Can you guarantee yourself success? (Controversial Debate)

LOL Dude, you’re the one saying it’s not possible. hahaha

Anything that I’ve truly wanted in life, including magickal workings has always been successful. I made sure of it. The use of magick is actual evidence that we don’t take no for an answer. And with all the other bullshit examples you gave, chances are those people didn’t use magick properly or did any ground work. Last year I got my friend hired for a job she wasn’t fully qualified for, out of 117 applicants who had both solid qualifications and experience. And this, without the help of any spirits. So, anyone who tells me it’s not possible is full of shit.

Anyway, we’ve derailed OP’s thread.

Apologies Dagar! I’d like to encourage you to put together a solid business plan for your musical business, inclusive of any spiritual help that you need to make it happen. I would suggest King Paimon, Suhn’tal’ock, and servitors for individual aspects. I have a number of servitors that work on everything from ensuring accounting happens properly to bringing in the rightly profiled clients, etc.

Don’t let ANYONE tell you it’s not possible!!


My examples are facts of life that happen all the time, so don’t tell me they’re bullshit because it only shows that you don’t have a clue. I have successfully caused the improbable to happen myself, so that is certainly not unique to you, but causing something improbable to happen does not invalidate what I’m saying at all so, really, it is your “example” that is bullshit, not mine. Improbable does not equal impossible.

No, in fact, I have said nothing of the sort. If you bothered to read what I wrote, you would know that never once did I say the OP’s goal isn’t possible so don’t put words in my mouth.

What I took issue with was your proclamation that magick guarantees success, because that is patently false and flies in the face of all mathematical probability.

I never said it wasn’t possible. I never said that it couldn’t happen. I never said that it won’t happen. Only that it is not assured, magick or not. That’s it. So come down off your high horse.

The possibility of something happening does not exclude the possibility of that something also NOT happening. In fact for one possibility to exist, so must the other. That is the duality of the world we live in and no matter what lies you like to tell yourself, that is a fact that cannot be disputed.

Even if the probability of an event happening was 99.9999%, there is still that 0.0001% probability of it not happening. There is an extremely high probability that the sun will rise in the morning, but the possibility also exists, however infinitesimal, that it will go nova and scour the Earth of all life. Nothing is ever 100% assured, and magick cannot cannot change that.

Edit to add: Apologies, @dagar for the derailment. Hit me up in PM and I’ll do a reading for you.

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Mate, I’m not having a bullshit argument with you. I’ve met plenty of people like you who try to tell me what I’ve already experienced is not possible. That’s not my problem. Nor am I interested in whatever issue triggered you off. I’m not going to let anyone tell me what is and isn’t possible. I only replied to dagar to try and help him.

And the reason why I don’t share anything I know or have experienced with magick, or even share anything about myself here is because of people like you who think they know everything. I’ve seen your posts where you come with some self proclaimed authority. You even tried to tell me how much more experienced you think you are than me. Doesn’t mean shit to me. I’ve had plenty of dick wagging contests when I was younger, but with age and hopefully some wisdom, one realises that’s a complete waste of time. So, I will do my best to not try and help anyone on here.

So, at this moment, lets just do this…you keep believing what you believe, and I will continue believing what I’ve experienced.

I’m out!


Whatever you say, dude. :roll_eyes:


Interesting readings and thank you all who contributed on this discussion.
But flagged for moderation as off topics.


Cheers, I made it its own topic, interesting discussion. Reminder to please keep things civil though! :kissing_heart:


Adding to this,
EA Koettings first successful evocation harvested no results from King Paimon.

“The decision had already been made” comes to mind.

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This is a post he made about it: Here's Something We Seldom Hear About - #5 by E.A



My opinion on this is that, no, demons definitely can not guarantee success.
I’ve had personal experiences where I have performed evocations for something well within the realm of probable possibilities but I wanted it to happen faster, and achieved no results at all.


