Can wards deflect deliberate magickal attack by another mage?

Are these defense against magical attacks from other magicians?

The house ward I posted? Generally, no, these are not for deliberate attack. Any mage good enough can figure out they exist and how to get around them.
These are for basic spiritual hygiene and stop randoms and opportunists, stray negative energy from your neighbours having an argument or astral entities passing though.

Personal shields do better at that, but again if the mage is any good, you’ll have to do better than him, and certainly better than than the mere basics.

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Is it in the end a better defense to attack and annihilate him with destructive curses and hexes?

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Maybe not. Curses are not defensive. It’s no good setting his house on fire while yours is still burning. You’re just escalating. Break the hex and fix your issues first.

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What can break a hex? Crystals?

No, a crystal is again a passive thing, it doesn’t do anything by itself but give out a certain kind of energy. A hex breaking working breaks a hex. We have a few of those if you try the search.

I have moved this side conversation out here as it’s drifting off topic for the “what are your fave wards” thread.

Is defense against magical attacks not all based on cleaning of aura and chakras?

That would be part of cleaning up any mess caused by an attack, but it’s addressing a symptom of a problem not the cause.

It’s like wiping your nose after you sneezed: doesn’t fix the cold, just cleans up your face.

Are you saying there are no wards that can deflect deliberate magical attacks?

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No, I said what I meant.

It’s best not to invent absolutes in magick, it’s not helpful.

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It cannot be programmed to do it?

I can’t personally think of a way to get that to work. Which might just be my thinking being limited here, but if you’re going to form a program anyway, then, just make a thoughtform that doesn’t have it’s own mind about how it works.

People don’t understand, crystals are more like people. They’re the highest level of spiritual development in the mineral realm. You have to understand their energy and work WITH them, not just ride roughshod over them and use them any which way.

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I of course mean in according to their powers. That the purpose shall correspondence with their powers.

The defensive crystal tend to be black, like black tourmaline and obsidian, and absorb negative energy. They don’t deflect it but they take it away from you.

Would that not break a hex also as hexes consists by negative energy?

Why? Does diverting a stream stop the flow? Does putting earplug on stop the music?

If you want to stop a hex, you have to break it an stop the energy from coming. Switch the music off.

Can consecrated water and incense do it?

Not without your own directed energy and intention. These are just tools, and become merely water and smoke that mean nothing without your intention and attention directing your energy.


With consecrated I meant directing specific energy into it such as elemental air into the incense and elemental water into the water (I have chalice).