Blood Magick

I have just started to use blood when I summon demons, and the response, as well as the presence is far more intense and physical. I am not sure if I am suppose to burn the sigils after I use them, putting the smoke out there in the universe, as a literal manifestation of my will going out there, or what, but when I burn one with blood on it, it creates a very powerful sensation that the will is far more charged. At least from my novice experience. And thank you Bran fro recommending the chest, I was having a hard time, haha.

Blood magick is nothing to take lightly… you’re signing a contract for all of eternity… I would avoid using blood magick unless there is no other choice and you NEED something to happen.

I can say that when something absolutely positively needs to be done, working yourself into a berserker type frenzy and cutting a long gash on your chest and performing an act of sorcery will raise thunderstorms and topple buildings to your will… but it really should be an absolute last resort… at least in my humble opinion.

Pain gnosis being one of the most effective and devastatingly powerful types of gnosis, coupled with the sheer significance of sacrificing one’s own life giving fluid puts certain forms of blood magick in the upper ehcelon of powerful sorcery techniques. That scar you have from your ritual is an everlasting signature for the act andcutting deep enough into your chest to actually draw blood and not just make a deep scratch shows your dedication. Honestly cutting a profusely bleeding gash in your chest is a lot harder than it sounds… As far as gaining more power in sorcery, I’d say its the most effective method i’ve found. I plan on having a few neat scars symbolizing the powers I’ve attained.


Blood can really add a punch to magic. My typical offering to demons after they’ve completed a work is a few drops of blood and some honey on their sigil.
I burn the sigil and scatter the ashes.
You can use blood to anoint candles, Skrying devices, whatever. If you use blood for offerings and such, make it as fresh as possible. Blood only retains it’s potency for a few hours after culling.

[quote=“Euoi, post:23, topic:162”]Blood can really add a punch to magic. My typical offering to demons after they’ve completed a work is a few drops of blood and some honey on their sigil.
I burn the sigil and scatter the ashes.
You can use blood to anoint candles, Skrying devices, whatever. If you use blood for offerings and such, make it as fresh as possible. Blood only retains it’s potency for a few hours after culling.[/quote]

What happens if you keep the sigil with the blood on it around? Does one need to burn it?

I wouldn’t keep it around. Burning it is both a way of changing the form of energy to let the demonic completely take it, and a way not to attract ants. If you want to keep the sigil around, I’d make it on wood and still use blood, but not honey.

[quote=“Euoi, post:23, topic:162”]Blood can really add a punch to magic. My typical offering to demons after they’ve completed a work is a few drops of blood and some honey on their sigil.
I burn the sigil and scatter the ashes.
You can use blood to anoint candles, Skrying devices, whatever. If you use blood for offerings and such, make it as fresh as possible. Blood only retains it’s potency for a few hours after culling.[/quote]


An easy way to collect good quantities of menstrual blood is for a woman to wear a "Diva Cup’ instead of tampon or pad you can even freeze the blood collected for future use.So men buy these for your women and ladies try them you’ll find less cramping and they are cheaper and more eco friendly than disposal products.

I wouldn’t use blood older than a few hours, especially frozen. Fresh if the best option since it retains much of the life force that is quickly lost.

In relation to Euoi’s comment, I find that 4 categories: 1) freshly “harvested” (ie just as it is taken out, and a moment or so), 2) from a few moments (after the feeling of connection to blood-removed lessens a bit. but still in the moment of that act) until it becomes …, 3) beyond ‘2’ where it is still “freshly” active, but distinct from the first or second… 4) blood that was either Frozen or Refrigerated, and then re-activated/awakened (whether it was in state ‘1’- ie right away vialed and but in cooler, or in state 2 or 3)… different uses and states…

5th) being from any of the above and “allowed” to decay-go-off (ie just vial and let sit, and then use the next day or so… gives a definite field that attracts certain uses, and not others)… which brings into account not only when “withdrawn” but how it ‘ages’ while used (espec if charged or attuned via being in a pattern, or in an evocation-E field, and then used for… in combo, etc.)

to relate to the above, something I’ve thought upon and felt there is a difference, but not Worked out is how ‘withdrawn’ (coming from A) ‘skin-tissue’ -ie not from the following, - is quite different from B) venous-tapping, or C) arterial-flow (just aiming for and carefully removing needle after- no wild slashes there- need avoid the vein to poke under, as well as nerves and such)…
vs D) menstrual blood (for me much less ewww of menstrual blood then tapped… both piercing my skin, or if spilled- seeing menstrual blood on bathroom floor (recent) is little reaction, and feels less strong, than if it were a skin-piercing=cut… which I can feel quite strongly… though that might be more the risk of it… <not to imply the use of is less strong, just the contact field>

