Broken hearted and absolutely devastated

I once had similar problems. Dumped by a girl who I thought was everything. Left me broken too. Tried to kill myself etc. Messed up my studies, drank myself into oblivion…

It’s over twenty years on since then. I now have a beautiful wife and two amazing kids. I wish I could travel back in time to when I was broken and give myself a MASSIVE slap. So much time wasted. My life would probably be more awesome than it is now, a better job for starters, as I wouldn’t have messed my studies up so bad.

Point is, there’s literally millions of other girls out there for you, you just can’t see it. I know it’s no comfort when you’re hurting. But look after yourself first, take sometime for yourself to figure out who you are and what you want to be. Forget about loving someone else for now, learn to love yourself first, and I promise the right girl will eventually turn up for you… And when she does, you’ll be living your best life.

Take it from somebody who knows. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt…

It may all sound so cliché, but it’s so true… I wish I had known it…


I will provide an update by the end of this week

So here is the promised update.

Last week, my ex and her friends didn’t speak to me at college as the new semester started. This week they starting to warm up to me by speaking casually.

I also try my best to avoid them or speaking to them. I no longer speak to my ex but recently she did ask a favour and i did it bcoz i feel indebted when we were friends…

Eventually, we will have to work together for something so it wouldn’t be possible to avoid her forever. It just hurts when she’s around me. Her presence repulses me.

Now, i don’t like her anymore. Its just that i cant accept the fact of getting played by a girl. Plus, i believe i put her on a pedestal so she disrespected me.

I no longer have the passion or desire for women or dating whatsoever. I feel im underperforming in all aspects of my life.

Regardless of this, i still do workout and try to keep fit.

Another issue is that she excels at her work while im declining rapidly. I feel my creativity got sucked out of me. I cant write amazing interesting work. I can only do physical work. I use to be able to write very easily but nowadays it takes a lot of effort. I have no zest to do any mental work.

My focus is in a disarray. Attention span shortened.

A huge concern that i have is that this girl might be a witch. I heard she comes from the land of powerful binding magic…

I’ve been working with the Medicine Buddha Bhaisajyaguru and Sargatanas… not much of a progrsss I’d say…

Plus i think earlier this year Belial had been constantly on my mind. Ive always asked Belial to change my life in the back of my mind… i thought that nothing could hurt me… so maybe its because of him?

Im not even happy with the little things i have… so much of solutions but i cant even apply them. I’m beginning to believe that I’m only a theorist but a failure in execution…

The only reason Im alive is because of Andrew Tate… he gives good advice… im more towards building a strong body… but it doesn’t translate into a strong mindset

I also think im jealous of the girl. She is much more successful than me at the moment… my achievement has taken a massive dip…

I apologize for the rant… i dont have anyone else to talk to or Express my feelings

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I feel so cheated and manipulated by this girl… she took me for a rollercoaster ride and toyed with my emotions

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I feel that this experience was important. I still need to find my real purpose in life. All my life i had been spending my time thinking about sex and women. I’ve been wasting time

There are also other girls interested to be in a relationship with me but i dont find them attractive… even if i do… i dont think i will be in a relationship with them… especially after what had happened to me.

You said quote ‘’ I feel my existence on this planet is for nothing.’’ well, welcome to the club, this existence is consisting of what? Well, sometimes I ask myself that Q.

I feel my existence on this planet is for nothing. That everyone is better than me. Especially at my university. I have no skills. I have no aim. No goal. No other family apart from my mentally ill father. No one to talk to. Depressed. Sometimes i do get dreams that tell the future. It scares the shit out of me for how real it could get. Or when i wake up i know the exact time without looking at a clock. Things are strange. I don’t know what to do.

and thus you are here — mayyybeee the honey is front of your face…! Im guessing noone here can relate… (mild sarcasm intended)


I’m still reading your post. But I liked a girl like this, hell maybe even loved

She crushed my heart and isn’t around anymore. It’s fleeting, all of it. Cast it aside and build yourself up

I feel your pain. You have an idea. :people_hugging:

This came at one of the best moments. I recently had a moment like this. I was going onto a different path. I took all my altars down (most part) and literally threw my cards away. I told out loud how I was DONE and no longer wanted to do anything in relation to magic. Well that quickly changed when I immediately felt very very hollow. So I decided it was time to start working to heal my problem with angelics. Well I got it mostly healed and was going back to just doing more light centered things such as angelic codes, healing and working with angelic energy.

However about two or so weeks latter I started to feel empty, like some big part of me was missing. I was drawn back to working with Lucifer again and well it went from that to Azazel. Let me tell you when I just went back to it just to do it, no big time goals in mind but to just go with the flow, it felt right.

One of my problems was I was focusing so much on this and that, that I was putting to much of my will on things. That was what blocked me in the first place. Also having that mind set of being limited also did not do me good. I proudly want to say I was able to do a very good evocation and trance work using only a sigil and some fake candles. Magic is supposed to come from your soul which in nature is a creative source. If you don’t have any inspiration that means you need to change things up and not necessarily burn it to the ground. Magic it self doesn’t have to be so limited to simply having normal things unless that is something you want.

But I agree that you should take this time to heal your self. Spend some time focusing on your self love and life. Yes you can manifest a lot but the one thing that you can’t exactly just call on command (to my knowledge) is your next phase of your path. In order to get there you may have to let go of some old forgotten baggage and heal up. Take this time to balance your self and really just let your soul guide you.

I know sounds like a fortune cookie thing, but when ever I personally just follow what my soul is truly wanting it turns out to be the right thing. Right now your soul is wanting to experience life and you should. We get this one body at this one time and you should take advantage of it. Don’t take things so seriously. Because I know one of my very bad habits is making tinny any hills into mole hills and sometimes mountains with avalanches lol. But in reality it’s because I took it to seriously and tried to put to much control into it.

