Bune Fetish Item Money Magick

Thank you!

Thank you for the thorough explanation. I’m a novice and had my first invocation for the Great Dutchess. Since you have more experience, would you recommend any offerings? After all, the Goetic Spirits come to certain people but they also want something in return, our own volition to offer them something that has value to us. I am looking for a job and it is has been kind of quiet for me.

I’ll try a piggy bank but did you offer her something else?
Thank you.

Can you explain a little more how you work with the Dutchess. I did my first invocation, no visual but more like telepathy. She asked me to go ahead with my request (at first I wasnt sure whether I should ask during my first contact with her). Then, I was told to stop mumbling and be specific with my question. These two questions just came to mind, I wasnt really asking anything, just used my altar table, essence, her sigil and candles. She seemed nice and wasnt overpowering. Did you see him/her during your first invocation? Was it in the morning or at night?

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That is how I first worked with Prince Sitri, telepathy, and it did work wonders in my life, so much so I still can’t believe it was so easy, with the Duchess though, I tried to be much more precise, I had her sigil printed and wrote down her Enn under the image, so I filled up a glass with a beverage I felt would be approved by him (up to this point he still preferred to show as a man to me), and three candles, in every single candle I made a drawing of Bune’s sigil, then I lit them all up, began chanting the enn until I heard the word “enough” on my head, it was there that I stated what was it that I needed, and I let Bune choose her end of the bargain, a pretty expensive beverage, which I’ll gladly give her as soon as my end of the bargain is received :).
I kept on burning her candles during the next days, my last one just faded out


Wow, thank you for sharing. I was told by my spiritual mentor how to invocate the Dutchess, but rather briefly.
I’ll try asking Her next time what she prefers. I started learning about the Goethic Spirits for several months but it was my first encounter through essence/candle burning and enn chanting. There are enns available on the internet but I got ahold of the old Latin words of Power to invoke Bune. My learning about The Dutchess was not intentional. I came across her enn and she piqued my interest. I became relentless on developing a connection with her, therefore had to ask my spiritual mentor to make an introduction. First time should be left for initiation hence I was hesitant to “bug” her with requests. However, she knew I had a request in mind. I was told she is faithful to the operator and can assist at many tasks if properly asked. Thank you for sharing. I love to hear about other people’s experiences with the Dutchess. I am hoping to see her one day.

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Did I understand you correctly: you offer something (that she chose), and will give it to her when a bargain (whatever you requested) is fulfilled?
I thought it has to be an offering right there. When I invoked her, I did not offer her anything. Should I write an offering on a piece of paper or it has to be present st the time of invocation?

Can you have those shared?
Also, how do you communicate with your mentor?

Can I DM (direct message) you?

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Sure, I’ll be waiting

Mentor: via emails, phone. I am planning a trip to visit him but it’s an international destination so I have to plan way in advance.

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I’m new here, still learning my way around.

AH, so your spiritual mentor is still alive, I thought it was some spirit you used to talk to

On my phone, cant see how to DM lol

I’m fortunate enough to be able to read other languages. Bits and pieces help to paint a better picture about the Spirits.

His specifications are demonology and necromancy.

I PMed you, also, I can read Portuguese (mother languages), Spanish, and a small bit of Italian

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Nice one Xag,
Although the concept and the operation looks complicated to me, and also some of the words which is not English and sound a bit difficult for people like us to read or understand the magical words like ‘’ Wehlc malan avage bune tasa x3".
Could you please record a brief video about it.
Daily Sun

Synchronicity, I believe, is the right word.

I just had a very stressful situation and I do love the duchess, I just medidated on her sigil an hour or so ago, just to speak with her since sometimes I feel she is the only one who actually wants to listen to me. And I surely need to solve money problems.

Maybe someone is trying to tell me something? :slight_smile:

In any event, this is may help me. So, thanks a lot.

Whlc melan avage Bune tasa is Bune’s enn, mate. Is a way to call her. Here, this channel does a pretty good damn job at pronuntiation. It should help you:

So can anyone post some results yet?
This look very interesting.