Binding/Tying/Linking someones chakras to yours?

Air and Earth, Breath and Legs.

I can’t find this book or the author. Do you have a link?

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Do you know how to do it?

seems like an interesting idea if done with someone who is emotionally and mentally stable otherwise that sounds like asking to catch an STD lol. Chakras are easily affected by the emotional and mental state of the person insecurities and so forth.

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Yeah, i wouldn’t do that if i were you.

When your infatuation with them wears off and you realize they’re only human, you’ll be stuck to them.

But hey, it’s your life…

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I’m doing a bit of an experiment atm with a similar concept. The connection is very obvious to the caster ( huge energy boosts, occasionally peering into memories related to the working etc.)
The person I’m working with isn’t naturally attracted to other people, so their reaction has been less. It’d be interesting to see how it works on an average person. Managed to repeatedly disturb their sleep when the connection was first formed.
You can break the connection fairly easily too. No different to dispelling any other energy really.


So how your chakra experience happened?