Can Someone Read Me?

Dissatisfaction but things are not “bad.” Just slow moving. Waiting on YOU. Starting little projects with enthusiasm and then losing your spark. Too focused on big changes you’re missing the little steps along the way. Also, do you have an addiction?

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no addictions i dont think so, but ima dissatisfied about a lot lol i have been thinking no matter how much i put in things it wont change much at all trying to word what im thinking is for some reason just hard.

Maybe I picked up addiction as an obsession. Here’s a trick though. Magick is very natural, as it’s bending and shaping energies to our will. If you keep thinking negative, youre going to get negative back. I as well as others have had incredible things happen once you let go of that negative mentality and go with the flow. And actually state aloud what you WANT to happen . This is active participation and work. Also, if you intend to work with demonic energies they are far more prone to helping you if you’re doing your part as I’ve mentioned.


A year ago I was going to end my life. Trapped, mostly in my head but otherwise also. Verbally, mentally, emotionally abused and worn out with no feeling. Today I have an amazing job, people who absolutely love me, a beautiful home, and I fell in love. If that’s not magick, I don’t know what is. Hail Lucifer !


that’s amazing to hear.
i have to stop thinking the damn world is going to end or some shit :smile:
the ups ok and downs way down are just out of control.


Your power comes in when you can ride those waves unbothered. Trust me, I have a HARD time letting go I am the worst! Your mind is your worst enemy hun, believe me. Keep telling yourself you have the power. Power doesn’t necessarily mean control. But you WILL see changes when you change your mind.


i know your right .


I instantly felt an Energetic bolt going into my right leg, when i read your post.

  • that means you have issues on your water Element.
    My Recomendation: Have a Healing bath (-seurch function),
    and Conjure Leviathan up while you’re in it.
    He’ll help you.


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That’s actually one of the reasons why Demons demand Sacrifices.
To make the Sorcerer aware that loosing things is a natrual process and training them in being capable of letting go.

Willfully. Beloved. Shattered and lost.
Released. - gaining relief and power from it.





interesting so i should be talking to Leviathan Leviathan sigil

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could you talk more about this?

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Hahaha, i said Leviathan, not Sulphur! ^^

The Leviathan Cross is often mistaken as his Sigil.
Here you have an exact Leviathan Sigil. :wink:

And - no, i want him to point it out to you exactly.

All i can say, is i noticed a freeze Spell / Ice Magick on you.
At least that’s the Energetic code i feel coming off.

Ok fine. I actually felt a connection to your words while reading them, so there must be some value in my insights for you.
I actually ment what i said.
The right legt is the leg of water Energys, as i already mentioned, by reading the full topic i quickly noticed the freeze on you.
So what would you do to warm yourself up?
Do that, and intensify the expierience by fueling it with Astral Power / or Drugs if you use those.
Why do i actually recomend you the usage there`?
becouse the essential point here is for you to have a shift, out of that freezy sphere into a different state.
I taste Orange. Have some fruits, or a glaß of red whine.
(so sad, no blood… :wine_glass: :wink: )
That’s all for now. :wink:



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thank you im very new to evocation but i will defiantly try.

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Just draw the Sigil i linked to you / or Leviathan Cross, if you feel that feels better for you,
on a piece of paper, wrap it around the tube while filling the bath tup and place it under a burning candle when you enter into the bath.
Leviathan – Jaden Tasa Hoet Naca Leviat
that’s his Enn.
You can write it around the Sigil.
In the bath, just cast it as a mantra.
If you want a exact number - Which i DON’T RECOMMEND - 3 sets of 3 x 3. (=9 + 9 +9 = 27 Calls in total. more really shouldn’t be needed. - normally 3-5 Calls should do just well. :wink: )



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my last question can i just activate the sigil and state what i wont?

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of course you state what you want, i just wanted to make the calling easier for you since you mentioned you might be grateful for some advice. :wink:

thanks for every thing im just new i can get the sigil to flash rather easily then state what i want i didn’t know if that would work.

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Oh it does. If you can get it to flash you’re just fine! :wink:

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After i got the sigil to flash i asked to remove any blocks i my have.

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It’s quite an old thread but anyone still here can read me, I am thankful for that.