Candle Exercise in Works of Darkness

So I mentioned in several other threads that I’m blind. And, I’m trying to figure out how to modify a certain exercise.

In chapter three of Works of Darkness, there are the two darkness meditations which I did, but then there’s the meditation with the black, red, and violet candles.

I can certainly light these candles, but it won’t really do much good for me if I can’t see them it seems. So I’m left with three possibilities:

  1. Visualize the candles in each color (I do remember colors at least somewhat) and do the exercise mentally
  2. Light the candles physically but still just visualize the exercise. Perhaps there’s some physical benefit to having the actual candles present? I’m not sure.
  3. Skip the exercise. I’m not entirely sure what it’s trying to accomplish, but perhaps it’s not something I can complete properly?

Any thoughts about this would be appreciated. I’m kind of leaning toward option #1, but I can understand if using real candles might be preferable.

I hope it’s OK to ask these sort of questions about modifying rituals to be more blind-friendly, but I’m very new to all this so trying to get as much as I can out of the available resources.


I like option 1 as well. Having done it that way once, if you still don’t feel it’s doing much for you, you’ll be certain you’re not missing anything if you never do it again.


I think options 1 or 2 are your best bet. The purpose of the exercise is to acquaint you with the energy of each particular colour so as long as you can experience that difference, I don’t think it matters if it is a mental candle or a physical one.

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Candlework is not just sight, why not listen to the flame? If i close my eyes i can hear the candles burn, you can hear if the flame is intense, steady, unruly, dancing, flickering, crackling, and other activities the candle displays through sound. Also feel the warmth radiating from it, the power of your fire.
After it’s burned up you can read the results in the wax through feeling it.
Even the collecting of the ingredients to dress your candles with is a spiritual experience, practising willpower as not all are easy to obtain, it expands the intensity of your candlework even more.
When mixing ingredients for the dressing in my mortar, i charge them with my emotions in crushing them with the pestle. I feel the intent flowing into them. The feeling of how all crushes and blends through the pestle is satisfying already. Then when mixed with the oils untill it becomes a smooth substance, i imagine the smoothness in obtaining desired results.
And let’s not forget the smell, each ingredient with it’s own smell empowers the experience of preparing. Then after they are all mixed and dressed uppon the candle, they have become one substance for one purpose, yet effective in the individual effect each seperate ingredient brings to help you obtain that purpose. You will find their smell prominent through the burning process and trying to distinguish them seperately to focus on their value in their presence, will empower your work even more.
Candle magic can be quite the sensory experience, even without sight.

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You can also work with sounds that you associate with the colours, for example.

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Focus on the meaning of the color, on the result you aim to achieve by choosing that color.
You have chosen that color because of a certain intention, not the other way around.
Yes the color is relevant in atracting certain types of energy/entities and representing your desires, but the center of the power is you and what you feel.
Candle magick can be strong, it’s great medium to channel your magic. But as with all forms of magic: it’s all about the energy you invest in it. If you are not enthousiastic about the method for any reason whatsoever, it will not be efficient. If the will is weak, so is the result.