Book of Azazel / pp.122 Alak'than

re: pp.122

A very profound eschatology is proposed in the description. Does it imply that immortality is achieved on the earth plane?


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Greetings Student of Goetia!

I cannot speak specifically to your question, as I do not own Book of Azazel. But with regards to physical immortality …

I have delved into all kinds of lesser known & obscure writings in my own quest to gather information regarding this topic.

From what I’ve uncovered to date, it appears that not only is it possible, but it is the actual “purpose” , or goal, if you will, among a significant portion of the Nonphysical community - To be able to sustain the physical body in an absolute state of pristine well-being AND to arrive at a position within themselves to be able to “take that body with them” or materialize it in the finer dimensions that are currently purely Nonphysical.

TRUE? I don’t know … but I find the whole idea very, very intriguing … :wink: Z

I don’t have my book of azazel with me but if your talking about the entity who teaches you how to steal bodies then yes that would be immortality on the physical plane.


[quote=“Student_of_Goetia, post:1, topic:166”]re: pp.122

A very profound eschatology is proposed in the description. Does it imply that immortality is achieved on the earth plane?


Well that is one of my goals, as I mentioned before I think the mastery of shapeshifting is the holy grail of occult techniques and I believe this is one benefit that could be reaped from it. This is something that I intend to do.

In regards to this being the purpose, I do think this is the case at least some of the time, though what you need to keep in mind there are more then one purpose for beings to be here so this may or may not be the right path for you to take. From what I can tell it is right for me though.

I just read the page you refer to. Yes, I believe he is talking about physical immortality. And yes, I believe it is possible. You may wish to read one of my all time favorites, “The Art of Dreaming” by Carlos Castaneda. He speaks of the old sorcerers working with the art of immortality. He even meets one of them and gains a gift from him/her. I have attempted, on several occasions, to access or contact this specific being who simply goes by, “The Death Defier”

=== EDIT ===
Found this - it’s actually quite interesting:

This is funny you mention shape shifting and immortality. In Taoism some of the Immortals shape shifted as a healing/ energy restoration method. Some ate from the tree of immortality. Others used Qigong and ate only herbs Taoism is awsome lol

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[quote=“Zoe, post:2, topic:166”]Greetings Student of Goetia!

I cannot speak specifically to your question, as I do not own Book of Azazel. But with regards to physical immortality …

I have delved into all kinds of lesser known & obscure writings in my own quest to gather information regarding this topic.

From what I’ve uncovered to date, it appears that not only is it possible, but it is the actual “purpose” , or goal, if you will, among a significant portion of the Nonphysical community - To be able to sustain the physical body in an absolute state of pristine well-being AND to arrive at a position within themselves to be able to “take that body with them” or materialize it in the finer dimensions that are currently purely Nonphysical.

TRUE? I don’t know … but I find the whole idea very, very intriguing … :wink: Z[/quote]

I’ve been interested/practicing alchemy for a while now and would like to share some info about it for the benefit of others :slight_smile: I highly respect Mr. Koetting as a magician and a person and therefore do not share this to undermine him in any way( if he even sees this), so here goes:

There is a book by Donald C. Barrie called The Bible Of The Undying( sometimes it is also called “You Need Not Age Nor Die”, by the same author.

In it, he describes a meditation practice called vayusthambam wherein the meditator comes into contact/merges with the Source of all things(God if you will),but does not give up their individuality, and in that state declares to oneself that they will no longer age nor die until such time if and when they change their mind.

Once this state is reached, other powers and feats like teleportation, dematerialization, flight, etc., are available to the adept as well. He is a bit dogmatic at certain points, but take what you can from it.

He also states that whenever we emerge ourselves in water, we absorb the life force in it and that should be able to keep ourselves young and rejuvenated, but humanity has programmed itself to think that it must age and so does so after given times.

He also talks about other adepts who have already accomplished this like E.A. talks about in a video of his and have been on this earth for thousands of years.

Also their is a magician from the Franz Bardon system called William Mistele( whom I also highly respect in his authority, power, knowledge)
Who has several essays about cultivating astral and physical immortality that he learned from the spirits in his magical journey.

Specifically the spirit Kirek from the book The Practice of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon, who teaches astral and physical immortality as well as indestructibility of the body( which you could get from vayusthambam as well) including immunity to poisons, toxins, the most extreme temperatures.

