Can a spirit leave the evocation triangle and remain materialized?

That is my question. I know there are times when people ask the spirits they work with for a manifestation and they appear to them physically but only for a few seconds or minutes. I want to know if a spirit can still materialize even if it leaves the triangle (or whatever form you are using for the evocation) and just interact with the physical world as if it were any human being. Can it happen?


Yes, it can leave the triangle if it isn’t bound to it, but no, it cannot interact with the physical world like a human can. Moving physical objects takes a lot of energy for a non-physical being so they can’t suddenly materialize a body and move something at the same time.


But will it be materilized or will it return to its spirit form? And if it has a physical body, will it just pass through things as if it were a ghost?

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Spirits don’t have physical bodies. This is not their plane of existence. It takes a lot of energy for them to interact here.


Sadly Hollywood and fake news kinda give people a wrong idea of what a spirit is and what it can do.

Even tho a spirit can play with lights and quickly materialize, it won’t appear in your room with CGI and talking to you as you would with a human.

Spirits have no shape. They are made of energy, their true form is like weaves of energy. If they give you a form it will be either an egregoric one (the drawing in the Goetia Grimores) through your clairvoyance or a personnal one through telepathy. (Example : Asmodeus that appears as a manga ish character)


Oh, okay, so how do I give one enough energy to manifest a physical body? Maybe it sounds crazy but I get an idea: On the continent where I live there are magicians who go to big events to steal energy from the intense emotions that people are feeling (sometimes to rejuvenate or even to reincarnate) so if I do the same and draw from there massive amounts of energy, I could give a body to a spirit right?

In theory yes, practically it would take you decades, possibly longer than you will live, to build up this much energy and skill.

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Is it really that much? Even with the massive amounts of energy I would get out of events like these?

Pretty much. If it wasn’t people would already be doing it and they might even have youtube channels :smiley:

I’ve only heard of one case that Gopi Krishna talked about in one of hos books, where a thoughtform gained physical form, became sovereign and then it went off and lived it’s own life as a human.

Well, from what I’ve learned so far, magick can be quite experimental, almost like we’re talking about an open source program, so maybe there are a lot of things that are possible but people don’t realize it because they stick strictly to the rituals they know without getting to thinking that they could reuse a lot of elements and knowledge for other purposes. Anyway, I believe you about it taking tons of energy, but I think I get some ideas about where I could get huge amounts from and speed up the process.

Could you tell me the name of the book? I am interested in documenting myself as much as possible on the subject.

I would characterize is differently - as personal, rather than experimental. I think the underlying physics exists, but as the very instrument you use to interact with this level of reality is your mind and body, and your mind an body has a lot of variability, that is what causes people to have to find out how their system works.

But overall there are still rules that apply, intention, attention, and relaxation are universally important for all types of magick and energy working, for example.

I’s not that I think it’s not possible, I just think the level of energy and focus required takes decades of training. It’s a thing beyond raising kundalini, beyond creating the lightbody/cosmic embryo, which themselves take decades to learn.

People aren’t even manifesting small simple spheres … or the very first thing people start physically manifest is ectoplasm - how many people do you see doig that? E.A. talked about doing it by accident once. His final lesson on Ordo Ascensum Aetrynalis is to physically manifest something like an orange.

So there you you are, start at the beginning - when you have raised kundalini and gained the siddhi to manifest fruit, then you’re on track to manifest a whole person that’s alive.

I think it was in his autobiography “Living with Kundalini”.

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The gist of that story, if I recall right, (um, bit dubious, that it was ages ago I no longer have a copy to check) was that this woman he knew started from a thoughtform, aka servitor, and worked on that for many years until it gained more and more intelligence and form until it finally manifested as physical.
She called that a “tulpa”.

Today the term tulpa has been co-opted by the (imo very fluffy) “spirit keeper” types to reference imaginary friends which are basically thoughtforms, but according the Gopi in the book, this term specifically means a physically manifested thoughtform. But you can’t easily find that online now with all the new age pollution of the info out there.

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This is the true definition of the word. I first read of it in the book Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neil.

Another book that talks about a physical tulpa is An Unlikely Prophet by Alvin Schwartz. He is a well known Superman artist who describes his experience of having a tulpa seek him out after its creator died.