Gonna try to be brief because people can’t seem to understand when I’m not.
My people used to do a form of demonolatry before being colonized. Stop.
When I and my elder brother were kids, we didn’t realize we were following the old way in connecting with local spirits and other such things. Stop.
This was before the internet. Stop.
We even had a black and white TV for part of the time. Although other folks did have color. We were just poor.
Anyway, so my brother connected with a spirit who said his name was “Miya Kyana”. My brother told me this literally meant “life and death”. And the demon revealed to my brother a sigil, and my bother would wear this sigil everywhere.
I remember my father being very upset when he realized we’d gotten this sigil. Very upset. But my father’s been around the block a few hundred times so I dunno.
Then my brother went to jail and now we’re estranged. For the best, I promise. That was a couple of lifetimes ago anyway.
Anyway. Over the years I’ve always known I had a deep connection with M’och. My ehr… husband for lack of a better term. And now I’m married to a man who has certain memories, and we’re just like okay. You’re M’och. Got it. I have so many theories on what it means, but I figure if I find out no one’s gonna care so whatever.
But the other day I stumbled across a page, a lonely page, that revealed the sigil of… Och Rochs. Which is the symbol my brother wore. Exactly.
Maybe my brother got it from a book… although… we didn’t really have access to much in the woods like that.
And I just dunno what to make of it really. I’ve tried to find more than the 4 pathetic lines I can find on the 'net but no luck. I need to know more. Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (grabs tea, drinks it, wanders off)