Can I invoke/evoke myself?

Think he may be asked to sit and meditate on How to evoke and invoke his younger self…The value here isn’t that he’s just supposed to do it. Lucifer gave it to him as a riddle.

So to answer the original poster, you can but you have to meditate on the how to do such to achieve relaxation…I could be wrong or way off…but usually there is a deeper meaning and reason if Lucifer tells u to do something…

What was your younger self like? What is anybody’s younger self like? RECEPTIVE…young brains are like magnets for information…So perhaps this is a way of opening u up?

First , what were u like when u were younger? What do u remember from your youth? Remember something from when u were young (no assumption is made this necessarily means u were a child here)…Maybe immerse urself in that memory…If relaxation is the goal, what moment of your youth was when u were most calm???

Just pitching an idea…I don’t suppose Lucifer wants u to make a seal that is you pertaining to u, as though u had ur own demonic sigil, in order to evoke and invoke urself? Maybe a hymm u dedicate to yourself as well as an enn u create for yourself …or maybe he does???

Wow, now this is intriguing…

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Light some candles, enough that you can draw but make sure the lighting works with your meditation need.
Go deep into yourself and sit in darkness, focusing your intent on your higher self.
When you feel compulsed to, start drawing.
You will come up with your sigil this way an you can even go so far as to create an enn for yourself too.



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