This might sound odd (or maybe not considering the forum, lol), but I have been thinking more and more about the story of Odin’s hanging himself on the world tree as a “sacrifice of himself to himself” for knowledge. I found it very inspiring, and it got me thinking more and more about ways that we can do such sacrifices and transform ourselves for the better. Obviously, there are slower and steadier ways of doing so (e.g. changing one habit at a time, facing a major fear, etc.), but I’m specifically looking for rituals and methods on how to induce rapid transformation.
One thing I thought of was making a list of fears and then taking 3, 6, or 9 days to hammer at them until I feel confident that I have overcome them. I’ve thought of others things like long fasts of various kinds (food, social media, etc.), sleeping outside in the woods, deprivation tanks, etc. But I’m curious to know if other people have suggestions.
Also, I feel the need to mention that I completely understand the wisdom and benefits of the slow and steady approach. In fact, I’ve used it several times in my own life. But I also think the rapid and intense approach has a wisdom of its own, and I’d like to try that. Any recommendations?
I think you got the main one with fasting. Dry fasting is even better and also clears parasites better, both physical and astral.
According to info in the bardic grade course at, the bards would be placed into dark rooms with heavy stones they were unable to remove on their chests for up to a week to induce intense psychedelic states. Carlos Castaneda talks about the Toltec Naguals holing themselves up in bivvy shelters made of sticks that were only large enough for the body that they could not otherwise move in as part of the warrior training portion of their work.
So there is something about immobility and full concentration inwards that make this more effective than simply say, fasting but otherwise carrying on relatively normally. You do not eat or drink or do anything except the work.
This is basically the purpose of sensory deprivation tanks. Some people have reported intense spiritual experiences while in one.
Look into attending a spiritual retreat of some type. There are several open traditions, such as Buddhism, that offer them. In his book Sorcerer’s Secrets, Jason Miller also recommends a week long magical retreat where you can focus on nothing but your magick and/or spirituality.
@Mulberry and @DarkestKnight thank you for your responses!
Your comments made me remember something I read about how Aleister Crowley and some of his students/followers would induce trance states via things like exhaustion, sleep deprivation, etc. It seems that any activity or ritual that either starves the self of something it is attached to (fasting, sensory deprivation, an inability to move) or pushes the self to a limit beyond what it has experienced before (e.g. doing some kind of physical activity past the point of exhaustion, facing a fear, etc) are ways to stretch the ego or kill it all together by showing ourselves that there is more outside the ego’s boundaries. Starve or go beyond - either one seems like it can force us to become a new person.
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In my opinion (informed by an interest in many different esoteric and spiritual philosophies)
The ego is not something you ever want to purposely get rid of. It’s never the end goal and should be a gradual side effect of the spiritual work you are doing and the full realisation that it is just a vehicle and a tool that you have less and less need for.
I also doubt that a forced (rapid) transformation will have a lasting longterm effect on spiritual growth. If anything the effect will be having had just a glimpse of where you could be going. Most likely, you just transform and strengthen the ego along with it. Hence the many people that seem to get that guru-complex they can’t shake off after only one ayahuasca retreat. Or you do manage to kill or rather subside the ego and it becomes next to impossible to exist in the mundane world.
The whole point to a full transformation is to let your whole system gradually adapt to a state of being that was previously foreign to you and in many cases also foreign to existing on the physical plane in general.
That being said, treating it as the temporary boost that it is and being aware of the possible side effects. It can give you that extra sprint towards your goal while on your path.
Looking into things like the previously recommended spiritual retreats (with or without the use of psychedelics under supervision), sensory deprivation or things like sweatlodges etc. can give you that boost you’re looking for. Especially retreats, there’s something about a shared experience with likeminded people that just gives you that extra inspirarion.
Be sure to give yourself a day or two to adjust when you are home again.
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@LvxMferre Thanks for your comment! Yeah, a temporary boost is what I’m looking for. I’ve learned the hard way that the slow(er) and steady pace is better for long-term success, but doing an occasional sprint at times helps too.
And I’m usually hesitant to even use the phrase “ego death” because I’m not sure that the ego can ever really die until the physical body dies + I agree that the ego has its uses. I think a better way to put it is that I’m looking for “ego transformation” or “ego recreation.”
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Yeah in my view, it’s a matter of subsiding the ego.
From your profile I gather you walk the Draconian path?
There’s two workings on the site of the Temple Of Ascending Flame (under the tab: Materials) that were powerful for me in being confronted with, shaping and integrating my shadow and my more primordial parts. They are centered around the symbolic death and rebirth and have inspired me to design more work like that. Mainly using death-energy or the burning fire of Lucifer to let certain parts of myself disintegrate or wither and die, so I can let them be reborn and reshaped.
The first is Abaddon: Beast Of The Abyss and the second Samael: The Angel Of Death
Maybe this might be sort of what you’re looking for in terms of diminishing the ego or at least transforming it.
There’s more free stuff on their page which might be a great fit or at least an inspiration of how to go about a transformation. Their Lucifer works are usually somewhat centered around gaining gnosis and transformation.
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