Can you partially evoke a spirit or spirits in a ritual?

Yes actually. The Sacred book of Abramelin the Mage mentions to the reader to not be so concerned about seeing a spirit and bringing it forth to physical materialization…but to focus only on getting the result that you want to get.

I recently purchased a digital copy of that book in a collection. If you can recall, could you tell me what chapter or section I could find this?

I would be comfortable and not fixated on bringing the spirit to physical materialization if I was getting results through the work I have done or i have seen results for the work I have paid professional magicians to do. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, right?

As a matter of fact, one of my most recent results that I posted a few weeks ago where I got exactly what I asked for, I had to do an 11 day ritual to Nitika…and at no point during those 11 days did I see, hear or even feel the presence of a spirit…but I got the result I wanted nonetheless. Why? Because I don’t look for validations within my rituals in order to give me confidence in magick.

So you needed quick cash and you wanted to try something new so you spent money, of which you didn’t have much of already, to try something that may not have worked? Why wouldn’t you have done something that you already know would more than likely work and would have costed you nothing? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

If I were to take a guess at what you are doing wrong, my guess is that you don’t actually believe in Magick.

I do believe in magic. That is why in spite of getting no results from the time I have invested in performing ceremonies and evocations and also paying professional magicians I still practice magic. I go out of my way not just to do the minimum but to actually follow every step as much as possible as described in certain grimoires I’ve read. So, don’t question whether or not I believe in magic.

I question other people’s ability to perform magick by asking logical and reasonable questions. If I am not getting results from the work I have done nor well known professional magicians after months of waiting and doing everything mundane that I need to do, don’t you think reasonably one’s mind would start to ask questions, if I/we are missing something here? I think so.

When I see stuff like that, I view it as projection.

Maybe it is projection. However, they are logical questions. Middle aged men sleep with young women all the time without the help of magic and demons. All the time. They simply make themselves attractive to young women and instead of staying home they go out to where they can meet the kind of women they want to meet. So, what’s the issue with me asking if it’s indeed magic that caused the results or simply your won effort that you put into the endeavour?

The issue here goetic is that you will never get the validation you seek from other people.

I’m not seeking validation. None whatsoever.

But you aren’t going to do this if you enter the ritual circle with a cloud of doubt around your head.

I don’t enter the rituals with a cloud of doubt. That’s why I keep going back in spite of the lack of results. It’s normal to have some doubt. We are all humans. Which of us can keep doing the same thing for months or years with absolutely no results and can honestly say they don’t have a shred of doubt? None.

So my first bit of advice is to remove any sort of scrying mirrors or incenses from your rituals for the time being, so you don’t get discouraged each time when nothing appears. Instead, focus on the emotions required to manifest your reality. My second bit of advice is to pick one system and stick with it.

If I remove the incense and scrying mirror from my ceremonies I don’t think I would be following the Solomonic system.

And lastly, my third bit of advice: repetition repetition repetition .

I don’t think that I can repeat the kind of ceremonial rituals that I perform one day after another. I usually wait for a certain moon phase, I mentally prepare myself days going into the actual night of, I abstain from certain things, etc. It’s very elaborate. However, I have recently been looking into Psalms magic and I do plan to perform one soon. That one I have already made plans to repeat 7 days consecutively into the date that I need to see the results.

So hopefully with this bit of advice, you can start getting the results that you’re after.

I will absolutely keep practising.