Can a demon help me get a sexy body?

My guess would be you messed up with your diet somehow. Can’t offer more advice till I know more. These Youtube Channels might help though.

I forgot to mention I also will add an elemental demon in like Belial, so I will do the ritual in waning moon at midnight, chant the enn of Belial as a way to raise energy and then burn both the request as a way to manifest the desire through the element of fire. I place my offer bowl in the triangle of manifestation.

do you Know over doing everything will hinder the progress. Take a break from your workout for 1,2 week . Relax your body and mind and start to workout for yourself not why because other make fun of your weight. If you say you are not extremely obese i would say start with bodyweight exercise and ending your session with 10-15 min of running.

you can call for spirits to give you strong mental health for your workout. Spirit not going to do the exercise for you they can provide you with strong will and mind set. Weight loss first start from the mind. Even after exercise you still worrying every day you are not loosing weight it make you depress and reverse your progress. Take it from me who once was 100 kg and now 72

And there is no weight loss over night. Loosing 1 kg a month is still a progress

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Non-magick then magick:
Have you considered it might be a hormonal issue? Or a stress issue?
You might want to try drinking water before eating.
Midnight snacks probably aren’t the best choice, you’re brain is tricking you into thinking you need them.

Magick suggestions now:
Meditations on manifesting your results and visualizing what you want to look like. Maybe mantras?
AA Raphael?
Casting a spell on yourself to regulate your eating habits?
Other health deities?
Candle and intention magick for a few nights?
Aside from health spirits, confidence ones too?
And maybe something to make the assholes stfu?


Hi you mentioned one of our friends had severe acne then it settled did that person do a spell or was it just medication because I’ve been dealing with severe acne since teen im 35 now and nobody what I use I can’t seem to get clear skin it’s like im cursed

It wasn’t a spell it’s just his genetics. If you have bad acne I suggest asking a dermatologist or doctor in general. I used benzoyl peroxide when mine came back while taking hormones. There’s lots of brands, i think mine was Nutrogena.

Ok thnx I’ve tried everything under the sun went to several dermatologists and nothing

Hi no I have not but I will look into it never heard of it until now so thank you

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Darkest Knight mentioned Neville Goddard, and I can also say that Neville’s books helped me a lot with my health goals.
In addition to that, I’d say that observing how naturally slim people live and eat can be really useful. Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full. There is a book by Bob Schwartz called “Diets Don’t Work”, which shows you how to live and eat like a slim person, so that you eventually become that way yourself.

Asmodeus could be helpfull with getting an attractive appearance. Never had to perform this operation myself, so this is based only on supposition and you might have to experience it for yourself .
Inside the Green Order there is a ritual with Asmodeus being evoked in order to make a personn looks ugly and old. Asmodeus can also reverse the spell once the punishment is estimed over by the magician. Wich indicates that Asmodeus can indeed modify the appearance of people. He is also a demon of lust, so I might be interested in working with you, if your goal is to get a “sexy” appearance, after all.

The biggest thing for me getting in shape was adopting the correct mental state for it. Picture how your ideal result looks, find an image of someone with your ideal physique and keep a copy of it. Aim high as you want this goal to excite you, don’t worry about being ‘realistic’. Take the time every day upon waking and before bed to visualise how having this body feels, and to carry this feeling with you as long as you can every day. Consider how this ideal image of you approaches food, exercise and thoughts of body image, how seriously they take these things. You have got to be the end result, not a work in progress.
For demonic/spiritual assistance find entities who connect with your personality and/or reasons for trying to achieve your goal as well as who can help you attain the results. I asked for help from Asmodeus and Leraje for being ready for whatever life can throw at me, and part of the deal was to dedicate the physical effort of every workout to them. I’ve felt more driven during my workouts ever since, plus there’s no way I’m going to let either of these badasses down.
Best of luck with your journey.


First find out if it’s not a thyroid problem.

