Hey there. Not sure if you have solved your noisy neighbor problem or not but I just wanted to share this.
I have removed annoying neighbors in the past quite easily. The first time it took about 3 months total. One owner moved and the other one kicked out the trouble maker. (That was a couple of years ago)
Now I have since moved and I have yet again easily removed the new noisyness. So there were two issues: the teens who (illegally) ride their dirt/motor bikes along the road behind my home, and THEN there were the people who live below. Day after day they kept playing loud music and banging on the wall (or stomping loudly) every 15 minutes. They probably were dancing but I can only speculate.
Now at first, me simply stomping on the floor would quiet them down but then that started to embolden them. After about a week strait of this consistent 8 hour bang job I was done.
Now I didn’t want to still be posting about this in 2021 so I did the WORKS! First, I did some visualization work and engulfed their unit in kiln like flames that could melt metal, but only while the music and banging persist. Then I contacted the Angels of Wrath and destroyed their defenses and then destroyed them with wrath, but only while the music and banging persist. Then I went downstairs to their unit with my commanding oil and hotfoot curse powder. I drew the sigil of Santa Meurte on their door with the oil and then I dusted some of the poweder onto it. I also traced their door handle with the oil and again dusted it with the powder. And lastly I sprinkled a bit of powder across their doorway. I, yet again, communitcated that anything done to them would only persist as long as the music and banging persisted.
They turned down that music before I had even finished powdering their doorstep. I heard them whispering OMG what’s that!? (Mind you they don’t have a peep hole and I was so quiet and “lite” and their music was so loud that there is no way they heard me). But I did freeze for a second thinking they might open the door but they didn’t and I so continued. The whole time I could feel the heavy ass energy I was sending their way.
I then went back upstairs and I have heard NOT A SINGLE PEEP outta those people since. This was 3 weeks a ago. Now, as for the motor biking teens, I just called the cops for a week strait until they finally caught up with the little bastards. Their parents have been notified and they haven’t been back, hahaha. So all in all 100% success rate in less then one week.