is there any site which record all the occult book written till this date i just want a list of all occult books written till this date
That would be an impossible to compile list.
I’d suggest following scholars like ESOTERICA on youtube who discuss books and libraries.
Books have been compiled but they become out of date quickly and usually focus on a particular tradition, they may refer to books that have been destroyed and no-one can find a copy any more, and they are not focused on global culture, which has really only been possible since the Internet enabled that, only in the last couple of decades.
You bet bet before that was, and to an extent still is, to visit a central large library, such as the British Library in London. You will also find many books are not in print, and/or are not translated into any of the languages you can speak, particularly where Arabian and Oriental magick is concerned, so there’s that.
You probably want to think about what language and what tradition, and then search on places like goodreads and amazon for keywords like grimoire, occult, magik, arcanum etc in those languages, and compile your own list of what works for you.