There is also a book in Franz Bardon’s system called The Key To The True Kaballah that has the adept use the specific letters that have all these powers stated and more once mastered.

Also just by calling highly evolved spirits(angels,elementals,Gods,Goddesses) your astral body can become immortal because of their vibrations/astral bodies merging and transforming your own.

The taoist meditation from the book The Golden Flower(Carl Jung for commentary) has a practice that if kept up, gives you astral

immortality, dramatically slows the aging process, fantastic physical health, turns your “shadow self” into a being of light that adds to your health, vitality, magical power/ability and possibly grants physical immortality if you want it.

Lastly, the herbs Ashwagandha and Ginseng have proven quite well according to many alchemists at slowing and even reversing the aging process as well, and help the body remain youthful and kept from decrepitude.

There is also Javanese/Indonesian magic that has or claims to have many of these abilities as well like Aji Pancasona :slight_smile:

Good luck fellow alchemists and adepts and may you take what seems right for you to use!


I read that physical immortality can be attained by harmonizing the Masucline and Feminie sexual fluids within ones body, which creates an energetic effect of not only within the physical body but also the astral and mental body, causing a constant recycle of death and rebirth, never allowing the physical body to know how old it is so it wont stop producing HGH.

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Isn’t that the purpose of Tantra?

[quote author=Globalitz link=topic=156.msg60875#msg60875 date=1428973520]

[quote=“Titan, post:8, topic:166”]I read that physical immortality can be attained by harmonizing the Masucline and Feminie sexual fluids within ones body, which creates an energetic effect of not only within the physical body but also the astral and mental body, causing a constant recycle of death and rebirth, never allowing the physical body to know how old it is so it wont stop producing HGH.

Isn’t that the purpose of Tantra?[/quote]

I dont study tantra so I wouldnt know. Im guessing yes. But this is a method related to PSI work.

We can already take synthetic GH–and many do. It will help slow down some of the processes associated with aging, but it won’t add years to your life, at least not to any meaningful degree.

I deal with performance enhancement for a living–an expert in the field, working with professional athletes and others who would benefit from such practices, in a confidential environment, of course .

Exactly, its just HGH though, its not in combination with ones sexual energy. Hgh is produced by the pituitary gland, which is next to the pineal gland. And part of the process is activating that gland, which produces Soma. Having all three glands active keeps the constant recycle of aging, so your physical body never ages.

Very cool. Do you remember where you read this from?

Interesting idea. :slight_smile:

Hi. All I hath been reading Tao II: Longevity, Immortality, And Rejuvenation.

Which dost state that physical immortality es possible via an series ov practicing with Tao, which es energy if I recall correctly. There es an free eBook.

[quote=“Weve Killed The gods, post:15, topic:166”]Hi. All I hath been reading Tao II: Longevity, Immortality, And Rejuvenation.

Which dost state that physical immortality es possible via an series ov practicing with Tao, which es energy if I recall correctly. There es an free eBook.
[url=][/url][/quote]I’d be interested in reading that book but there is no download link on the page.

You are created in the image of god. What god believes in happens. What you believe in happens. Learn how to believe in something you got taught is impossible and it will become possible.

The believe every religion is talkin about is not the belief in some kind of god or prophet but the believe itself.

Stop make partys for your birthday. Delete your birthdate and delete your calender. Feel the age you want to become on a constant basis and you will become that. We really need to assume that EVERYTHING we have been taught is a lie - because it is.

Two most important days in a year for a kid? Birthday and christmas - why? Because of presents. To make them materialists. Partying when birthday - why? To make you feel older. People come around and ask ‘hey how do you feel by growing so old’ and stuff like that. Its to make you feel older and to form your belief about it so it happens.

When you train your muscles they are only growing because you believe they will grow. I just make pushups once per day and i have more progress in muscle building than a few friends of mine who work the shit out of them in a fitnesscenter. And my muscles even look better :smiley:

They will say its because i have a different body but this is bullshit.

Only what you believe in from deep within your heart matters. Everyone here decides how and when they/we die. And everything else that happens to us aswell.

Each and everyone of us is entirely alone in his Universe. Everyone else around you is just a copy of himself acting as you believe from deep within they would act to provide you with experiences (thats what our whole existence is about - experiences).

The Multiversum theory is only a theory because the one who dont believe it is provable goes into a universe where it isnt provable. But everyone who studies this theory swears that it is true.

