths, which is ridiculous.

I understand your view of things, but please don’t forget that this is primarily a black magick forum, where people do cast spells for everything under the sun, from money to love to sex to books to revenge. Hell even white light magicians do so. Experience has proven time and time again, that any notion of fairness or morality just doesn’t apply to the multiverse at large. There is no universal police force that will cause something bad to happen to you or someone else just because you used magick to get a book, or a job, or a car, money or anything else.


That’s awesome I’ll be focusing more on those aspects when I get what I originally came here for!

Wish you luck! :slight_smile:

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Thanks man!

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Anyone has more experiences to share? :thinking:

do servitors really work ? do they come with sometime attached energy vampire entities?

They do work and to answer the other yes they can. A servitor will work as you program it to but you must keep at it and ensure it’s created perfectly to suit your desire. It takes much time but well worth it :smiley: