Black dog in dream

I had a dream where a black Pomeranian dog visited me.
The dream took place outside this brown building where I was playing with the dog, which then ran off to this witch in black, i decided ti follow it since i felt wary, then a witch called Marilynn Kerro started sniffing and asked if i could her the birds chirping, i couldn’t but still said yes, i then went to look up and the witch came back and had the dog on a leash and was holding a box which i thought were filled with bones for whatever reason, anyway at the end there were three people looking at me.
i know that black dogs are associated with death and change in dreams but i was hoping to get more answers out of it, who and what did i see?
any ideas?
thanks ;p

i just noticed how unorganised and messed up that paragraph is but after the dog ran to the witch, she led him somewhere and as i was about to chase after them the other witch i mentioned Marilynn stopped me to ask about the birds, it wasn’t until after she asked that the witch in black and the dog came back
just to clarify!

Black dogs don’t necessarily mean death they mean a big change is about to occur. Bones usually mean spiritual development. The witch asking you about the birds could symbolize that you need to develope your clairaudience so you can hear new messages that you will receive. Three people looking for you can symbolize three aspects of yourself that you’re trying to connect. Such as your past self, present self and future self.


wow, thank you so much !

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@vayon no problem :slight_smile: keep on going things will start clicking in place soon.

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I had a dream where a black dog try’s to attack me but there was another black dog defending me :man_shrugging:

@Emeraldtablets Your Dream Can Symbolise A Decision You Have To Make. Choose the same self destructive path not learning from the past and repeating the same mistakes. Or Choose To Defend & Heal yourself. Learn from the experiences and grow into a new version of yourself.