One of my favorite goetic demons is by far dantalion. He’s taught me so much in manipulation. As a salesman, that couldn’t be any more useful, and every time I evoke him, he as a new idea for me.His presence is so calming. You’d never guess he just came from hell lol. He’s come through for my business as well as the opposite sex for myself and friends. He’s a busy entity but when he work, he kicks ASS!
Wow that’s really cool. It sounds like he’s an all purpose demon.
His best talent is changing people’s minds and making them think it’s their own decision.
“no officer I wasn’t drinking tonight. Your headlight is out” lol
I can vouch for Dantalion’s instructions. He was very instrumental in teaching me how to use a combination of body language and thought projection to increase my sales.
Also he was a LOT of fun to talk to. I wouldn’t say he is ruled by Venus, but he definitely has a very venuisan flair to him.
Gotta love a spirit that treats you right.
[quote=“Orismen, post:4, topic:5159”]I can vouch for Dantalion’s instructions. He was very instrumental in teaching me how to use a combination of body language and thought projection to increase my sales.
Also he was a LOT of fun to talk to. I wouldn’t say he is ruled by Venus, but he definitely has a very venuisan flair to him.
Gotta love a spirit that treats you right.[/quote]
Yep, I’ve become much better at face to face sales than online sales thanks to his advice. He teaches you to be a smooth operator.
dantalion is an incredible spirit to work with and i can’t wait to learn more about the art to contact her again. she FLOODS you with good info, she’s pretty full tilt that way.
one of my all-time favourites and a major turning-point in my magick was when i first contacted dantalion. i see her name everywhere.
she loves social media and works through the internet a lot
[quote=“the fool, post:6, topic:5159”]dantalion is an incredible spirit to work with and i can’t wait to learn more about the art to contact her again. she FLOODS you with good info, she’s pretty full tilt that way.
one of my all-time favourites and a major turning-point in my magick was when i first contacted dantalion. i see her name everywhere.
she loves social media and works through the internet a lot[/quote]
Well what are you waiting for? Evoke her lol. Funny I always saw him as a guy but everyone disagrees
i’m working on evocation to visible appearance and haven’t gotten it down yet, but soon enough
Just keep working. I had to ask him to open up to a friend of mine and appear to him before he would start working on him. It was kinda weird but makes sense if you study other magic forms.
What’s Dantalion’s gender? The answer is “Yes”.
He/she keeps shapeshifting on both myself and others I know who have evoked him/her.
I’ve been reading about this spirit today, since I’ve come across it quite a bit. I quite possibly want to work with him (her?) eventuality. Hmmm, it seems I am starting to collect a bit of a list of a few. I have the impression of him being good for teaching leadership skills to be used in the working world.
BTW, I am loving reading these little posts about your many evocations. It’s so interesting, and of course they are all different.
[quote=“Blazewind Bluebird, post:11, topic:5159”]I’ve been reading about this spirit today, since I’ve come across it quite a bit. I quite possibly want to work with him (her?) eventuality. Hmmm, it seems I am starting to collect a bit of a list of a few. I have the impression of him being good for teaching leadership skills to be used in the working world.
BTW, I am loving reading these little posts about your many evocations. It’s so interesting, and of course they are all different.[/quote]
I’ve covered a long span of time and almost run out of stories to tell haha.
I would bet every single person that works evocation will call Dantalion at least once.
I’ve used Dantalion before to save my rear plenty of times. He’s SO good at manipulating! He can get you away with murder using just your words hehe
His calling word is OCIP.
Where did you get that from, Illuminator?
that’s good to know
btw, for anyone who is interested, gus mavroudis has had a call out for 3 years to create a grimoire for dantalion. there are 3 of us who are interested in doing the grammar. if you are also, evoke dan for more details if you have contact.
Very random and out of nowhere I guess, but do you suppose a newbie could work with this demon? I am inspired tonight. It feels perfect for me tonight. I’m serious about drawing out a copy of his sigil and working with that. (I don’t do evocation yet and am not in a living situation to be able to start learning.) Of course I’ve been a bit all over the place about practicing, not practicing but only studying instead.
The only trouble is that honestly I am a emotionally driven tonight.
Well, Papa Guero the OP only began practicing less than 18 months ago, it turns out, so that’s certainly new enough!
As for Dantalion, yes, most demons seem interested in commitment and a bit of nerve and determination, not necessarily years served.
If you’re feeling driven tonight, and it’s a significant date (edit to add, I mean it’s Walpurgisnacht & then Beltane), go for it! Doing magick when you feel charged in some way IMO beats waiting for the right planetary hour to tick by.
[quote=“dumbledorf, post:13, topic:5159”]I’ve used Dantalion before to save my rear plenty of times. He’s SO good at manipulating! He can get you away with murder using just your words hehe[/quote] I was thinking about this yesterday… There’s this NLP master bandler …apparently he got away with murder …and I kept thinking he must know dantalion… Who is absolutely amazing esp at teaching and causing love
[quote=“Blazewind Bluebird, post:17, topic:5159”]Very random and out of nowhere I guess, but do you suppose a newbie could work with this demon? I am inspired tonight. It feels perfect for me tonight. I’m serious about drawing out a copy of his sigil and working with that. (I don’t do evocation yet and am not in a living situation to be able to start learning.) Of course I’ve been a bit all over the place about practicing, not practicing but only studying instead.
The only trouble is that honestly I am a emotionally driven tonight.[/quote]
Go for it! My first evocation was more or less an accident and it ended up being a powerful being that is still with me years later. In other words if my situation turned out fine and I messed with something powerful, then you should definitely be fine with what you feel like attempting tonight, dont ever let fear or timing hold you back.