The one things that BloodSorceryBible references is the difference of where the withdrawal is from (certain pts being better for different application-effects). -that along with the PreparationState (as Nereid refs of menstrual cycle, I’d reference in the few minutes prior to piercing)…

**I find the affect of Blood (altered by how/when it is removed) makes a big impact, but I’d not connect the substance to the slash-pain concept (different, not about the pain shock- more the chemical field)… compare the shock-gnosis of a wild cut (and how that might impact and contrib to magickal-field, and your results), to what is felt from a controlled and yet Artery-syringe removal of only a few ccs put into a plate .

and interact that with a summoned Energetic-portal field of “other” (sigil or talis or just Sooth-spoken declaration fore-site)

I agree with taokua,
with all but the exception of an “Artery-syringe removal”.
As an RN who worked in the ICU for many years with art lines, and subclavian lines and such, I am asking a question:
“So, how to you plan to stop the blood from the artery from squirting out?” Arterial Bp can reach quite high, 160/d, and at those rates it is difficult to contain due to the force of the bp and the lack of stasis to allow the blood cells and fiber to clot.
Just curious. I would suggest a pressure dressing for a short period of time and an assistant…

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-KristinaKarina, indeed (just the thought of tapping arterial-flow raises my BP even higher)…

not trying to imply that it is a non-issue), in the same way that venous-circ also is quite signif and different from what is usually done (and all lumped-together) tissue/micro-capillary- ie, just poke/scratch/cut and it bleeds, the paper-cut or lancet (having done some work- each of those componants seems to have a different “contribution” and one doesn’t need/want to use C4 to create a fire-cracker… but IF major-demolition is desired, then ‘perhaps’ C4 (and cautions related… but is it needed?)… and thus the risk and gathering, Might be Worth it.

even just relating to lancet pokes (a few drops) taken after spending 15mins breathing so that a Blood-O2 reader shows 100% (not sure the name of that equip, used a laser-clip one someone I know has per a lung-injury… she needs to be sure when o2 tank is needed, but 98%, vs 99%, vs 100% held for a bit seems signif mentally…

and putting say 5 ceramic-plates, one empty, one with a few blood drops having been in focused concentration (reading or writing a post like this, and breath-posture changes related), third having relaxed-centered-breathing… and say spending 10-15 mins vigorously exercising (or other… intense physio states) before drawing… and fifth ceramic plate with a chip of quartz crystal (just a broken piece- enough to have some of the blood on any of the other plates)… and the field of each of the 5 (compare contrast)… (if one has the ingredients, to have 2 more ceramic plates, and have another quartz-chip with some menstral-blood, and 7th plate with just the menstrual-blood… )

question- why so many options at once?, or why those arrangements?  just the sort of experiments that a group researching this might do (and have thereby an experience that is either clearly-distinct, or if it is "barely-there/not much" then forget that.. some people include Magickal-Elements that "should help" and "everybody knows you should also ___" or some list had this... but standing alone is it significant? (whatever that means) and then when combining- do they hinder or enhance the others- mix well- or just, I'm sure it does.. if you sense-feel (however) a few different things, tossing out the "mehs"...    then what is left

(to circle back: some use the term- blood, indistinguising how/where/when… etc. thus the careful phlebotomic (word? :slight_smile: piercing in a closed-controlled syringe to open to take a small-amount and then remove, such that the arterial-wall seals up again (not internal-bleeding), yeah big deal… <that becomes real, when opening a portal to Other_worldly energies to be-come present, is often imagined… so no big, if actual- that is also risky… but one can pretend, and still auto-suggest/Psi affect, etc… while poking the skin is a poke, no ambiguity.

Reminds me of the visual that is so popular in movies, the grab and squeeze the blade and pull it to slice-the palm (reason, movie-magic hide blood pack in hand? but even recent movies that “show” makeup deep hand-gash… and that image comes to mind…
but if using the blood as an “ingredient” (not to toss in a rootwork pot to mix, nor just to have the shock affect, but “does” the say shape of a sigil, just drawn and an “observer” look at it… does it grab their Mind? can a Sensitive feel something from a drawn (un’opened’ let alone ‘opened’) Just a different game… [easier to lump either yah or nah- next]

(and to reflect, even the grab&jab of a “careful-trained” blood-labworker seems much more careless than I am comfortable with… vs using the care and Attn one pays when removing a splinter, look in close, align the tool and gentle contact and “ease” it out of the skin, and gently disconnect with care (like the difference from a Massage-Therapist that walks up, grabs tissue does however long work-- even relaxing and just “stops”… vs the engagement, and controlled-pause of dis-engagement of contact, even if the Work-inbetween is deep-tissue… just as Opening a Portal and Contact, and closing can have the same slam, vs continuity, and work we ref here).
ok touches on a few issues, so there’s my comment (also reference the different depth-involvement of thought, more surface, vs consideration of each aspect and element involved or excluded). -my2cents

Well, here’s a little experiment that one might be interested in:

If you accept the premise of Dr. Emoto about Water and Consciousness, then it would be interesting to obtain samples of venous blood, arterial blood(be careful - one can exsanguinate quickly), and some menstrual blood and empower each with specific thoughts, then view them under a microscope.

Microscopes of the power needed are cheap to obtain at a children’s science shop. Also, bomex and other pyrex suppies are readily obtainable as well - in case there are any botanical extractors out there…

Then you could view and compare the results - there is probably a device/program to capture the image ( as in the following video), but I don’t know how expensive that is.

I live near a major sciences university, and I get many old text books for free at the dump. People drop off their old books in a little house, so as to recycle them instead of going to the land fill. Blank pages from old science lab books are good for recording results. Not to mention, brushing up on old biochem knowledge… fyi.

So here is Dr Emoto’s video, I add it at the end because I cannot control the size: [url=]Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto - YouTube

This is interesting stuff, if it hadn’t been seen before, there is a subtle-magic going on in the popularity of this sort of material; as unless one is creating a sort of sculpture (intending an affect on shape-pattern for aesthetics), then the question might be what one’s purpose is.
Much of the self-help-science-esoterics seems to have a little twist, like this work on water (as opposed to “water-work” ala one side-shoot of alchem-expers)… implication is that it affects/assists living tissue, but that isn’t what was tested. Also implies that a different shape makes events more favorable (using awkward wording to imply that thought-affect)… while IF one’s magick is to change one’s fortune to encounter good luck, to forcefully alter another’s thinking-process, even to have an opponent feel less-well (and subconsciously do all they can, auto-matically, to avoid future contact)… these are actual affects to one’s circumstances. [before I emphasized “IF one’s magick is to …” as perhaps one’s goals are not to make outward change, but if they are __,]

  • if inward change, how “measure” even subjectively- to notice over-time- consciousness development (like seeing pencil-marks on the wall of a gradeschooler’s top-of-the-head =height, ie see growth, dates, etc… while subj might not have noticed, but eventually it is enough to note, ah I’m taller… but growing taller happens (or doesn’t), while having better fdbk on one’s Consciousness growth helps one get on track to use the time one has.

(of course if_not seeking concrete outward-circum changes, nor distinct-inner-change-development… than whatever is left, one’s magick and the tools/methods used, whether blood/hemoglobin (warm or cooled), or incense, or just “focused nerve-energy” - whatever one’s goal is, the tools/method used would be evaluated on how well they are able to move towards that Purpose (and thereby how eval, how choose, how Empower).

interesting stuff- and putting it together (but not assuming that one needs to know what it “will look like” once it is discovered- I don’t mean that, as otherwise like all those that write-post about repeating idea-culture-system-patterns others have developed (the way it is, whether for generations, or whether in a single other book). Seeing a picture that might click (AHA) and arise as the Puzzle-Pieces Assm… what might be ReVealed(?)

For example,
I wonder what water crystals would look like before treatment with cedarwood oil to create Florida water, and after?

I’ve done some blood magick in rituals. I found that it’s fairly painless to draw blood using the blood lancet gun used by diabetics. It’s cheap, sterile, and surprisingly quite painless. Since it’s spring loaded, as soon as you hit the trigger, you’re finger is pricked quickly and painlessly. If you need to draw a lot of blood out for writing out spells, you don’t need to prick yourself a half dozen times. You could simply take an aspirin to thin out your blood and you’ll bleed much more easily and profusely.

Temporal, I used to use that. Now I use a razor to make little cuts on the wrist. My issue with the lancets was not enough blood, I guess I was doing it wrong.

I just pop aspirin for a couple days before hand and then use the lancets. Last time was using blood to charge my rune set, I had to make 3-4 jabs to do them all.

As I understand it, blood is a gate to opening a Sigil. Life is contained in the blood. Therefore, you are providing the entity with a pass through. Please correct me if you have found otherwise.

As far as obtaining your blood, a blood sugar checker kit from your local pharmacy will work fine. Don’t cut yourself. It is entirely unnecessary.

I have found the same. When using blood you are giving life to the operation. You are giving “life” to the entity, in away it is like giving them permission to fully step into this side of reality.

I have my own theories about why some don’t need blood. For instance I have heard of times when the Loa or godforms just pop right next to someone, possessing bodies of their own and doing whatever they please.

I think it is because these spirits live here. Earth (and other places) is as much their home as it is ours.

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