Can demons hold a grudge

the title itself does sound a bit childish but have been a question that have been plaguing me i wanted to try working with lucifer but i feel like he may not be as happy of my efforts since i have said some stuff when i was younger that may have offended him not intentionally knowing but still as thing me and a my friends did a lot as a joke will that affect my working with him.

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Well I have suffered consequences for insulting my succubus before. She literally waited like 8 hours before making me suffer till I cried, so they probably do and they wait some time before making you suffer.

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i was 12 back then so it was quite a long time ago but their is still a inside joke between as friends

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Consider this…
Lucifer has been around long before Gautama Buddah broke free of his palace. The tribes of Israel roamed their region looking for their promised land. The first Europeans crossed the land/ icebridges into The Americas. Long before the first humans invaded the Neanderthal habitat in Europe.

Do you really think he cares if a 12 year old called him a stinkypoo


It depends on what you did (you don’t say). It also depends on the demon. Different demons have different personalities and their interactions vary on the individual. Why don’t you summon him and have that chat as to whether he is holding a grudge?


:point_up_2: This.

Yeah if this was another person, you would go and ask them “Hey, I know I said some things but I didn’t mean it and I hope I didn’t offend you: are we good?”. If you consider yourself equal in spirit, then the respectful thing to do is have that conversation face to face.

In my experience, any entity that is a higher being is more mature than this. I consider Lucifer to be a fictional egregore but nevertheless a well made one with higher sensitivities. A succubus is an Earthbound entity and not a higher being, I call them “lesser entities”, it is subject to the same issues humans have with emotions getting the better of them, and free will, so it makes sense it would retaliate instead of having a mature conversation or have higher understanding. Lucifer is not a lesser entity like that.


Can they? Yeah lol

Do you need to worry in this situation? Not really, particularly where you were a kid.

The childish moments of our lives are expected when being a child. I advise you not worry about such things. That being said, as an adult the expectations are that we act maturely and reflective of the causality of our actions in our adulthood. And we must accept the consequences of our actions without blaming others. (Left hand path 101) When working with celestial beings I hold these words of advice as truths.

And moreover, I always remember to keep in mind the outlook of the beings themselves, who can be much like loan sharks - As an adult if you agree to perform an action or process, if you don’t pay the $5 they will take the $10. But no gangster holds a long term grudge and breaks the legs of a 12 year old offender.

Think clearly friend and find peace with your past.

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If what’s on TikTok is right and Lucifer is a demon of self empowerment show him that you’ve changed be the example of your improvement with sincerity and be truthful about it

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