I have been dreaming of a few symbols. One for a very long time and actually found it on a friends page… The finding of this symbols is just like finding a pair of pants. Didn’t surprise me any to find it is the symbol of Melek Taus. But the other symbol I can not find. I dont know if its in the order it should be. Meaning I dont know if its right side up or upside down. It has been shown to me from different angles. It looks like a flat line with another line coming down the middle of it and forming three hooks with arrow tips on them. Has anyone seen this type of symbol and who could it belong to.
Like a four-spoked wheel with prings at the ends?
That seems familiar.
No like it is flat… then antoher line comes down off it (kind of like a cross but not) then three hooks come off it with arrow tips. I have seen this with feathers (peacock) to be exact and water. I have seen it in a mirror so I am not sure what way its suppose to face. I just dont know where to look. I cant find anything on it.
Maybe even trident looking in an essence?
Can you draw it?
sort of… I am no artist but you can get the drift… BRB Ill draw it and take a pic and upload it
These are similar. I see it in different angles like I said. the tops some times are feathers, blank areas and other things…
Personally I don’t recognize them but if I come across something that matches I will post it.
thanks. Its coming more and more frequent so, anything or any topic would help.
More Melek Taus (the black flame).
Nicely done @levilevi
Ya that is the other one, this one I found and with no suprise actually - Hes been with me for a while now. the one I tried to draw is ad adaption I think of this but something more. Unless the images are being distorted in my mind. This one was with peacock feathers the three lines up were three of the eye feathers (which would make sense) the other one the barbs (so they seem) are hooked.
and I at first I assumed its Lilith but I cant correlate any symbol of hers that match with this symbol. She sends me definite things.
I’m unaware of any symbol associated with Lilith that matches that description
I have found that these entities often send things that are either not intended for them, but rather for you to contact something else. I’ve also had them send me stuff that isn’t meant for me at all, but for me to pass on to other people.
That said, you mentioned peacock feathers in the design that you were trying to transcribe. That would certainly speak to it being Melek Taus-related.
It does seem like variations of the same thing. Perhaps to help contact other aspects of him. Just putting that out there for consideration
I think, in the beginning he announced himself to be Melek then has since let his self be really known. I have had quite a few contacts with him in a couple different aspects of himself. The Lucifer aspect really has taken over to be honest.
Something really cool happened one day. I was worried about some issues I am having and thought what am I going to do. He put both of his hands on my back and held them there for a few seconds. At first, it did startle me. I turned around and said Dont do that… I heard a chuckle… he simply just said, I got your back.