Building A Thoughtforms In The Astral Plane

Is it possible if one may wish to build a giant structure or a thoughtforms in the astral plane could create energetic disturbance to those who inhibit there?

In theory yes, but in practice, pretty tricky, and would take a lot of energy to get it to manifest out into a shared astral reality rather than just hanging out in your own personal astral.

I goo example of this kind of think I think would be the worldbuilding you see in fictional books. People read the books, which is how they get in touch with the astral location and visit it, and it affects them through the story and their emotional investment in it. The worldbuilding in games and graphic novels is also the same idea.

If you want to create something that overlaps with the physical world, as most humans re very “deaf” to psychic impressions that might be a lot harder to achieve. You can build it and they won’t notice it unless you can put enough into it to make it very, vary “loud”, as it were. Adding a physical link kind of like chaos sigil bombing would help (I imagine).

I’ve not tried this but I’ve had this be an issue in reverse, where I created an astral temple in a location that turned out to be a physical world location, actually down the bottoms of someone’s garden (by my UPG anyway) and that severely impacted my temple with things being moved around and removed and it took me a while to figure out why. I feel typically, the physical impacts the astral far more than the other way around.


But I thought the astral plane is responsive to my thoughts or intentions if I have the strong intent to craft a grandiose architecture that bypassed the size of some of the celestial bodies or far beyond the scope of the size of any universe this might seem like a very grand scale of creativity but do I have to envision every minute detail of it instead of just intending it to coalesce rather than micromanage every detail this may seem very taxing for me energetically?

That’s all fine in the astral, but what happens in the astral tends to mostly stay in the astral.

So let me check,. when you said this:

I read that as “inhabit” meaning, live there. Living things are usually thought of as those that are physical. So my answer was about your structures in the astral affecting the physical world.

So… if you did not mean that, what did you mean?

Did you mean “would other astral entities see the things I make in the astral?”

I would say these are still going to be in your personal astral unless you let people KNOW about them. The astral is, as far as I understand it a mental plane. It’s your image of the universe. It’s not about size it’s about knowledge.

If no one else knows it exists it doesn’t exist for them. So, no, is my answer.

To change a shared astral space you would need to collaborate with the people that share it, imo.

Yes, and it will tend to disintegrate over time as well as you will forget bits. You can make thoughtforms that feed themselves to maintain it for you.

Conversely, according to the info I got (UPG) from my conversations with Kiltan, is that this is a huge part of the attraction for spirits to the physical: permanence (well, semi permanence) and predictability.
The example he gave me, was, “imagine everyone forgetting that you grandmother’s ring was in the back of that sock drawer, and that causing it to ‘despawn’ so that it stopped existing, that’s what it’s like for some of us and why we want to be physical, to have that stability”. We can forget things for thousands of years and have a thing called archeology - they can’t. It’s actually really cool (although we’re also very familar with the downsides to it, in theory, we’re smart enough to work around those).

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I mean upon creating something grandiose or massive in a grandest scale for example an architecture in the astral do I have to imagine every inch of its details in order to coalesce into fullest form like for example what if I don’t have an idea about its design it’s interior but I do have an intend in mind maybe an archetypal ideas in mind about something I wanted to create but lack of every details of its looks is it still feasible to manifest what I intend in my mind even lack of vision’s concerning it’s entire looks ???

According to UPG that you had which is I am familiar with the spirit called Kiltan what I am suppose to wonder if theres any way that what I have created solely by my intention alone could attain it’s independent existence without me having intervening with it is thoughtforms is the only solution in mind that could sustain it’s existence so it won’t fade away or what if I just wish that everything that I create would be permanent?

Yes, unless you are happy to let others fill it in for you, if you don’t go there it doesn’t exist. This is all in your personal mental astral space, fi you don’t create it who will?

I don’t think you can wish it, a wish is not action. I would say here, bring in others and outsource it’s development to other humans that can add to it an build it, and make it a common thing in the collective unconscious, then it will be fixed in time. To do this, write it into a novel marketed as fantasy, or as sets for a game, and then other humans knowing about it and using their imaginations to explore it will built it up and anchor it with them and in the physical. Once it’s got an anchor in the physical it’ll leverage the physical’s semi-permanence.

I think it will still fade, when the last book is gone and the last human that remembers it does, but then even so it will be easier to find in the “Akashic records”. Once something existed it’s always existed at some point in time but finding it is the trick and keeping a living copy that is in THIS timepoint is helpful for easy access. Imo.

What if I just use a sigil encoded with specific intentions in mind like this idea of itself and meditate on the sigil in the astral in order to bring it into manifestation without visualizing every inch of its details because I guess visualizing it’s entire details would be taxing or can be draining?

Sound like extra steps for diminishing returns.

If you’re already going into the astral to see this thing, then why not just walk around the place and look at it, that will do it.

You will probably automatically build it a bit more as you do that and you will see new features, maybe it attracts astral beings as inhabitants and they help maintain bits and you want to check they’re behaving and not chewing up the furniture (jk but you know what I mean). If you want to create a property you’d want it to use it as a property, no?

Maybe try it before you talk yourself out of it?