There are 1600 Trillion moments in a second. The ‘Reality’ is just that. 1600 Trillion pictures of the whole multiverse in a second. In each of these moments you change to a universe based on your believes.

As soon as you start looking in the outside for answers you will get sucked into the reality of someone else (if you manage to believe it).

Same goes for magic. If something works for you you will be all happy and say ‘look, this works for me, im going for it’ by then you will follow someone elses thoughts and be stuck in their reality if you dont let it go at some point.

The Masterplan is to ultimately get rid of everything you have been taught and entirely build your very own believesystem.
This is when you dig really deep into the rabbit hole. As deep as a buddha/jesus/who ever can dive. It is very hard, and as soon as you go outside and talk to your friends or who ever you will instantly get sucked back into another (probably ‘your’ old) reality if your not strong enough to resist their thoughts and teachings.

I feel it when i search in here (this forum or other internet sources or whatever), i almost loose my own findings. For searching a way that i think is more enjoyable for me. Like making everything i want happen based on a step by step guide from somebody else. It works only if you strongly believe in it.

Everything that seems complicated is a lie. Reality is you already know everything that ever happened or will ever happen, you just have filters set that keep your brain from overloading. Its the same filter that sets in when you dont hear the clock ticking anymore. You only hear it again when you focus/put your attention on it (and believe it to be ticking again). Its because the brain blurs everything out thats not needed in this moment (based on your beliefsystem).

Now while writing this im utterly excited again because i found back the path i was on before looking into magic. Magic got me so attracted that my own reality got blured out and i was almost falling for somebody elses reality again.

Like everywhere you have been before will suck you back into your old reality again because you attached experiences and thoughts to it. And as soon as you think about these thoughts/experiences you will make sense of the reality now like you put sense to it back when you were there (ie sucking you back into your old reality). These are memories. Memories are bad from this point of view. If you want to create your own reality in the here and now you have no other way than to forget ALL memories. Best way to do this is walk alone in a place you have never been before. This will likely lead you to find places noone has ever been before (i think albert einstein said something similar). Like a baby that has to learn everything from scratch. But insted from learning from others, give everything your very own, much prefered sense. And everything will fall into place as you wish.

And example i gave in another thread to prove this to your own is this:

Stand towards your mirror for 5 minutes a day and tell yourself how much you love you and especially how good you are looking. You got to feel this and really mean it. It will probably first feels like a lie but the more you try the more it feels right. Look what will happen after some days/weeks. You will be stunned. Id just love to tell you now what happens but then again you dont learn anything from inside. And maybe even it will not work because you are expecting something which implies some kind of distrust in it. Just dont expect anything to come out of this, just tell you how good you are looking just for the sake of it (no matter how foolish you feel by doing it- you got trained pretty hard to never do so by frases like ‘Your a narcissistic’ which loads the word narcissistic pretty negative and you dont like to be that).

It blew my mind when i tried this for research about the law of attraction.

This is when real magic begins. When you stop listening to others entirely and grow your very own beliefsystem.


Good post. The core of the “law of attraction” is to become the literal creator-god of your own reality, but so many people miss that fact and mistake it for “wishful thinking” - and yet it’s just about THE most powerful method out there, in my experience!

I don’t have time to dig out a bunch of links but try searching for Langer’s “counterclockwise” experiment - she made old men physically younger JUST by placing them in an environment that told them they were. They saw results in just one week - it’s astonishing stuff.

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‘Counterclockwise’ makes me remember one of the meditations i had before the higher energy roughly visited me.

I was in the garden at night looking at the clouds while full moon. Somewhere i have read ‘try to think backwards’. And i tried. It seemed as if i were able to make the clouds and everything around me stop for a second or two when i tried hard. It felt like i was almost able to spin it backwards. Felt like it was only a matter of time when im able to. Well i gave up after quite some attempts. Im pretty sure tho it is possible with some training (everything u can imagine is real :smiley: ). After the visit from this beeing i was shellshocked tho and didnt try anything anymore. Until i said to myself ‘damn, i wont let them scare me away from the truth. id rather die than to not look into this further’. I started researching on how to make myself safe from these higher energys and stumbled upon Bardons books which i liked and started to train. Something tho kept me watching out for other storys like Crowley, and eventually i found E.A. Koetting on youtube and came to this forum.

