Hello everyone. I will just cut right to the chase. I have an instructor that has bullied me all semester while favoring other specific students. I am planning to create a servitor to get revenge on her for all of my suffering she has caused me. Is it possible to create a baneful servitor and has anyone has success with that?
Also I’m having a hard time figuring out where to house it. I would ideally like it to be housed in some sort of object she carries around, but is it possible to house this servitor in an object she carries without having access to it? Or even her body? Or her apartment? For example can I say, “you are housed in her body” or “you are housed in her apartment” and it actually be done without me physically going to her apartment?
Lastly, I kinda want to layer of work Angels of Wrath or another attack book but would it clash with my servitor?