Call for the genetic freaks, baby

I was really hoping this thread was about third nipples. :pensive:

Thank you.

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My ex had one and a half nipples and I used to always say- “I have twice as many nipples as you. I outrank you.”


im not a very muscular but i am kinda fit but not strength wise unless i use augmentation. im more on the fast/explosive side


awww this is about lifting? Drat, i thought it was about oddities of gentics.

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and more than this

Update: I have 40 cms arms

What’s up fellow, genetic freaks! Today I’ve just did db curls with 22 kgs in each arm until failure and from that point used 14 kg ones until failure, and then 10 kg and then 6 kgs. That after I did 20 minutes pf high speed cardio. The major increase in testosterone can be seen, baby! Try no fap, motherfuckers and at the end of it and at the end of it, you’ll realise you lifted tons of weights!