Anyway this beeing was able to push me of curse but i now found it back and i will not allow this to happen anymore. Next time it will visit me i will face it with utter confidence ready to die but not without a fight. I will load up with some tools to defend myself and then go into it again. I will ask Kali ma to be on my side if it happens, see if those demons still dare to try and scare me. See how demons fear look :stuck_out_tongue: Am i sounding crazy? lmao No honestly Kali ma looks like the being i was before trying to become all loving. I was a kind of a bad guy but deep within always had a heart. I would speak up for the weak ones if they were threatened by the stronger. Trying to weaken every situation a fight could develope from.

Anyway why exactly did i tell you that? :stuck_out_tongue:

Another thing ive figured is - it is pretty obvious to me that the more complicated things get the further away they are from the truth.

For example to get a hold of each element is not needed at all. The thought/feeling/believe of ‘this part of my body is already healed’ will combine all the elements needed for the operation to be successful. No need to first learn to compress them into the body, learn to how they feel seperately or stuff like that.

If you want to get the effect of feeling one of those elements inside you just think about the effect you want like ‘i want to feel light as air’. No need to study all the specific feelings and how they have been titled over the time from different persons trying to name what they felt. Just feel them and name them yourself. Better not name them at all, just rekognize the feeling(s). Taking names from others is again letting them suck you into their reality, or how they have tried to name what they have felt in their reality.

You want the clouds to go away, just put your will on that you want to see/feel the sun shining and after some time they will go away to provide you your will.
The only thing to avoid is doubt. It is like poison.

Now the whole day it was raining here, no sign of the sun. Before i started to write here i gave a strong will of how i want to enjoy the sun and just now it came through the sky full of clouds. Another time when i figured this was when i was chatting to a friend of mine who lives 5 kilometers away from me. I had the exact same thing happen. Pure sunshine here and she would ask ‘where the f are you?! everything is dark here…’

This is what i will train and it will build like muscles, slowly but definitely. The stronger i get the sooner things will happen. And specially its a very safe way to make things happen. Rather than playing around with forces your body might not be able to handle. Forces that eventually have their own conciousness and might not do what you want but rather like to fuck you up or atleast push you of curse so you dont learn those abilities yourself and instead ask them to do them for you. Really treat them like friends. If they are mad make them go back to source by your will. When you did that once or twice nothing will fuck with you anymore. Because they fear to be taken out of existence. The same as if you get threatened in the school by a bunch of faggots. Punch one or two of them in the face so they sit right on their butt and all the others will come and lick your arse. Keep being gentle and dont raise above your head and no bigger ones will feel the need to show you your border.

I had this one guy in school who were fighting about everyone. I didnt hit him back in that time (because i was scared that i would seriously hurt him if i do - maybe that can be seen as an excuse of mine but im confident it was not, i didnt really feel anything while he slapped me in the face). Also there was no reason for a fight. Right after that i went to him and asked why he did that, he said because i was looking at him a strange way. I was mad at this person until recently (like a few years ago) when i forgave him from deep within my heart in a meditation. I felt like a very big stone fell from my heart and i felt a lot more free then those 15 years i kept this inside me. I didnt realize that it would have such a big impact. I havent seen this guy for at least 10 years and 2 weeks after i forgave him ive seen him in the bus. I went straight to him greeting him. After a little conversation about what we made all the time we came to this fight and he kind of apologiesed for it saying he was all animalistic back then and that he changed a lot since. It was a good but strange feeling. Again me knowing i do form everything around me.

Since i encourage every of my surroundings to do the same. Most of them dont want to forgive their traitors as they feel them dont deserve it. They might dont deserve it but you deserve to not suffer from this anymore. You must not even go to him and forgive him physically. Just do so from deep within your heart to yourself and look whats happening. It is georgous to say the least. You feel so light as if you filled yourself with the air element. I strongly believe such hatings block the air element in you.

BTW: i love to finally express my findings and experiences to people who can follow and understand me. Until i found this forum i just had people who would declare me crazy for such findings :stuck_out_tongue: I was like all alone ‘up’ there studying life.

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Good post. The core of the “law of attraction” is to become the literal creator-god of your own reality, but so many people miss that fact and mistake it for “wishful thinking” - and yet it’s just about THE most powerful method out there, in my experience!

I don’t have time to dig out a bunch of links but try searching for Langer’s “counterclockwise” experiment - she made old men physically younger JUST by placing them in an environment that told them they were. They saw results in just one week - it’s astonishing stuff.[/quote]

The old men experiment sounds great. I need to try that out on myself.