Can you really force love

It’s because it has to deal with free will. In retrospect, maybe the “stranger” knew what was being done. Felt the spell and knew going down that road would be difficulty into their life.

Love has to be in purest form if it is to work - meaning, you have to accept all parts of that person. The good, the bad, the ugly, the pretty, the dark, and the light. Even the weird, brutally honest desires of the other person. If you cannot or simply will not look over petty differences, than the ego gets in the way. And you miss out on opportunities for the heart to grow if you’re not humble to look past the faults that do not really matter. Do you know how many petty fights start over how to squishy-squish the toothpaste?

Maybe the “stranger” you’re doing the love spell for already knows the spirit of the other person and simply, because of their background will not be the first to approach. Or it could possibly be the “strangers” you’re trying to put together or do the love spell on - maybe the other party already loves the other person - despite the circumstances.

Or it could possibly be that the “stranger” is humble enough to realize that they are not ready for a relationship that could end in complete happiness beyond their wildest dreams. Also, while I understand I am going on a complete tangent here - maybe the other person is completely disgusted with how the other person treats people.

With all due respect, love is given. It’s never taken. Or maybe the person who wants to be with the “stranger” realizes they are already in love with the “stranger” - but not willing to make a move because they are already locked into something else and the “stranger” realizes they must move on.

Or really, it could be the fact a stranger is disgusted with how the other person treats people. Like never acknowledging certain aspects of the human soul.

Or really, how do a lamb and a goat make a life? How does a follower of Satan and a follower of Christ make a happy home? Hmmmm? Yes, going on a tangent is what I do best. Not apologizing for it.

The heart want what the heart wants; however, something has to go. When people are polar opposites, most of the time logic comes into play. Maybe one wants children, the other does not. Maybe one wants Egypt and the other one wants to stay in hell.

Or maybe simply, the strangers are to stubborn to see each other for who they are. Maybe one is scared and the other is prideful. Who knows. It doesn’t really matter, does it?

She loves him, but he’s to stupid to see a friendship offered and throws it down the toilet. So, she simply moves on with her life and tries the best she can to handle the heartache.

But anyways, @Yberion - love is given. Never taken. You cannot force two people to be together. And even though I know not what you talk of - sometimes a stranger would be willing to open the door if the other party just rang the doorbell.

But it really doesn’t matter what I think - because loving yourself is important to.

I’ve said enough.



Just another thought: And maybe, just maybe it took the stranger an entire year to realize what they wanted. However, events can be turned around. Paths can change. It’s not a set road.

For aren’t Satan and Christ the same? Do they not teach? Whom I follow, no one. For I am the rising star and the rising sun. For man is completely stupidfied when a woman speaks her truth. The glass falls.

For. Ehhhehmmmm. Neith and Gaia are embodiment of each other. But, shoulder shrug, no one ever connects the dots.

Many a chessboard has been flipped over by Queens who are tired of men not leveling up
So, men as well as women are to be Ma’at - meaning balanced. If one is not okay being by themselves and completely different than the crowd - they will be crushed when others leave.

Love cannot be bought. It’s simply free.

Courage takes faith in love. In anything. But I will find what I am looking for. Because I’m that determined.

And to the OP @Path_of_9, good topic. However, I will say that love comes softly. It comes with time. It comes with understanding.

It’s not an easy road. And I learned from the best, my Father. My Dad loved his kids, he loved my Mother - even after they were divorced. I’m a grown woman, and I’ve still got the man wrapped around my pinky.

If you are looking for love, write a list of what you want. The real Magick in love happens when you can see the soul.


Saying that love spells are binding and don’t last is contradictory.


No you can’t. Love spells are literally just curses that wipe out people’s free will. It’s like drug and eventually that drugs go away.


And you cannot make girls like you for spending money on them. Love cannot be buyed.

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Yes, exactly!
That is also why so many love spells go wrong. They backfire and the target gets angry and hateful or the target or operator gets obsessed. When used more often, the psychological effect on the long run is usually the operator (or client) feels unworthy to be loved without the use of magick or tricks.

They are in fact very similar to baneful spells, I might even go so far as that they might’ve originally been designed to be baneful. At least in my experiments in seeing how the mechanics of love spells work, I’ve had better results employing them in a more baneful manner than with desire as cause.


I have experienced “true love” in my life. It was never forced/contrived , it was always natural.

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Yes it’s possible.

Love magick is curse work, a form of binding and domination.

There are ways to do love magick. Forcing love is not an effective way to do the work (even though most people do that).


The problem is it won’t last. Reality may be elastic, but it always snaps back, and that snap back causes whiplash emotionally and spiritually unless you are wise enough to set up a buffer system along the way that eases it. But no matter how you approach it, you still have to manage things returning to their previous state, because the universal rule of magick is equilibrium. Marvels are simply putting things out of equilibrium and using that effect to our benefit. OR perceiving things from a higher perspective and performing natural acts that have predicted outcomes that seem like marvels.

Point- you can’t beat equilibrium.


Well said.

It’s called Stockholm Syndrome :joy: Worst love spell ever!

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Only obsession and lust and infatuation. Actual love is a choice i think

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100% agreed. This is why i refuse to do love spells, even though i know how to do so and have written quite a few on here before.


I like that POV on the matter. It fits

With that said, i don’t agree that love spells don’t work. Love spells are binds and binds work just like handcuffs do.


There are so many ways low magic or high magick, people can cast a spell or do something to you only if they have photo. You can make the person dream about you. There are so many powerfull ways…


Drugs do also works but the effect eventually go off… That’s why many experiences love spells backfires.

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tell us how?

Its not the how, spells are mostly low magick, there are real big rituals to change the whole destiniy life of a person…ancient scriptures do read more on tantra and its LHP

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Love binds work more like a kidnapping or assault than a persuasion.

You CAN take someone in broad daylight, handcuff them, and lock them in your basement and it DOES work in that they WILL do what you make them do.

But that’s not love. It’s assault and abuse. It’s illegal. And you’ll probably go to prison for trying that.

Same with hardcore love binds. They DO work but what’s the point? What exactly do you really get out of it but a person who’s too weak to fight back?

That person doesn’t love you, and they can’t love themselves. They’re full of shame because you raped their soul. That’s not love that’s assault.

My attitude is if you have to force, humiliate, or corner someone into doing something, just move on.

But sorcerors, demonolators, and black magicians are desperate people with no morality whatsoever, so… yeah.

And of course the ‘i’d never do THAT’ white lighter magicians are the FIRST to do the dirty shit. When you’ve been in this game awhile, you catch ‘innocent’ people doing guilty things ALL THE TIME. So… yeah.

It is what it is.

For the record, i don’t agree with love binds. I don’t consider them to be about love at all, they’re bad domination by power-tripping control freaks and they reek of desperation.

But to each their own. This is black magick, it’s a free-for-all. And again, magicians have no morals.


They can do what they want but I don’t like hypocrisy and double standards. A classic example is when women uses love spells to get with the men they want and curses men who uses love spells to get women to sleep with them.