Also adding to this -
There’s a relatively famous story about Bune, in which a man continuly performed evocations in order to get an exact amount of money using her help, let’s say the number was $265,456. Finally, Bune abliged after weeks of saying it’s not possibile at this current time.

Well, the next day, he comes home from work to find his family home had been burnt to the ground, only to discover his insurance payout would be exactly $265,456.

Guaranteeing success may have it’s negatives that far out weigh the possible positives.


The phrase, “be careful what you wish for” comes to mind. Nothing always comes true, but it just might.


Well. Thank you guys for the input and everything :yum:. @DarkestKnight magick still makes it more probable right? I’m aware that nothing is guaranteed but I always thought that with magick it kinda became a matter of when not if.

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Hey, I’ve had plenty of failures too (some spectacularly bad giving me the opposite results of what I wanted), but I’ve also had some really amazing successes, so, I came to this forum to learn more, to get better at evocation, and to get better results from the demons.
Since I have been on this path, I think I have really improved at knowing myself, at divination, and I’ve learned new rituals and new strategies to try. Time will tell whether this all pays off, or ends up going nowhere.

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Short answer, no. There’s no demon or Angel or a God that can guarantee the success of a ritual.

Spirits act as part of our consciousness. The ritual unites our spirit and the spirit of the being we call or evoke. If the mind of the magician is not doing the right thing, don’t expect the spirit to be fixing the negative effects of that and manifesting the desire perfectly anyway, just because you asked and gave them tons of offerings. You affect the spirit you work with, as much as the spirit affects you.

The success of the ritual can not be guaranteed. Nothing in life is 100% guaranteed. Not even scientific facts. There’s always an exception. This is important for life and change. Without this failure - which is a success of the undesired - success can not be possible. If everything is fixed, even success, then change would be impossible. What can be guaranteed is the success of the outcome. Even if it takes 50 rituals to get it done.

Because with magick, I believe we manipulate possibilities and probabilities. Allowing a possibility to become a probability, then willing the probability to become a reality.

The more you fail, the more you should realize that your success is assured.


Lol If anyone read my posts, I clearly state that guaranteeing success is up to YOU, not leaving it to an entity, or to fate. It’s common sense.

If you want a million dollars, an inexperienced mage will most likely just evoke a wealth entity or perform a ritual, sit back and expect a million dollars to fall into their lap. When nothing happens, or as stated above, their house burns down, they claim foul or failure. They’ll blame the entity or go around telling people it’s not possible.

A wise mage (because experience is clearly overrated), will approach this differently. A wise mage will do some planning. He/she will find a pathway and only evoke supernatural help for specific portions.

For example (I’ll only give examples that are real, my own, or someone I’ve worked with), this one person I know loves making candles. She wanted to create a few extra thousand dollars a month. Didn’t know how to. I suggested she create a business out of selling candles. The problem was that the types of candles she makes, are available in China for just over a dollar. She knocked that idea down quickly. So, I suggested she imbue the candles with energies during the making process and sell them in markets. Gave her mantras to play in the background, and a couple of rituals to mentally perform when she’s making them. Add to that some magick to create sales, and now, she’s easily selling over a 100 of these in a day market at $15 bucks a pop.

Another example of a person suffering from stage four cancer. Doctors told her nothing could be done. She’ll die within months. Not possible, bullshit. She was cured within a couple of months. No entities used. Just a diet change and some energy work. So far, five people that I’ve worked with have all been cured of cancer. It’s possible. You don’t even need magick for this. Imagine all the people that die from cancer because they are told its not possible. Why? because they haven’t experienced it.

Now, let’s come back to the creating millions. I don’t like sharing my personal info on public forums, but I’ll share just a little bit here. I’ve created multiple businesses and multiple streams of income, not by asking entities to do all the work for me, but by being smart in how I approach business and magick. Instead of asking for the millions, I instead ask for very specific abilities, or to enhance specific abilities that I have, inorder for me to make happen that which I desire. I’ve controlled everything from meetings, to obtaining contracts, to every process my businesses undertake. It’s only hard if you truly believe it’s not possible. With any endeavour, doesn’t matter how difficult you think it is, always start from a point of belief that it is possible.