The dark side might help you despite your fears, which could be exactly what you need or could be counterproductive, like killing a fly with a bomb. In that case I think purple cloaked Santa Muerte could help you against obesity and the black cloaked one against bullies. You could put the white cloaked one on your altar and light purple and black candles. But I don’t think you want bullies to die anyway, so be careful. BTW, Santa Muerte likes to be with Jesus, so if you don’t like Christianity don’t build that altar. It doesn’t have to be strict Christianity though. La Santita isn’t even accepted by the Church.

But about bullying: People are psychic. If you look to the mirror and you spit to yourself, other people will perceive that energy and will want to spit at you. Try to love yourself; despite of your body. You are not your body. Bringing the energy of forgiveness to your life will cancel the energy of punishment.

Other methods you could try are Grabovoi numbers, sacred codes of Agesta and switchwords.

Grabovoi numbers can be written on a water bottle (red numbers preferrably). Or print a label with the computer and stick it on the bottle. That’s so the water is charged with the energy of the numbers. Drink the water everyday. That helped many people.

Everything is possible: 519 7148
Thyroid: 5814542
Divine protection: 8888
Obesity: 4812412

If you want to meditate with these numbers, they’re said figure by figure. e.g.

5… 8… 1… 4… 5… 4… 2…
5… 8… 1… 4… 5… 4… 2…
5… 8… 1… 4… 5… 4… 2…

(28 times per day, preferrably from 10pm to 11pm)

If the number has a space you wait a second before going on.

Grabovoi numbers are basically cheatcodes given by the Creator of this world. So if you’re in bad terms with the Architect, they might not work very well.

Both numbers Agesta and Grabovoi can be pronounced silently/mentally. No need to scare your neighbors.

Sacred Agesta codes are repeated 45 times. Agesta codes can be said in any manner you like. No need to say them figure by figure. You’ll notice the energy after the 45th repetition of the number. Call archangel Cassiel 3 times before the recitation to speed up getting the results. Say thanks after you do the recitation, even if nothing happens at first. It’s like repeating a prayer.

Obesity: 989
Get slimmer/Lower your weight: 32194
Eliminate abdominal grease: 720 (good for general health too).
Bullying (school harassment): 52031.

You can also try switchwords, which should be repeated at least 10 times:

TOGETHER-PRAISE (to become handsome and get praise)
TOGETHER-DIVINE-GUARD (for protection)

TOGETHER is to gather all parts of your mind to work together for the goal you set. It helps for concentration.

There are comprehensive lists on the web of Grabovoi numbers (they’re also called numeric sequences), Agesta codes and switchwords.

And lastly, remember physical bodies are just temporary… Even those guys with “perfect” bodies that bully you, will get old and die someday. I’m not saying that having a perfect body is bad. But you have to give everything the importance it really has. That will diminish anxiety.


Beleth can regenerate you regarding appearance. For example, it can give you a fit, athletic and attractive appearance. It creates an environment for your type and style to improve.


If you’re still struggling with weight loss DM me so I can see what you’re doing and might be able to help you out. Figure out what’s causing you to not progress. I can almost 100% guarantee I’ll figure it out.

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The demon Shax can help with weight loss. Be cautious.

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many have mentioned Belial, but why? What’s the connection that Belial has with weight loss?

The demon that’s usually named for losing some pounds is Marbas as far as I know. And this is because he helps with health matters.

Now, I’d love to understand how Belial helps with this, cuz I’ve been working with him for some years now and I haven’t realize it.

Belial helps with willpower and discipline. Changing one’s eating habits can be difficult and Belial can provide the inner strength necessary.


If it helps at all, I personally like a thicker body type. Actually, lots of guys feel this way, more than you think. I don’t know you, but I’m sure you look good.

But to answer your question, I have NEVER seen anything on physical fitness in the Goetia. However, Buer, as I’ve read, covers overall health. And any demon that deals with love or attraction may be willing to help. You could try gods or goddesses of war, like Ares or Athena. Just a few ideas.