anyone want to join togheter on this blue moon and do a ritual together at the same time just curious. maybe open a portal or something.
What you have in mind?
Yes I do. I am going to charge my gemstones that I never actually used and place some of them in a necklace that I will be wearing in the long run. I will be charging my circles and do some evocations on growth and the things that I desire the most. I will leave everything else for the whole night under the super moon!
Please elaborate on what you have in mind. I am willing to do a ritual together. By the way you just remembered me to open the gate found in the Kingdom of Flames by scrying through the dark sky! Thanks <3
I was thinking at the same time we all open a portal or gate. And draw energy, connect with each other, ect.
sorry I didn’t get your message until now it was late and I feel asleep
Nice, my skills aren’t that hightened yet but I’d love to participate. Were you planning on calling any spirits into the ritual? If so, might I suggest Lilith? I work with her directly and the Qliphoth.
yesss omg yesss call lilith she one of my favorite and around 9-10pm or around 11-12pm
Can you brothers tell Lilith to do something on my behalf ? I have never worked with her before
yeah sure I can what you want me to tell her or to tell her about you
Can you private message me bro ?
how do I do that lol
Bad news bro! I’m not gonna be able to participate tonight now because I fucked up royally. I was under the impression from what I read that the tri-moon wasn’t gonna occur until Wednseday night. Goddamn fucking news media can’t get shit right. Sorry bro!
So the blue blood moon is tonight right ???
From what I just read but not sure. Waiting for confromation from another blog on here.
Yup; it’s happening tonight. I’m fucked!!! Oh well!
Yup, just saw that a moment ago. I won’t cause I work 3rd shift unfortunatley. DAMN YOU LABOR SCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!
Sucks to be you bro great freaking timing, perhaps you should consider taking a day off event like this won’t happen every century you know
Oh trust me, I would if I could but considering that there isn’t a guarantee that I’ll be working a full-day Friday and with a trip to Missouri coming up to go and see Asenath Mason and Bill Duvendeck. Ugh! Damn it all! If I still had my bonus day though, and I put in the wrong freaking day to take off.
Yes, if someone could include this poor, broke, homeless bum in this…
The Super Blue Blood Moon Ritual!
Since I maybe just waking up in the homeless shelter around the time of the actual eclipse 2:51 - 6:08 a.m. PST which in my timezone is 5:51 - 9:08 a.m. EST. Can you include me in your ritual? Thank you.
Real name: PM me if you need it.
Birthdate: March 24, 1980 (Aries)
For the fiercest protection against danger, ruin, and catastrophe
For wealth, quality of life, and access to life essentials
For spiritual ascent, personal evolution, and raised awareness