A lot of the posts above are grate answers. I am very sorry, from a person that understands some what what it is like, from a father that I just consider a sperm donor, to having no real family outside my mother that if she finds out the type of magic I do she would hit the ceiling, to having no real friends or anything major because I’m taking every moment for my future. Living in a second chance place that’s run by the local Catholic Church that has its own issues it self to just trying to figure out my next four years of life.

But I do my best to practice the good old teaching of being in the now. Because it is the now that we make choices that will ultimately change that of our future. The future for most part is very much fluid and can bend and twist at any moment. With that you are the leader and the authentic owner of your future. Though some elements may just be there that are just there, for most part you have the true authority on your existence. That is something you should never forget.

So though I agree that girl is definitely not right for you especially if you want a wholesome and well rounded person to be with that accepts you and you, don’t let that her be that block to your happiness. Do your best to move on.

As for your mother do what I did, though extreme it helped me, I basically accept that he is dead to me. I made my “peace” by knowing that I did what I had to do to get to where me and my mother can live out our lives in peace. I do not give him even a thought, because the more I despise him the more of my time he gets and trust when I say he deserves none.

It may not be that easy for you and we all have those hurdles. So that is where I agree on working with someone to help you heal those things so it will free up more room for better things that will come to you. :slight_smile:

Be strong, know that you have the control on your life and don’t give it up to anyone els. You got this. Just take this time to heal and reflect. Start a journal to vent in and write daily passages in. Allow your thoughts to flow and next you know you’ll see things more clearly. :slight_smile: Also remember your never truly alone. You got friends.

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An Update:

I started working with Sargatanas and Haagenti on a more regular basis recently. Just by reciting their enn and meditating. Then, I had a conversation with them although its only one sided in which I talked and they listened because my senses are still not unlocked.

I asked for girls to acknowledge my presence. I wanted to transform myself from a weak beta male to a strong alpha. And of course I wanted chicks to bang… so here’s the progress

I started getting more opportunities to go out and hang with girls. I managed to get more compliments on my looks. Some of them said i became more manly with my beard and how i managed to lose weight. Some commented i had a nice hairstyle. Well it didnt lead to sex but something is better than nothing… maybe soon

Most importantly i managed to strike up some meaningful and intellectual conversations with some smart individuals. I feel like they somehow gave me a different perspective on how I’ve been dealing with issues in my life.

There was also a girl who was very interested in me during the beginning of this year but i had rejected her… she came back again to me… chatting with me and being very friendly. Im not attracted to her but maybe just using her for an ego boost. However today i had a dream about her… she was completely naked and i was helping her masturbate by stuffing my fingers into her pussy. She was squirting everywhere lol.

Anyways i feel much better but i still do suffer whenever my ex is around. One day she asked me out of the blue am i going to eat or not? I was shocked and couldn’t reply… we also had to work for a project recently and managed to work but didn’t talk about the incident. She managed to be quite playful to me but I RESENT THIS BITCH… she’s trynna play mind games with me and im doing the same thing but fuck her… im not gonna give a fuck about her… its true… she’s not some Goddess or alien. She isnt better than me. She’s just some worthless bitch. Her previous ex(not me) played her by cheating her money but i was always there for her when she needed someone… i was a nice guy but fuck it… im tired of this crap

I have trust issues and symptoms of bipolar… i wont go to hospital to get medicines or else then im on medication for life… so soon I might work with Marbas for my health issues.

I think this girl was a major obstacle in my life. I was being a simp for her. Putting too much of energy and giving her too much attention. I put her on a pedestal. I just wanted to be a normal person to settle for a normal life… at that time i didn’t want to practice magick anymore because i feel that i might have an unfair advantage compared to others

Now things are different. Im starting to believe in myself again. And damn magick really fucking works and im happier. It works. It made life much better. And yes there are plenty of chicks everywhere. Hotter, smarter and just fucking better.

Now, i know that this sounds ridiculous that i keep on thinking of my ex etc… but i kind of cant do anything because we are classmates…

So today she started playing some songs that we had sung together before. It looks like she is trying to provoke me or something. I feel uncomfortable with her actions because the entire playlist sounded familiar and it looked like a personal attack against me.

I just sat at my desk and felt like garbage… she is indeed playing mind games on me. I also noticed recently she started wearing a bracelet with some kind of ruby on it… suspect it might be some magical shit… and i feel that she might actually have started some magical workings against me.

Look, even i am fed up and want to move on. But she is tricking me, using our classmates against me. Using my work without my knowledge.

She also blocked me on WhatsApp a few weeks ago and i just realized it yesterday.

The problem is there are some secrets of mine with her. Some very important secrets. If she tells them to others, my entire reputation could be destroyed. I could even end up in jail. I have to admit, I am afraid.

I just want peace and to move on. It is already 4 months.

This is what binding’s are for.

You can use vovin’s freeze spell or poppets, you set the intention so that she is bound from working against you, speaking against you or revealing your secrets.

At the same time work so that the secrets become a non issue. Either because everybody knows or you do a working to stay off the radar as far as the law is concerned, and from there on out you stay squeaky clean so no more ammo is created.


Oh man… It sounds like she’s got you by the balls, I feel you bro…

Honestly, if you think about it. It’s been 4 months bro. That’s a long time, that’s enough for you I know that the chances of her telling people your secrets are low.

All you gotta do… Is play stupid, whenever you feel scared she’s gonna tell. Like literally play stupid, like you have no idea why your thinking about this stuff in the first place.

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