Call Me / Contact Me Spell (DON'T DO THIS, DOESN'T WORK)

I had a fallout with a friend a couple of weeks ago, and we haven’t spoken since. Basically, he’s at fault, I called him out, and he said he needed some time to cool down (wtf?! he was the one at fault!). Well, I haven’t heard from him since and I wanted to give him a little push to initiate contact.

So I tried this quick spell:


  • Draw the Air elemental symbol
  • Draw a pentagram below the symbol
  • Below the pentagram, write down: “By the powers of three, (TARGET) contacts me. (TARGET) thinks of me everywhere. So mote it be by the element Air.”
  • Then write down any details you want, like “call me,” “text me,” or whatever if there’s a specific communication method you want your target to come through. As usual, try not to constrain the magick too much by stating too many conditions. Make it likely. Then add “So mote it be” at the end.
  • Fold the paper 3x towards you while repeating your intention.
  • Fold the paper 3x again towards you, while repeating your intention.
  • Keep it under your phone (I kept it inside the mobile phone case).

The author doesn’t mention what to do with the paper afterwards, other than throwing it away after the target contacts you.

My target hasn’t contacted me yet (I only did it a couple of days ago), but today I decided I wanted to get rid of the paper (while keeping my intention active), so I covered it in a bit of my monthly blood and burned it (sorry for the detail lol but I had to mention it because it’s not something instructed by the author, but rather my own addition to it).

Of course there are plenty of “contact me” paper spells on YouTube, but I remember I had seen this one being recommended years ago (either here or in some other forum), so when I found the video again I was like “hey, now it’s a good time to try it!”

I think it could also be combined with the Olympic spirit Ophiel, because I remember doing this other ritual for another target many months ago, and it worked. But then it didn’t anymore :melting_face: There’s also this other post as well where OP mentions having results that were short-lived.

Anyway, has anyone tried this one before? I remember wherever I saw it years ago, this video was being praised because of its simplicity, practicality, and the fact that it delivered results nonetheless.


Did you have any success whatsover with love related spells till now?

Only with the ones to heal after a breakup and finally move on. I now realize why those I tried before on a former target didn’t work, and I’m actually grateful for it!

did it work?


Anybody else tried it?

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Those youtube witches are scammers lol

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I remember very few youtube spells ever worked for me long ago, they were mostly money spells

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