I disagreed with the examples Darkestknight gave, because all those examples left it to fate. The whole point of magick is to take that power away from fate and put it back in your hands. Not in the hands of an entity, but your hands.

Break the process down, be the god damn boss and control it. Everything can be guaranteed, if you truly desire it.

Relying on magick alone, is stupidity. Utilising magick as part of a plan of attack is intelligence.

For hell’s sake, you’re on a forum about becoming a living god. At the very least, you should have an assumption of already being a God of limitless power and ability, right? Isn’t that what the demons are trying to remind us?

@dagar, mate, map out a business plan for your musical business, identify the choke points and then find both entities and magickal workings to bring those choke points in your control. Know exactly what the outcome is that you desire. Not just mentally, but also emotionally. Most people don’t truly want what they desire. If you did just the above, you’re about 90% of the way there. And at any point, if you give into beliefs that that it’s not possible, then, you might as well get a job.


@Lady_Eva I think the title of this thread isn’t accurate. I’m not suggesting that anyone rely on a demon to guarantee success. I’m saying that everyone can guarantee success themselves, using knowledge, abilities, and magickal workings, inclusive of the help of entities.

Leaving it solely up to another being to bring you success can’t guarantee anything. I believe the title should be " Can you guarantee yourself success?" That is what I am saying.

BTW, this was purely on the context of @dagar establishing his musical business. Clearly, the discussion has been taken out of context.


I never thought to ask for specific abilities but rather have hoped they brought the correct and corresponding knowledge or tools back to me, narrowing my manifesting circle to abilities and talents, I feel would greatly improve my results. I’ve been the guy to ask for 1,000,000 but have been too dumb to specify in what form. I can tell you I live in infinite abundance being a tax-free 18-year old who has yet to move out my parent’s house but I failed to see the own trap I have set up for myself.

I am still rather confused as to how you and @DarkestKnight are still arguing, as with every failure is a form of success in itself, with each defeated ritual or anti-climatic manifestation brings new ideas and learning to fruition. My magick has been rather shit along with my dream states, that was until a mental hospital and new psychology center is teaching me the necessary tools and skills to be the captain of my own life and ship. Now that I think about it my manifestations and progress have only been increasing greatly by my physical work, it seems failing was a necessary lesson in my ascent!

So can any Demon guarantee success? Idk, cuss there are too many God-damn factors and my fuck ups are paying off splendidly!

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Yes, it’s much easier to work on the specifics. When you do it this way, you discover that often times, all that will be required is small tweaks to get to your destination.

Right now, I’m working on a new stock portfolio that is done through magick. So, instead of asking Suhn’tal’ock to raise this into a hundred million dollar stock empire, I’ve asked him for a specific ability enhancement for a specific sector of the market. This is an enhancement on what I already do. So, this particular portfolio growing isn’t dependent on him, but on me with this enhanced ability. See how this becomes easier??

For a online sales business, instead of asking spirits to bring me sales, what I’ve done is create a profile of my perfect clients, which I heavily target on facebook, then created servitors, whose task it is to energetically connect their awareness with my ad on facebook. Instead of the traditional 7 touches, I’m able to get better results with 3 touches.

Another example: Right now, I’m trying to get back in shape. I eat right and exercise as usual, with a slight difference. Belial to keep my motivation going, Mars to give twice the benefit of the same workout, and an energy program that is placed within my body that works with the subconscious programs to regulate the right hormones at the right times.

Work on the specifics, and control the process.


Wizard_Avihs makes sense with what he had said so far. If we live every work for the demon and sit in the background, nothing is going to happen.

If we make a plan, learn and upgrade our skills, at the same time ask a demon to help us and amp up our efforts, there wouldnt be any obstacle that we cant overcome :wink:

Well I was going for the click-bait :laughing: but I’ve changed it anyway.

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